Dragonflight Torghast Inclusion

You could say the same for Mythic Raids.

ANYTHING you have to repeatedly do over and over will get boring and/or frustrating. It’s the difference between wanting to do something and having to do it.

Caveat to this entire opinion: Torghast should not be mandatory content. Tying it to soul ash was a bad idea.

That being said, I hope they keep it in the game. I’m not a casual, but I’m bad at the game. I unironically played Torghast to practice class mechanics in an environment where failure only wasted my time, not my guild’s time.

For drops, rather than a legendary currency they could just do what they do for the different shadowlands covenant vendors and add a Torghast vendor with gear with a set bonus that is only useful in Torghast and still not as good as the gear you’d get from M+, PVP, or Raid. It can be to M+ and Raid what non-rated pvp gear is to rated pvp gear.

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I want Island Expeditions, Warfronts and Torghast to be continued in some manner into the future. I think the rewards should be worthwhile to a subset of the population, but not everyone. It sucks that these features are introduced and then abandoned when at the very least they just need a few tweaks and a content bump to remain relevant.

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They already announced there will be no content like Torghast in the next expansion

In recent expansions, developers have put in effort to establish 1-player or 3-player content such as Horrific Visions, Island Expeditions, Torghast, and so on. As of now, WoW’s core endgame content revolves around large-scale raids of 20 or more people and a 5-player Mythic+ Dungeon party. What differentiates the 1~3 player content with the existing Mythic+ and raids? Will there be new 1~3 player content added in this expansion?

We don’t currently have any plans for instanced 1-3 player content like Torghast or scenarios. Right now that’s something we want to do more of in our outdoor world, where there are areas in the outdoor world that will really encourage and reward players for forming small parties, that aren’t necessarily based on specific roles, where you don’t necessarily need a tank and a healer and a specific party makeup, but where the areas are just a bit too dangerous for one player to go alone, and yet there are still rewards and reasons to want to do that. We still want to explore flexible size small group content, but there wasn’t a specific fit for Dragon Isles and Dragonfight the way Torghast fit into Shadowlands.

Could still change of course, but as of a couple of months ago that was the plan.

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Sad that they are not adding something similar, it is very fun for a tank

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Huh, that’s a let down honestly. Feels like a lot of wasted potential

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Hope not. Hopefully it goes the way of the dodo bird like warfronts did.

3 person Mop scenarios were perfect for that. Looks like group finder will be used often, in DF I guess.

It’s ashame it’s being scrapped, could have been a good gear progression system for solo up to 5 players and any group size in between, and not been the typical 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps locked in setup of dungeons.

I honestly asked for a torghast style raid. I feel like if they just switch things up just a tiny bit the game would be much more fun. On patch two they did it for one boss. I wanted an entire raid like that.

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Islands they had tons of mounts, so it wasent a total failure like Torghast, also it was optional

Too much dev time with no real payback so I think they just slimmed DF down to focus on main points of issue throughout the years.

I feel they’ll have enough time now to conjure up some small solo-or-group content but I doubt it’ll come anytime soon if they were to do something. I think they need to do something 'cause for now DF is looking pretty barebones in terms of variety. You have profession stuff, dragonriding
 and that’s it [not mentioning raiding or m+] 'cause that is a staple in wow.

Thank goodness its a NO. Glad the devs are not wasting their time with another instanced temp system that will be gone in two years. Making more difficult content for the open world is the right way to go.

I love Torghast but i think there should be better rewards.


Make torghast tower like SAO tower.

Well, that’s what part of this topic is about. Make another instanced system, that’s not here for borrowed power and just two years. Make one that’s expanded and experimented with all the time and offers new rewards repeatedly.

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While I see it useful as a testing ground for potential talents and abilities, I believe that role will go back to tier sets. Some of the most iconic talents started their lives as tier set abilities.

I wasn’t fond of it at all. I was forced to do it. It was not healer friendly in my opinion. I was not able to get far and had to have a guild mate carry me and I HATE being carried anywhere but I needed my legendaries for raiding.

When I tried to group up early on, people only wanted DPS. Never a healer and I was constantly passed up since I only play the one spec.

I never set foot in the twisting corridors. I never did the quest to save Anduin.

Never even looked at the new one that came out I don’t know the name of.

I loved these. They were so much fun to heal.

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I hope so, I love Torghast. I don’t like Raids and prefer things I can do in 30 minutes for a break from work. It’s a fun little mini game me and two friends can do to spend time together and play WoW and not also have to deal with PuGs.

I like BGs, but you deal with frustration of losing/poor sports
Mythics are okay but they can get tryhard and it’s not fun
Raids take too long
Dungeons require 5 people

Torghast is fast, easy and if you guys don’t make it there’s no one to blame but yourselves.