I think most people like myself are tired of the garbage blizzard promises and never follows through. The content & game they used to provide was top notch and now it is utter garbage.
-7 minute que times for bgs to only be steam rolled/camped at the gy due to improper pvp gear balancing or unbalanced teams.
-unbalanced event with ret paladins that caused many people to be like “wtf is PTR for” if blizzard thinks its appropriate to roll this garbage out, clearly shows they do NO testing of any changes
-poor content
-unbalanced factions/servers
-cant differentiate between setting standards in raid dungeons for damage metrics vs WPVP, 99% of the time they make adjustments to classes for “pve purposes” and it ruins the class’s playstyle in pvp
-when there is tuning, they pigeonhole people to have to play a specific spec in pvp to be “viable”
-Clearly no one on the development team nor management plays wow, nor care about making the game actually good quality. It’s time they drain the swamp and get people who actually know how to “tune” & fix.
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