Dragons are suppose to be cool

I’m coming from watching you compare apples to oranges. Try not to get offended by logic so quickly.

No??? I don’t??? He was never scary LOLOLOLOL. If anything, that cinematic was hilarious with how GOOFY the models always look up close. How am I supposed to feel anything when I can’t stop laughing at how terrible the cinematics look lmaoooo.

Dragons are automatically cooler than Malfurion because you are comparing a stupid elf to a DRAGON.

Right about…?

Huh. A misused analogy and projection.

“Irony sure can be pretty ironic sometimes.” - Buck Murdock, Airplane II

It makes for lame, uninspiring “heroes”, but I can at least deal with the emo crap.
What I can’t deal with is all the characters that act like actual soyjaks. There’s nothing more unsexy than a manchild.

This is how WoW writing works now. It is styled after soap operas rather than epic myths and legends. I blame Steve Danuser, because everything he writes has that feeling.

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Idk, I’ve enjoyed the story so far and extremely hyped after the new cinematic. Nozdormu looks incredible as Murozond.

Well first name 1 cooler or epic move than the roots sttangling that orc, or eating the belf healadin or threatening the troll that the aspects have done in every cinematic in DF? Frik it, include cata too :rofl:
2nd how about all the cinematics i mentioned in an earlier post in this thread. Lol its so lame how theyve done em that it sad

I dunno what coolaid u folks are drinking when it comes to the story and thinking ita good but many arent buying it it seems. DF systems and instances and even the world look good but hot damn the characters, story and cinematics are dull as hell.