Dragonflight Twitch Drops: Earn The Feldrake Mount Now and Support a Streamer

I will say, when I was a freshly back to the game in Legion (I played Vanilla, then a biiig break until Legion) I was devastated when I first saw a Feldrake and learned I couldn’t get it without spending over a thousand dollars or gold-cap gold. I got into mount hunting because of the Drake mounts. At first they were all I collected (my first one was Experiment 12-B and I was like AHHHH I HAVE BLACKHANDS MOUNT) and I especially wanted the Onyxian Drake. But when I saw the Feldrake riding around I was like “omigosh that’d be perfect for my new Demon Hunter!” but I quickly learned it was essentially unobtainable (like my very favourite mount ever, the ZG Tiger)

So, I’m kinda stoked that I’ll finally be able to get it and Mali will be able to ride it around finally. I’d be annoyed if I’d purchased if for thousands of dollars and it got given away. I can admit that. But to be fair, Blizzard weren’t the ones charging that. It was other players or card scalpers. Blizz probably hates that people have to spend that kind of money for them.

I think they could give the original owners a Feat of Strength though. That would be the least they could do. Just a little token to say “Hey, I had it before it was cool” xD

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You deserve this, as other also deserve getting FOMO-mounts for their enjoyment. Things would look differently if we actually had claiming rights in the EULA but you absolutely deserve to be happy playing World of Warcraft. And it’s the developer’s job to provide us with stuff which isn’t available anymore.

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I dunno if I’d say DESERVE but I’m pretty happy to get it. I honestly really dislike limited-time rewards in a game like WoW because it’s literally designed to be played for YEARS. Which also means that it should have some built in “catch up” mechanics. Like, if you take a break and miss and expansion you should be able to go back and still do everything in that expansion. I’m not saying they have to make it EASIER, just doable.

The only exception that I’m kinda okay with is things like Challenge Mode or Mage Tower but even then, we know they can scale-up encounters. So just make those scale, give us the abilities/gear level that were available at the time and good to go.

I hate the fact that I can’t get the items that I always wanted when I played in Vanilla like the ZG Tiger or Atiesh or even Tier 3 armour. It’s ridiculous that they’ve taken them away and replaced them with (worse) new versions. But even if we accept that they HAD to do that back then ,they didn’t have the technology to have two versions, we know NOW they can. So bring it all back imo.

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You - deserve - it

The economy here in Europe is currently so badly damaged that the future is uncertain with so many ripple effects going on, that you should enjoy every day you can actually play World of Warcraft to the fullest.

Looking back at this topic and how entitled people are in gatekeeping stuff - in comparison to what goes on in the world - it makes me a little upset that people are so hung up on some stupid mounts and why only a small percentage are allowed to have them.

Same, most of the content should be available, so We don’t drive new players away, I won’t recommend this game to anyone for this kind of approach around FOMO-items.

Asking a stupid question likely… but I enjoy clarity. They say you can watch on the ios/android app and it counts… does that extend to the Kindle app (which I… think… is android based…) Or does that shove it into the strange land of smartTv apps and such.

For those who must know, trying to figure out if I need to wrangle my laptop down or if I can settle for my kindle fire LOL

as many argued and almost everyone agrees to (except for some, but to argue in such extreme ways is unreasonable, just as the other extreme: the Feldrake for a free and mostly without effort promo is adequate), fomo should be abolished.
those players who desire no longer available items should be given a permanent or re-occurring opportunity to earn them via ingame means in ways that honor the spirit of those items; gladiator mounts tied to pvp activities with high skill involvment, scarab lord through efforts that reflect the old way - just to make two examples.

agreed though in that it’s disheartening having to tell smb that they can’t get something anymore.
on the other hand it’s really delightful to mount the X-51, the rhino or to toy around with the ethereal soul-trader pet, to see the spark of intrigue in those players’ “eyes” while being able to tell them that they indeed can still get those items.

