yeah tried it for myself not long ago. its terrible and I was glad to unlock normal flight for my alt
This is not how you play a necromancer.
At this point Lushka, I hereby deem you a troll. You are purposefully necroing threads for no reason.
Seriously not trolling lol I have been trying to address certain grievances I have with the game, and it seems that I am not alone.
Explain yourself! lol
Luckily your woes shall soon end, as Dynamic Flying will have a toggle switch. It even instantly unlocks once you complete the leveling campaign in TWW for the new zones, no pathfinder or noth’n.
Yeah, I agree. Been back to this game about 2 weeks now so I kinda manage but I don’t really like dragonriding. It’s nice when you have to fly up high or go fast but stopping on the tip of the mountain for the banner or something is a chore. Just not precise enough for dime-stops. I end up crash landing behind the quest giver or something dorky. Looks awkward as hell. At least there’s no damage involved.
Having a button to turn on a Slow Down mode would be helpful. I don’t want to go back to old flying but there needs to be an option to go back and forth. If that toggle is instantaneous, that will work out.
Oh thank the Gods!!! I had heard something about this, but not the entire story, this gives me much hope! Thank you Sir or Ma’am!
TWW isn’t for like 7 months, no? Need that toggle now!
It is something of a learned skill I have found, with a lot of quirks and timing to getting it to work just so. While I like it, I can understand why some folks would not be thrilled with it
Necroing is the term used for reviving a thread that hasn’t had Posts in several months. I was making a necromancer joke cause of that.
There is no such thing. If Blizzard didn’t want this to happen they would auto lock.
I understand completely now, thank you for clarifying <3
You are welcome. Wasn’t personal just trying to be funny
Both types of air swimming are useful at times.
I totally agree with you, dragonriding is great for going in straight lines faster than a normal flying mount
I figured this was the case lol I had wondered if it was in reference to my witchy mog lol
I mean to be fair, Witchy mogs are valid. I have it on some of my characters as well.
No, but it is how you play a “Threadcromancer”
Couldn’t agree more.