Dragonflight Typo & Grammatical Error Megathread

Vintner Iltheux’s chat text during his stay in the Ruby Feast in Valdrakken has him say in the second paragraph:

Though I had not met them until arriving in these Dragon Isles, Chefs Rumiastrsza and Morsel…

The actual name of the red dragon chef is Rumiastrasza, though. Might want to add that extra a to the name in the chat text. I mean, I’m all for trying to perfectly emulate dragonspeech, but that might be a bit much…even for a nightborne.

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Quest: Slacking and Sledding
ID#: 70976

Quest description, second paragraph:

It’s a right of passage for many of the older kids to sneak off to the iceberg southwest of here.

  1. In this context, the correct usage would be “rite”.

  2. The “southwest” part directly contradicts the quest objective and zone map, which indicate that you are to go southeast from Iskaara.

Quest completion, first paragraph:

Oh, Murik sent you? He’s really nice, so you must be a really nice too!

That “a” should not be there.


Quest: Time is Running Out
ID: 66081
Mistake on completion of quest

Thank you.

Now the forest can try to recover, and the Timewalkers have extra some extra energy.

That first “extra” should be removed

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Future-Fresh Fungi – Before Turn-in Text – Rumiastrasza

Her text reads:

Morsel went so long with telling me about this amazing fungi!

What else are you keeping from me, you wonderful little chef, you!

In the first sentence it should be WITHOUT telling me.
In the second sentence, …I’m wondering if this shouldn’t be a ?! at the end, since it is something of a question and doesn’t seem merely a declarative statement.

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Quest: No One May Wield It
NPC: Alia Sunsoar
Location: Lost Ruins, Azure Span

After accepting the quest from To’tik, you’re asked to convince/warn Alia. Talking to Alia, she says “We must recover the artifact. It is much to powerful to fall into the Sundered Flame’s hands.”

Should be too.

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Quest: Tending to the Forge
NPC: Custodian Vernagos
Location: Camp Antonidas, Azure Span

After completing the gathering of the Cores, Scraps, and Embercones, the quest will then say: Return to Custodian Vernagos iin Camp Antonidas.

Subtract an “i” lol

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Quest: Fishy Entertainment – Nunvuq – Azure Span – Iskaara

In turning in this quest, Nunvuq in the third paragraph says:

“Here’s a some gear I dreamed up to help you new fishers along!..”

I get that he might want to be Mario, but perhaps he doesn’t need a “a” after Here’s and before some. Unless he’s-a goin’ to be doin’ this-a a lot!

Now I can’t stop reading this in a Mario voice. Thanks. laughing

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Nokuhd Impaling Halberd (ID 192031) and Nokuhd Whittling Knife (ID 201934) both have Nokhud misspelled.


Quest “All Brawn, No Brains”

Old Grimtust says that Varsek

That space after the opening quote and the period BEFORE the closing quote hurt me :rofl:
It should be:

Quest “Good Intentions”

Valthrux says:

This quest text must have been typed by the same person as the other one. Again with the space after an opening quote :roll_eyes:

Quest “Elementary, My Dear Drakonid”

YET AGAIN. Upon clicking the crystal, the action message says

It should be:

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Item: Emerald Tailbone
ID#: 200684

Flavor text:

“A portion of an green dragon’s spine, once used by a giant as a dagger.”

It should read as the following instead:

“A portion of a green dragon’s spine once used by a giant as a dagger.”

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Quest: Hearts of Starch
Quest Giver Rumiastrasza

In the opening quest text given for this week’s foodie quest the last paragraph, and the last sentence within that paragraph reads:

“Morsel introduced it to me when we first met near a titan ruins in the Waking Shores.”

While I get that there are many titan ruins within the Dragon Isles, I don’t expect that they met at more than one of them for the first time–or at least not more than one where this particular ingredient was FIRST introduced. Either that or Rumia has a very bad memory, and they went to several ruins where Morsel had to introduce the idea over and over again–which…in retrospect might be pretty funny.

All that to say that you probably want to replace RUINS with RUIN.


Quest: Fifth Challenge of Tyr: Ingenuity
Quest giver: Maiden of Inspiration

The final paragraph of the quest text reads:

“Though I do not wish to sacrifice more of my brethren, I believe this is the only this challenge may be completed.”

This is the only this challenge? >.> I assume she meant to say, “…this is the only WAY this challenge may be completed.”

Community cooking - Ancheevies on the ground near Arv - it should be Arvik, the character next to the ancheevies.

