I just got DFT tonight! Spent several months worth of DKP, but it was worth it.
Then show us how much of a gamer you are in your top speedrunning guild?
Bro did you look at his profile? Those are Bear parses, he is a tank…
If you are a good bear/cat and aren’t in a super sweaty speedrun guild full of nerds you have a pretty good shot at getting a dft. If your guild looks at a “prio list” for loot without any other consideration they are morons NO OFFENSE
Purple, pretty much definition, is not middle of the road for any class since classes are compared against themselves and purple means doing better than 75% of all others of that class and role combo on that particular encounter. You must live by Lake Wobegon, where all the children are above average.
Feral parses are different, tons of Offtanks get counted as Cat DPS, as well as a high percentage of trash ferals, ~75-85 is middle of the road for feral.
Is that really what passes as a good bear tank parse? Because our war tanks do literally 4x his dps, and we dont even speed run.
I love how people like to talk sh it about other’s parses while they hide behind their level 16 alt.
Bunch of cowards that can talk smack but obviously know they can’t back it up.
Bro. It’s not about me or you. Understand this reality. If we were in the same guild and you were out performing me? It’s not because you are good. It’s because I was bad.
Warriors do not get out performed by druids. Go look at any top parse of damage. Warriors and rogues for days. And now in part 5 we will see mages and locks in there. Go look at any raid comp for speed runs. You are not meta. There is nothing unique or special about you.
The only thing you can do to kinda keep up, is to farm that pummler. That’s it. That’s your one trick. And if you are not willing to do that? Then you are garbage tier. And if by some miracle your garbage tier was out performing a warrior? Then that warrior is the problem.
DFT is wasted on druids.
If you can’t objectively look at two players with varying levels of gear and figure out who is better or if they are the same then you shouldn’t be part of the team making the decision. You can tell the difference between two rogues based on casts of spells or two different classes by what damage you might expect from them. Saying someone needs gear because they are less geared is an asinine thing to say.
Yes, Bears have a % multiplier on threat for Maul (main/basically only tps ability). So whilst doing a DPS of ~541 in a mix of mit/tps gear on average a bear will output ~1451 TPS. Greater than or equal to a fury prot popping Deathwish but their ‘cooldown’ lasts for 1.5 minutes.
The funny thing is that without Worldbuffs warriors become a middle of the road dps instead beating everyone even if just face mashing.
Or both maybe?
Still waiting on those logs pal but keep trash talking behind a retail alt, seeing how you think the utility a feral brings to the table is ‘healing’ and not innervate, brez (for spergs like you) it’s clear you have no clue what you’re talking about.
Its litterally all warriors, almost no rogues , anyhow if you think a feral will ruin your 2 hour clear dad guild then enjoy man.
Top speedrun guilds have all warriors get to rank 14 to be able to not have loot/dps problems, can you say the same?
Again show me those big logs for all this big talk
Sounds like the cat in your guild that out dpses you got dft and you’re mad
“I’m a super doooper drood!”
classic. warcraftlogs. com/zone/rankings/1002)
You picked a garbage tier class to dps with. If you are beating anyone in your guild with a brown label, they are terrible!
The jury has deliberated. There is really only 1 class who deserves this trinket prio.
And it ain’t druids.
When did I say I was a top tier super druid?
Its funny because by the way you ignore someone asking you for logs you must be terrible as well xD.
And seeing by how ashamed of your top tier warrior dps it ain’t you either buddy.
Anyhow keep telling yourself how cooler you are for doing bottom pack dps, but atleast you picked a fury warrior aye? Enjoy fighting the 20 other furys for loot if your guild is as top tier elitist as your attitude implies ;D
“I’m gonna show everyone by doing my sooper doooper bestest on a garbage tier class!”
You picked to race the formula 1 with a honda civic.
That’s a you problem. Not a me problem.
Gosh some people talk so much trash and act so elitist when its clear they’re ashamed of how terribly they play the most overpowered class in a 15 year old game. Was Hstrike queuing too hard for you buddy?
I do just fine my dood.
I don’t get out dpsed by drooods.
The question of this thread was “Loot priority for DFT” And I think the warcraft logs have answered that question loudly.
Then show us
Prove it
What you mean the logs where 20 of one class stack rank 14 and zug zug the boss? Yes that must be the majority of the population.
Still waiting on proof to back up your big talk on a druid never out dpsing a good warrior like you
I don’t have to prove anything, my dude. The thread asked the question, who should get loot prio for DFT.
The logs answered the question.
It aint druids.
Druids are garbage tier/bottom of the list experiments.
Pretty sure its the other way round, warriors are garbage design with rage generation from crit and wbuffs being extremely unbalanced.
Seeing how after I made a valid point and an arguement you went on a condescending rant making druids and their players out to be literal brainlets whilst also spouting out incorrect information and misrepresenting what others have said im not sure.
Again wheres those logs big man?