I hope they bring back the zeppelin mount, I’ve got a few people asking how they could get one and I had to disappoint them because they couldn’t get it. All that’s needed is to snip off the Blizzcon pennant.
And you should have it. It’s a faction pride item, it needs to return and not locked away by make-believe restrictions.
I used these two BlizzCon mounts a lot because they are a great utility mount.
Recolors don’t solve anything. If you want a black sword, you will not settle for the pink recolor.
I got my OW2 rewards with the stream mute (not the tab), I Just checked the drop tab on twitch and the % was increasing.
No, I’ve the fel drake and it’s better that for any promotion like this, the reward is a removed item from TCG or RAF. New things like a new recolor or mount for the game events like Hallow’s end that didn’t have any new reward or xmas.
I may have missed this in the thread, but my concern isn’t that others are getting a Feldrake.
If I watch the allotment needed, what would I receive as a Fel Drake owner? If we get the item then that would be cool! Or of course just default the mount to a Spectral Tiger if the account has the Drake.
Given the TCG mounts have no value, don’t really see any issues! Let these TCG mounts circulate as twitch drops, but also allow owners to get other mounts as well.
As a Feldrake owner, I don’t care that it’s being given out for free.
However, it seems short-sighted at best, open contempt at worst, that there’s no alternative mount or reward for those of us that already have the Feldrake.
They couldn’t have an alternate Feldrake color for original owners like Fortnite did when they controversially brought back the Skull Trooper skin?
What about a Feat of Strength for original owners? A small token would go a long way in quelling the widespread backlash, in my opinion.
“I’m surprised to see how easily the gatekeepers have given up.”
“Looks like it’s really just a small number who want to deny fun and accessibility to other people.”
In fairness, with this being a rare tcg mount, it’s kind of common sense that the amount of “gatekeepers” is small… That aside, I like your idea of dropping the other TCG mounts! I’m currently in a plan to haggle a spectral tiger since I own the drake already >:D - Let’s all be happy lol!
Yeah but that’s the point now someone can get it for free so it is a win-win.
A feat of strength is enough. I’m sure they will rotate the mounts now, if the upcoming twitch event is a success.
This entire scheme reminds me of why I loath the term “content creator”.
Now that tiger is one thing I doubt they will touch unless it’s a giveaway. The fel drake is ‘meh’ compared to the renown that is ‘The Spectral Tiger’.
I doubt they will do anything to “compensate” those already with the drake. Sorry. Honestly, if they are doing mounts as drops, I’d rather have it be ones that drop from bosses.
…stupid horse >.>
Widespread backlash? It’s 15-20 people all screaming about how Blizzard is “SLAPPING THEM IN THE FACE!11!!11!” Because they RMT’ed and paid thousands of IRL dollars for the mount and now It’s being given away. And just as many people that already own the mount going “Hey its not a big deal”
Just open a tab mute it and continue what you were doing lol.
So how do i claim my welfare FOMO mount?
Yeah, I don’t mind TCG making a return, but it being via Twitch is just offputting to me.
if you try again without grossly over-generalizing I will happily explain to you that there is serious amount of backlash which is also absolutely justified and that its’ not even close about rmt but various people who enjoy hunting and collecting rare and desirable goods ingame and don’t want to see those valuables ruined without a proper explanation
Oh, Do you know where’s the spawn for the rare that drops the code for the fel drake? Or the fight that I must complete? All external sources of in game items could be included back at any time on another promotion, it’s just a matter of the policies used and from my understanding TCG wasn’t exclusive to the cards, since it has being used on Blizzcon events.
ingame in the that the vast majority cares only for the mount as part of their collection, to ride and enjoy it as the feat that collecting such a rare thing is - not the card with the unredeemed code as investment or nft-esque equivalent.
yes, indeed, and it was very clear from the beginning that it all comes down to what Blizzard is going to do with their assets, however arbitrarly it might be
Blizzard is literally sitting back eating popcorn watching everyone fight talking to themselves, “See Ted I told you if we just use a rehash TCG mount no one would care.”“You were right BIll we dont have to make new model mounts for a while now we can just keep giving them TCG mounts we made 15 years ago with low polygons and little effort and after that lets start giving away rare low drop rate and unobtainable mounts like plague and black proto and season 1-8 glad mounts.”
What about the people who actually desire and deserve FOMO-items in the first place? Because it’s the one thing for their transmog or the mount which fits them? The old guard and their gatekeeping-mentality is a problem and needs to be cleansed.
I’m personally tired of people asking me where I get that mount or this weapon transmog, only to tell them that it’s not available anymore. It happens regularly, especially when it comes to the Warfront-stuff… which is off-putting for new players and how much requirement it needs while being incompletely available.