A few typos in the dragon customizations - think spined (for thin spined), thoat (for throat), etc. The string lines aren’t consistent across dragons, either, so the thoat and think spined were just on the red. There were a couple more, but figured I’d throw those in with the Arv/Arvik thing.

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The same happens with Merithra’s Blessing, from the “Like Mother, Like Daughter” quest.


some more typos, apologies if some may have already been reported and corrected.

NPC in Azure Span - Tharkago - should there be an ‘s’ on the end to match blue dragon names? ‘gos’ for male, ‘gosa’ for female

NPC Explorative Fisher - quest ‘Frogs of Fire’ - 1st paragraph sentence reads ‘I’m pretty sure they will ravage the nets as soon it’s left alone’ - missing word ‘as’ between words soon and it’s

NPC Thrifty Fisher in Ohn’Ahran Plains - Daily quest ‘Predator Control’ - last sentence reads “Can you help me setting those up?” - word should be set rather than setting

NPC quest giver Sugarbough in Ohn’Ahran Plains - quest ‘Rambling Delight’ - 2nd paragraph reads ‘The kelp we ate is unique strain called….’ - missing an ‘a’ before unique

Readable item - Makko’s Journal Page Two - has symbols in the text of the book that shouldn’t be there.

Readable item - Makko’s Complete Journal - same symbols as above typo appear on page two of the book

NPC Malfurion Stormrage - quest “Storm’s Rest” - 2nd paragraph reads “ If the Winter Queen agrees, I expect that I will not able to remain awake for long.” - missing the word ‘be’ between not and able

NPC Khadin - quest ‘A Worthy Hunt’ - 2nd paragraph text reads “…he who has escaped hunt for generations.” - missing the word ‘the’ after escaped

NPC Cautious Fisher in Thaldreaszus - daily quest ‘Underwater Menace’ - quest text reads ‘ A huge, armored, hugry beast!’ - correct word should be ‘hungry’ not hungry

NPC Maiden of Inspiration in Thaldreaszus - quest ‘In Tye’s Footsteps: The Waking Shores’ - first sentence reads “You have proven yourself well so far, and though I have great faith you you are worthy of the Engine I still must challenge you as is my designation” - 2 typos here - comma placed in wrong place and an extra word ‘you’ - would read better as: “You have proven yourself well so far and though I have great faith you are worthy of the Engine, I still must challenge you as is my designation”

Same NPC - Maiden of Inspiration - voice acting and chat text after accepting the above quest refer to The Waking Shore, yet all other references of this zone in the game call it The Waking Shores - with an S on the end.

NPC Maiden of Inspiration in Thaldreaszus - quest ‘Fifth Challenge of Tyr: Ingenuity’ - last sentence “ …… I believe this is the only this challenge may be completed.” - missing the word ‘way’ between only and this

NPC Captain Brava in Waking Shores - general chat text response from player - “Point out you on the back of a very large turtle” - should be “you’re”

NPC Akora in Waking Shores - quest “Garden Party” - 3rd paragraph, text reads ‘I’m going to invoke Great Dragon Spirit….” - there should be a ‘the” between invoke and Dragon


NPC Maiden of Inspiration in Thaldreaszus - quest ‘Innovating the Engine’ - last sentence reads ‘You may now unlock Engine’s full potential.’ - missing the word ‘the’ between unlock and Engine

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Quest: Anything But a Breeze
Turn-in to Rumiastrasza for quest completion

In the second paragraph as you’re handing in the egg from this quest, Rumi says the following:

Worry not about your pride or anything of the like! Even a dragon of my size wouldn not want to take on a nest of them alone.

I’m guessing they either meant to use would not or wouldn’t there. I’m not sure the kind of speech syntax that Rumi uses, though I haven’t noticed her shying away from contractions. Still, …I haven’t noted her using them either. Either way, one or the other but not both, I think. :slight_smile:

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NPC ID 201561: “Movtivator Krathos” should probably be Motivator Krathos.

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In Stormwind City, near the Trading Post, if you right-click NPC Sam Corff <T&W Trading Post>, his dialog box reads “Sorry, I’m busy stocking, you want to talk to the Seabriads.” This dialog box mis-spells their surname. It should be “Seabraids”.

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Item tooltip typo:
Energized Circlet
1.5 sec cast

A circlet of light that enables the wearer to see smaller objects that maybe missed.

Only usable within the Zskera Vaults.

“maybe” should be “may be”

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