Dragonriding isn't flying

…and it’s not supposed to be. It is meant to keep you tethered to the ground. Think of it like an improved ground mount that can jump really high and doubles as a glider. You are supposed to be paying attention to the environment and actually thinking about how you get around; rather than just going in a straight line from point a to point b while ignoring everything around you. Changing your perspective about what it is may help you start to enjoy it more…or maybe not, but that’s my take.


Ummm I have max dragon riding and I am flying.


Dragonriding isn’t regular flying …

… it’s BETTER than regular flying!


Well there’s about 500 posts across these threads today telling us how easy it is to fly indefinitely with DR, especially once your tree is maxed out, so I guess Blizz missed the mark there.


Do you guys not understand that if you hit skyward ascent with the mount pointed straight up, you get the thrill of the skies buff, and a lot of altitude. On top of the 1 vigor every 10 sec while thrill of the skies is active. I never touch the ground.


Buddy, seriously go unlock the glyphs, it takes 30 minutes and turns your dragon into a super fast flying mount. I can travel from one end of the island to another without ever touching ground.


I have spent so much time immersing myself in the world, and stopping to see the little things that go unnoticed by a huge part of the player base. Fishing, gathering, questing, and flying. Dipping, diving, running, swimming. I can’t get enough of exploring so far.

I think a huge impact in gaming mindset is expectations. Let them go and just enjoy it. You can glide at a slow-ish, but fast enough at a low altitude. It was awesome flying over the rivers, seeing the mobs below as I sped by.


I literally did a circle around the whole continent without touching the ground once.


Mechanically, it is really just gliding. The physics are all set up that way.

The vigor abilities are just a boost to hep you keep altitude and stay in the air indefinitely if used properly.


it is 5 seconds fully upgraded.

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I’ve noticed if I use the “Skyward Ascent” ability two times in a row while looking up, that’s usually good enough to descend, reach top speed, and start generating thrill. Once that’s happening, your vigor starts quickly re-generating and you can use the abilities to keep yourself in the air at top speed continuously. You should be able to continue to use Skyward Ascent and never break thrill/vigor regen, diving as you need to.

Once you get that down, it feels less like dragon falling and more like flying.

Fair… Lol.

It’s called falling with style


and if they add req flying ill still use Dragonriding i can go across the zone a lot quicker then the og flying and i am maxed out on the skills lol

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also use the skyward while going in a circle and you pick up speed if climbing lol

I literally never have to touch the ground unless i need to stop.

Get your glyphs.


I can fly across multiple zones without ever having to land. It’s flying but with a manual transmission. It’s also pretty dang fun so far.

Sure it might get old but for now it’s great. Also I’ll take it over pathfinder garbage ANY day.


If Blizzard eventually adds regular flying to Dragon Isles I think players who advocated for regular flying will be shocked at how slow and fake it feels compared to Dragon riding.


nah I had beta and I’m good with how normal flying feels, it’s fast enough for me


I also had Beta so have lots of experience with Dragonriding.

However, what NEITHER of us experienced in Beta was both Dragonriding AND regular flying together in Dragon Isles.

We couldn’t compare side-by-side in the same zones.