Drake fang talisman loot priority

If you look at that list of evidence, which you won’t because sad kitty…

You can see the trinkets the top top top most top warrior has…


And I would wager all my gold that if you looked to all the warriors on the first page. The vast majority would have…


So who should get DFT? The class with the highest potential. That’s who.

Sad kitty needs some warm milk.

I see you typing my sad kitty. I know, I know…you try REALLY hard to prove how great kitty deeps is.

The reality is…it just isn’t.

Actually no only like ~30% have dft, the majority use a mix of HoJ, BHB, DFlask. You literally didn’t even look at the link you gave me kek


Heres a link for you, here you see ~80+% of the druids here have DFT and I guarantee out dps you. Its almost like their raid leaders/LC think that they deserve it on equal prio with rogues as it is a bigger raid dps upgrade :slight_smile: whereas to a warrior who needs Rank 14, Hakkar Neck, QSR, and CoAF to be able to get any meaningful upgrade out of it which in the end is still a lower dps increase than giving it to a feral or rogue. Keep talking like you know things

Sad warrior needs more brain.

Just like yours, waiting on those logs.

Thanks for proving my point yet again.

Logs are (as I’m sure you know) a product of your raid environment. What that means is that your performance individually is tied into how your raid performs as a collective.

What that means my sad cat, is that if you look closely at your top top top most top kitty dps…his ranking within his raid/guild environment is 9th place behind 8 of those warriors we know you love who just do it better.

//classic. warcraftlogs. com/reports/ygtAVNYh3Dw7jMx9#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=81758&end=1521485&type=damage-done&targetclass=Boss

AND if you look at the top warrior within that guild’s dps…he’s got himself a DFT!

//classic. warcraftlogs .com/reports/ygtAVNYh3Dw7jMx9#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=81758&end=1521485&type=summary&source=39

And if you look at the BiS for gear for warriors come P5 HoJ is waaaaaaaaayyyyyy down on that list.

//docs. google. com/spreadsheets/d/1YXJpasqqodeq9B4jeUZDP9khFQf5QocyMby6moydJWk/htmlview?usp=sharing#

And I could tell ya exactly why that is as to how hit becomes more valuable as your crit percentage goes up but I think you already know why that is.


Sad sad experiment. I don’t get out dps’d by cats. I just don’t. You could put the both of us in the same guild and I’ll just smash you two ways til Sunday.

The only item in this game that could possibly keep you competitive with me isn’t a DFT. It’s the pummler. That’s it. That’s your one ace. And it comes with 3 charges. So make em count!

Giving druids a DFT is like putting a spoiler on a tricycle.

So what you’re saying in this top competitive raid environment you say feral sucks but in this Feral DPS is doing middle of the pack damage of Fury Warriors whilst also providing 4 of them 3% crit, and a brez for vael?. You’re example literally just proved you wrong, where is the bottom of the barrel no matter what you tell me. ALL of these fury warriors are top tier and geared top tier, why isn’t the feral sitting at the bottom of the dps charts.

And if you look at 70 of the 100 TOP FURY PARSES none of them have dft buddy why not look at the top logs instead of a specific cherry picked parse which still disproves your bottom barrel dps theory.

This is phase 4. So
1.Diamond Flask
ALL warriors have their Number 1 Trinket and still the majority without Dft still somehow manage to make it to the top 100 parses?

Then link them logs buddy instead of talking so big.

I find it funny you say this its like this its almost like its completely irrelevant to the discussion and a core part of our kit and dps makeup.
Its like me saying ‘The only thing thing that keeps warriors > everyone else is worldbuffs, so don’t die.’ Like tough luck buddy MCPs are in the game.

Again im just gonna /ignore unless you wanna man up and link those logs that will smash me two ways till sunday.

Maybe you will hit >1.5k dps on vael one day buddy :smiley:

1.5 on Vael? I’ve done that WITHOUT world buffs.

Anyways…the entire point of logs being a product of your raid environment means that it’s really hard to compare how good or bad 1 person is based on their logs in comparison to someone else from another guild environment.

A warriors dps logs are tied directly into how fast a guild can down a boss. So if you really want to grade how good or bad a player is, you compare their logs to that of their guild peers.

That’s why it was so obvious that when I looked into your top kitty dps and compared him to his peers he’s getting destroyed by the warriors there.

But you are a silly kitty, you haven’t realized that yet.

There is no difference between P4 to P5 with regards to hit stacking once someone gets to 50 percent crit. Which is incredibly easy to do with those world buffs you hate.

