Dragonwrath Acquisition Rate Adjustments - Updated Nov. 4

It impacts all 10 mans as it increases how fast staffs are acquired, before this it would have been what 8 weeks before a single staff could be formed in 10 man?

This is just one of those cases where there’s no perfect balance between 10 and 25 man.

which is perfectly fine you guys would have had your 3 staffs before DS launches now its faster for 25man guilds to run 3 10man raids and get 9-13 staffs in 12 weeks

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And 25 mans still have a massive advantage in every other slot.

Not seeing a problem.


You will run out of casters to give the items to and if you get more casters, because you are so caster heavy, they will all want the same items and you’ll have basically none of them.

2.5 items per boss would translate to 3.5 items per week, that means you are trading 12+ 391 items for 1 staff that by the end of the tier, you’ll have too many of, the buff is a failure without the secondary buff

10 man needed 2.5 items per boss like 3 months ago, its insane we’re at this point and now we’ve got this


The staff drops don’t replace other loot drops.

my point is they buffed the staff when they should have buffed the loot and left the staff as it was, they didn’t really solve anything, unless you have a raid of 4+ casters, by the end of the tier, you will be doing Dragon Protocol Ultra heroic dungeons to get pieces you should have gotten 2 months ago


Right this doesn’t change the general loot situation for 10 mans, it’s just an improvement for one slot for a few raid members.

Which is better than nothing but also means it’s completely nonsensical for 25 man players to complain about it since as you noted they still have a much better situation. Like I’m really not seeing the freak out other than pure pettiness.

10 mans will get staffs slower but will get all they need sooner, 25 mans will gets staffs faster but will take longer to fully equip everyone who wants one.


Nice, that didnt take long. So youre just a scumbag as everyone else that you hate when it comes to this issue.

Except when it was the other way around it was fair, hence 25man have 25ppl and 10m difficulties are usualy a joke. But lets ignore that because that suits your argument, dont present anything yourself of value…just post some vile vindictive mean stuff to make everyone know how you dont give a :poop: about anybody when the wind breeze your way.

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Imma get my alt alt a legendary staff

You need to buff the 25 Man rate then too, how is a 10 Man with 3-4 Casters getting 4 staffs working on the 5th which means a healer will be getting one. The 25 Man 5 staffs for it’s what 12 odd casters is fine?

Increase the rate for 25 Man or you will see more 25 Mans going to 10 or people just leaving the game again.

25 Man Guild goes into 3 x 10 Mans = 9 - 12 Staffs
25 Man Guild stays 25 Man = 6 Staffs


all of these arguments are senseless. Instead of being upset about 10m getting an adjusted acquisition rate, we should instead be asking for 25man’s to have adjustment too. That an extended Firelands phase, with only 7 bosses is going to get OLD very quickly, and the answer to that was not to extend the phase but tweak loot acquisition rate slightly for 10man, and staff acquisition rate for both 10m and 25m. We shouldn’t be upset that 10m is getting a benefit, we should be upset that 25man isn’t, hopefully people understand the nuance of what i’m trying to say.


Ppl wilding in here. Giving 10m a much faster rate of staff acquisition is a serious threat to 25m recruitment. That’s all there is to it. Cata is shedding players, recruiting is competitive as a result. Non-staff eligible classes may prefer the faster gear rate of 25m but even then at the rate it’s going out in 10m, you can expect to get an alt in and get a “free” staff in later weeks.

Me, I’m fine with putting the staff on a vendor for 50g. It’s a toy in a 15 y.o. game. Let ppl have fun.


I genuinely don’t understand why it has to be 10m vs 25m and not, yknow… the same rate of acquisition relative to size…?

Literally why are any of you goofs making it 10m vs 25m why is this necessary. I dont get it someone please make this make sense. Why does or why should one raid size have a distinct advantage over the other?


People are making it like that.

I asked for 10 and 25 to be the same. But no… there has to be a difference otherwise 25 man dies.

I can’t wait for flex raiding honestly.

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If the only reason 25M is alive is faster staves then it clearly deserves to die.

Make all raiding 10M and now no one has to go through the pain of running 25M, which apparently is misery according to 25M raiders.

Like are all your guilds just souless raid teams with a bunch of loot gremlins? As soon as the odds turn a little bit its just gonna die? Seems sad tbh.


10m players complain about 2 pieces of loot vs 5 in 25m? 25m players tell them to get f’d.

10m players complain that the staff taking 9-12 weeks was too long? 25m players tell them to get f’d.

10m players complain about 10m heroic bosses being overtuned compared to 25m? 25m players tell them to get f’d.

Blizzard makes it much faster to get the staff in 10m? 25m players cry about it like 25m is suddenly going to be finished because they can’t have their cake and eat it too. Hilarious.

You’re getting faster staves than before, you’re getting 5 pieces of gear per boss. Stop whining. Deal with it. Move on.

When everyone is rocking a legendary cloak in MOP and 25m is STILL getting more loot than 10m you’ll STILL find things to complain about because you’ll sit there stroking yourselves off in a ‘25m is so much better’ jerk just like now.

Plenty of 25m players were laughing about 10m wanting faster staves, telling everyone to get good, just do 25m, that 10m is useless. Well, this is what you get, and seeing everyone crying about it has been the funniest thing this week.


its really funny how the 10 man people are acting now - the mask is really off, they will complain and complain that blizzard are ignoring them and how something is unfair, and they’ll get argued with in their thread with logic, as in, you can’t have 3 items because that’s more than 25 man

well now they have probably the most lobsided decision in the history of wow given to them, inexplicably they are given what is basically double drop rates for absolutely no reason whatsoever and there is basically no logic behind it at all, its bizarre, i didn’t want to believe it but they are really grown men who’s sole purpose on this forum is to make hundreds of posts that are all about them getting more wow items

the funny thing is, the buff kinda still sucks, you will get to your staff milestones maybe 2-3 weeks faster but you are still stuck with 2 items per boss, why on earth would they buff the staffs and not the actual standard loot, as soon as dragonsoul comes out you will be back to square one only this time there’ll be that “oh well u got an extra staff in firelands so this is your life now” troll in every thread

Blizzard if you ever read this thread, just buff the 10 man loot to have a chance at 3, its miserable and its going to stay miserable unless you are building a staff, the “its better than 25 man” doesn’t matter anymore because its already better than 25 man, just give them the 3 items 50% of the time. Really doesn’t make any sense not to


Okay but it’s still better than not having it at all so…

It’s just absolutely hilarious how triggered some 25 players are getting over it when like you said it doesn’t really change anything in the over all loot equation between 10 and 25 man.


we’re just celebrating the wrong decisions at this point, i’m just completely baffled how or why they got it so wrong, maybe they can still redeem it by actually adding to the standard 10 man loot table before it goes live, we’ve gotten legendary staves given to functionally the entire raid group before they add loot to the mode.

This same problem is going to keep being a problem for all of 10 mans life unless they fix it, the staves really are a bandaid. 4 sets of rogue daggers per 10 man doesn’t really have the same effect


This is such an obvious mistake… buff the drop rates on 25 too or it incentivize guilds to spit into two 10 man groups.