Everest! This is Tractor. What server are you guys playing on?
Hey Dragonmaw, this is Tractor the Priest from Prominence. I’m late to this party and I only scanned this thread but I saw Midgi, Everest, Feer, Quezoxx, Evilsirus and a ton of other Prom folks. What a trip. I can still hear some of your voices.
I started on Old Blanchy with some guys from work but I’d be down to get the crew back together and do some raiding. Post in here or my battle net account is BMullaney1414.
Hey if you still exist, find me on Kromcrush horde. Also the idiot wants me to say “metro is looking for the hillbilly and we are on Kromcrush horde”
Damn lillooloo says damn stranger
Aquilless, yeah, I remember you from . Warrior, I think? I know it’s a bit late on here, but if you happen to come across this and are interested, Razzle and Eclipse started a guild as horde on Pagel. Feel free to hit me up! Mortred#1654
Hi All!
I’m not sure if you remember me but I was apart of DM Forgotten Heroes on Dragonmaw as Sacredangel! Human Priest. I also had my gnome lock as I think I named it Dreamergrl too but I’m hazy!
I’d love to reconnect with you guys if you’re playing classic!
I believe I remember you! Vaguely. Dur was our GM at DMFH. I’ve been trying to see if anyone still spoke with her
Budro! I remember you guys.
Hey I remember you from when we used to co-raid with Regal!
Yeee! How have you all been!? I’m on bigglesworth as alliance. Made the exact same Priest. Hehe. I’m playing with Heavenstrike/Finaltouch if you guys remember him too!
If I remember correctly, we also both went to another guild after DMFH and Regal? We did Naxx or something with them? Unless my memory maybe a little old. How have you been!? I’m on bigglesworth on classic right now!
Yeah we were… I just don’t remember the name anymore >.> I’ve been doing good, I’m playing retail on Zul’jin, keep meaning to play classic lmao
Played as Namwons, Dwarf Hunter! Spent most of my time played in TBoH. Left Dragonmaw sometime after Pandaria. Now playing Horde on Arcanite Reaper as Odesta. Tag is Namwons#1736
Hi fellow TBC Vulgar’s. FU Reflex.
Adreana Paladin
Anri Night elf hunter
Serathas (or something like that) priest
Velindi night elf rogue
I think my first guild was Brothers in arms then Ascension and then VB for years
Hvz - Dwarf Priest - Prominence
yo what realm are you guys on?!
Hi all. My character was Kinngdiamond a human warrior. I played around 2006-2007 just as BC was coming out. I can’t remember exactly which guild I was in, maybe Brothers in Arms?. I remember a night elf named Pironas who led most of our raids.
Good to see you all again. I’m now rolling horde in Thunderfury for classic
Looking for some people to play with again either on classic, or BFA.
Formerly known as HolyLiaison (NE Warrior in Sovereign) or Paypaladin on Horde.
Add me on Battle.net - HolyLiaison#1937
Hope everyone is staying well in the COVID19 lockdowns. Retail and Classic seems to have picked up with everyone stuck at home.
Still playing BFA on Area 52 horde side. Playing Classic on Pagle. Also Horde side. Been clearing MC and BWL… god I had missed the 40 man raids!!
- Fallon / Alistair (Moonshade, VB)
Bnet tag: Ali#1142