Dragonflight Twitch Drops: Get Your Goblin Weather Machine Now!

Agreed, it’s been long enough.

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Would be best to have multiple items over the course of time to increase the length WoW gets attention on twitch. One item is gonna come and go so fast, one day hit it and quit it

I looooove Hazel

Blizzard - your post is very unclear! I have changed my passwords since the last drop. But my twitch account is still connected. So do I need to reconnect or not? I thought about disconnecting and reconnecting, but the UX warned me I wouldn’t be able to connect a new account for 7 days! I would miss the drop? Am I completely screwed? Hopefully your post is wrong, and it will be ok that I changed my password. Here’s hoping!

I’m excited they’re continuing this by adding more drops! I think it’s great that Bliz is doing little things to bring attention to streamers and encourage them. It’s free advertising for them.

It also doesn’t devalue anyones cash as some like to claim. You blew cash on pixels you don’t own, with no promise they would be exclusive items, nor never be offered again. There’s no value there anyways.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. They are also boring as sin! There is a reason why Asmon is the largest WoW streamer by a country mile and it certainly isn’t because he’s a spectacular gamer, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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There is several toys I’ve gotten over the years and haven’t used them at all. I’ll still watch the Twitch stream to get this particular toy. Just for the extra toy in my collection. :slight_smile:


For free :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Not to be Grim but well most of Warcrafts original playerbase is like old or dead which well in the long term means losing profits unless they like attract a younger playerbase it’s just what the Capitalists call “good buisness” :dracthyr_shrug:

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Makes a cup of tea and quietly waits for the bubblegum pinata


Don’t be shy. Drop the Gryphon Hatchling and Wind Rider Cub next.

They were tied to plushies on the Blizzard Store that were never in stock, and we were given zero notice that they were being removed.

This is the perfect opportunity to re-introduce them. (Then add them as standalone pets on the store for $10 each like other pets after the Twitch Drops, win/win)


As a small twitch streamer myself I’m happy to see the drops as it means a little bonus traffic in my channel evening most of it is lurkers.


but will we actually get it? i still dont have the Swift Windsteed or Cenarian Hatchling from twitch drops…

Smash or pass?

Yeah, I want these rewards to be something you can do through the game. I don’t think gold is the way either because you can also just pull out a credit card for that, but something like the mage tower where you can work towards a cool reward.

It will always be there if you want to give it a go and it doesn’t diminish the reward.

Those rewards are long gone if you never claimed them.

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Having lots of TCG mounts and items I think this is awesome for the community. Others should be able to enjoy it like I have throughout the years. I hope the Longneck dino mount is next.


I can’t wait for all the whine threads from people that are saddened by the fact their glorified store item is for everyone now.


Those ppl need pixels to feel good about their exclusivity. I feel bad for them tbh.


Sweet! I’m looking forward to those old murloc pets becoming twitch drops in the future! Keep up the great work blizzard!