And seriously…drop the whole “warriors are OP because they have world buffs!” idiocy.

If we both died and we both lost world buffs…I’m still out dpsing you. And it’s not because of world buffs being op. It’s because of diamond flask being OP AND because bloodthirst having a linear increase in damage tied directly to AP. That’s what makes warriors shine so gd much.

There is no plateau to BT. The more AP we have the harder that’s going to hit. Guess which trinket has a ton of AP?

(pssst…rhymes with drake fang talisman)

Druids are crap. But thanks for the 3 percent crit, we appreciate it! Now step aside and allow us to do the heavy lifting.

Silly billy.

Lul. Not even remotely true. And you’ll have hard evidence of that next week when guilds start their “no world buff runs” and warriors are still steamrolling other classes damage.

Yea I know how threat works. My point is… if you have 2 tanks doing comparable threat, but one does 400 dps and one does 1600+, why in the world would you use the 40p dps tank (outside of luls, friends etc,)

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I parse purple most of the time, and seeing as I’m mediocre at best and haven’t cared about parsing at all I’d say yea purple is middle of the road.

Your parses are how you compare to other druids.

Our guild has a freaking ret pally who 99s and yet he’s nowhere to be found on the meters.

He probably thinks he’s “ace” but top of the pile of garbage is still garbage.

Bring 3% crit is irreverent to the conversation, hunters bring true shot so are you going to argue on their behalf too?

Dft is a warrior bis item, but like you said before warriors need world buffs. It’s more about world buffs than any specific item. Just because they made from page without dft doesn’t mean they wouldn’t of ranked higher with it.

And if a cat doesn’t have world buffs and a similarly skilled warrior doesn’t, he beats the cat all day every day. Warriors scale well with world buffs but they aren’t the only ones that fall off a cliff lol. They are still 20% better than druids without buffs if druids don’t have it either.

After the tanks, should go to the physical tank/dps with the highest DKP, whoever that is. Because if you’re carrying someone not worth giving it to, they shouldn’t be there in the first place. A feral tank is worth giving it to, provided you don’t suck. And I’m assuming you don’t.

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The difference is that the bear takes neigh no items compared to a full fury prot, again the difference is the raw dps and cleave in speedruns, when the majority of your raid is Rank13-14 then gearing the tank and warriors respectively becomes a none issue.

Also you clearly don’t understand how threat works on bears or you wouldn’t be putting the dude before down on for a relatively above average bear parse for doing low raw dps, it’s almost like it’s one of the two hallmark drawbacks of that specific Spec, the other being heavily rng affected opening threat and it’s pretty agreed upon that bears < warriors speedruns and bear =/> warriors progression for non top tier progression/early farm.

3% crit x4 is a measurable AP boost greater than and more reliable than true shot aura, and was completely relevant to him ranting about cat bottom of the barrel dps when that cat is competing with top tier warriors without factoring in the 3% crit which is valued even higher due to the gear/skill dft is also a rogue and a Druid BIS item and both rogues and cats scale linearly with flat all/strength due to shred. Hunters are not an apt comparison as at that level they just don’t do as much raw dps and instead bring pulls, kiting and tranq to the table.

The dude on his retail alt spouting how no good warrior could ever be out dpsed by a feral no matter what is wrong. If they’re bringing a feral that competes with the warriors in their raid then it means they would in all honesty have higher prio to an item like dft due to the mediocrity of epic pvp set (only 2-3 pieces) useable max.

Anyhow the mage alt dude just wants to trash on a an entire spec to make himself feel better for playing by far the best class in classic and doing mediocre dps which is why he’s afraid to link logs to a 1.5h clear feral lmao.

(wbuffs increase crit, crit=more rage more rage = more damage) so they get more value from that crit compared to anyone else so that large gap will be substantially smaller and warriors found themselves being carried by world buffs (not top tier speed run guilds) will find themselves oft middle of the pack without worldbuffs. Warrior original main drawback was meant to be lack of rage generation to supplement their high damage and worldbuffs completely take it away so yes they’re completely unbalanced and overpowered compared to any non rage class with wbuffs.

Oh look I’ve read your stuff and I totally agree with many of your points, but I was alluding to the crit doesn’t count because if we’re talking about handing something out I disagree with the idea of adding buffs or auras as extra reasons. It’s part of the class and is a great buff but not really something that should be factored into a decision to give someone an item or not because every class has something they bring too.

My main point is to not give gear purely based on class. If the druid is a better player than the warriors like the one you linked then he should get it before them but not because he’s a druid but because he’s a good player.

Colossal agree.