I’d like to say not every FOMO-item needs to come back but the questionable behavior displayed by the developers is just immature and absolutely unprofessional.

That’s an older topic I have been updating during the summer. I currently lack the time to add more stuff but that’s my stance on some of the issues, if you’re interested in reading it.

You would think Blizz would want to get more people playing the game, rather than watching someone else play the game. This is just another fail attempt at something like the whole title for watching the MDI.


“watch any eligible channel in the World of Warcraft category on Twitch.”

4 hours later on the wrong channel…

Not so actually. Had a convo with support in which they casually mentioned that they actually didn’t care lol.

Wasn’t too shocking honestly, but in short, “Blizzard Games has no direct control over the market outside of our brand and is undeterred by player assessed value.” - This was both quoted and summarized, so looks a bit wonky lol.

All of this to just say, they want the mounts that were limited and in the hands of collectors to be worth nothing, because mounts should be free. But if you happen to have $25 dollars might I recommend an assortment of Blizzard owned and sold mounts.

Blizz doesn’t hate that we had to spend that kind of money for them, they hate that it isn’t money going to them. Afterall, if you act now and go ahead and purchase 12 months of game time, you can be the proud owner of some new shiny mounts!

My mommie won’t let me use twitch she says preverts hang out there.

I really like how Blizzard seemingly does not even care enough to tend to a such polarizing forum post (a hot topic with more than 2k replies over a short period) to set things right and give some explanation.

I’d love to know what their plans exactly are. But this feels arbitrarily, as if the rewards were added in an afterthought.

So many questions, but not a single blue for any sort of rectification.

Just like even they themselves haven’t figured out where to go and will just sprinkle in TCG rewards whenever they feel like it.

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Their plans are exactly as stated. They are going to use the TCG items as promotions. Exactly like they were used and have been used since they were created.

The 2k replies are from people screeching about “Muh eliteism” and people poking fun about how ridiculous you’re being over it.

You just don’t like the answer Blizzard is giving and are demanding a different answer that you arent going to get.

The 2k replies are, amongst others, from people voicing their discontent over this situation. Discontent that is absolutely justified.
Mocking and over-generalizing them as “snowflakes” or “wannabe elitists” is quite gross and unfair.

Unfortunately, you are only partially right (if it all). While the codes did also promote the game as a side-effect, they were not created primarily with that intention in mind.

I must have missed their statement then in which they explained how they’re going to give away TCG items for promotions or proceed with them in the future.
But since the evidence is as clear as day as you imply, I’m sure you can point me towards it.
(And I am not demanding a different answer, even though you try to frame it that way)

And while their actions may imply something along the line, they’re so unprecedented that they deserve a “bit” more transparecy.

I don’t see the issue using tcg items as promotional items. They were that for the card game. It just seems like a no brainer.

It’s fine if you’re okay with it. You’re not obligated.
Many, many people though do so.

And it’s really unfair to just dismiss their concerns, as many unfortunately seem to do.

I’ve yet to see a single person who is against the Feldrake coming from Twitch, who aren’t only against it because they liked rubbing owning it in other people’s faces.

I just don’t really see it. If you played the card game and got the card it was a nice little bonus. Now it’s just an overpirced store mount. It has the same value to me. Sure other people will be upset, but what’s done is done. They aren’t going to pull the promotion. Unfortunately it’s not something they can do now I’m sure they’re contractually obligated to Twitch for the cross promotion. But you’re more then welcomed to get triggered over it. You have every right to. It just seems pointless to protest something you have no control over.

I could understand people being upset if the Scarab Lord mount or the Artifact Tower appearances got added as Twitch drops. People actually had to earn those things. But TCG stuff? You either got lucky when buying a pack of cards, paid an exorbitant amount of gold or went to a third party site and paid cash.

Only one of those three could be considered “earning it”, since you had to earn the gold to buy it, but you could have gotten that just by, say, hard core farming herbs or exploiting the WoD garrisons back in the day. So, not exactly the same thing.

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