They were mostly for the drakonids and the dragonspawn that actually lived in Valdrakken prior to the Isles being accesible again.
Try reading what I wrote because I explain what I mean clearly and repeteadly throughout this thread, and it seems like most others at least understand what I’m saying.
If you don’t, then…ok?
Frankly, I find posts that dismiss analyzing the stories of the game and the franchise as a whole as a “pointless endeavour” to be both dry and…sort of ironic? This is the Story Forum. We are here to discuss the story. If your go to for every single discussion is going to be “the writing is bad because the writers are bad” then why even be here.
Even ignoring any argument of quality and saying we shouldn’t because at its core Warcraft is a franchise for children and teens also seems very myopic. The Lorax is a children’s poem book and its content and overall message is considered controversial for a lot of people in a certain part of the political spectrum.
Nah I got what you mean. But you asked Blizz to show what they stand for.
They stand for showing Q4 growth to shareholders.
Americans are weird we do this thing where we get mad at corporations instead of the neoliberal capitalist hegemony.
You’re officially my hero.
I hope you realize how painful that is for me to admit, as a blood elf.
To hazard random ideas and make fun of it.
That’s nice. Why not stick to that if you find this subject to be so boring?
Not worth it. Just block like I did. Folks like that are clearly not interested in a good faith discussion and they’re not good at being subtle about it.
I want this tramp-stamped on my character in Thalassian.
If it makes you feel better, behind this pissed off night elf lady there’s also an even more pissed off goblin player.
I would switch characters but the forums are not being cooperative right now.
Because I’m curious at what OP is getting at.
As the implication seems to be CDev thinks slavery was cool because they didn’t think through the implications of fairytale society.
I do think they need to do their due diligence when painting factions with the aesthetics of IRL cultures. But these are reptillian centaur gardeners.
I’m not sure what implicit bias is leaking out here.
Ok so it’s NOT just me. I changed my name to Zilidar days ago but for some reason it won’t update and I can’t switch my character XD
If makes you feel any better, I accidently deleted Rah here ingame but I can still post on the forums. I got like 11 hrs before I can restore the character and I’m terrified of switching characters until I can get Rahkari character back.
Omg I clicked on a hidden reply and saw this:
How much projection must you be doing to even for a MOMENT think that thats what I’m trying to say??? The whole point of this thread is that Blizzard is afraid to lean into the political aspects of the story THEY created, and that they often accidentally wind up coming off as tone deaf and childish when they try to ignore it. XD
The whole reason I find this hilarious is because I think it’s mostly accidental. I don’t think for a split second that these mealy-mouthed moderate liberals would ever purposefully imply that slavery is okay.
What insanity!
Pot. Meet kettle.
Edit: Dont bother replying. I learned my lesson. I won’t read it
Preach! Maybe Blizzard will realize what you’re saying and stop sucking on their own feet.
You said;
And previously asked them to;
So. Not sure where the exaggeration comes from.
Speaking of projection…
Sucking on their own feet is such a good way to put it.
But what makes it worse is that they do it so smugly. Like, if they didn’t infantilize their own story, the audience would be too stupid to understand.
Again, like Benediktion, it’s the pot calling the kettle black.
Every time Alexstrasza speaks, I feel this way. You put it so perfectly XD
To be fair, they did lean into it.
They just are not going to lean into it far enough to dramatically change things because they dont have time foe that.
The whole questline where we stop a potential Drakanoid rebellion was them addressing the whole caste system and what it means for the flights and the answer was “Dragonkin arent slaves, but dragons need to do better about treating them as equals”.
Thats pretty much it. Blizzard isnt wont to try and do a dramatic upheaval on their entire dragon society thing, especially not in the expansion where they are trying to actively reestablish them.
In fact part of me feels like that whole plotline only exists at all because people on this forum (but most likely twitter) brought it up and writers decided to throw their Blizzard style bone at it.
Of course! And that makes me wonder why they changed the lore on dragonspawn in the first place
All they had to do was leave well enough alone. But these writers are just convinced that everything Warcraft did before they got here was somehow inferior, yet their ideas almost always end up being far more embarrassing.
I’m looking at you, Nipple-Man.
Sorry it was in my edit;
They saw people call dragonkin a slave race and decided to say “no they arent”.
And i honestly feel that was the extent of their thinking.
Yep. I honestly think this is what it was. They had no idea what they were doing when they retconned the Dragonspawn.
They were just trying to insert their own “brilliant” writing into the mix.
The obvious “subtext” is that just as the titans “uplifted/enslaved” the dragons, the dragons inherited the sins of their fathers by doing the same to the dragonspawn. These hacks think they’re so smart! XD
And then they accidentally created super-eugenics and a “middle-ground” between genetic slavery and emancipation XD