This was my reply in the announcement thread. Having some open communication on how long you expect things to last would be helpful. Even if it’s just a “These are subject to change” approach. Because the release timeline scares me, since alpha hasn’t started. Let’s go through some math, assuming it’s the same -
The absolute shortest a beta test has lasted was 96 days for Burning Crusade. However, every expansion since has lasted a LITTLE under 4 months, up to 6 months.
Assuming that you launch alpha today. Like, literally today, and the shortest beta duration you’ve had - this means alpha will end October 9th. (In the longest it’s taken - the alpha wouldn’t end until literally January 1st exactly [180 days from now])
So, assuming you launch Alpha sometime in the next 2ish weeks, I’m not worried about alpha not having enough testing. However, the prepatch is another story.
Now, prepatches always last 4 weeks. The one that went above 4 weeks was Legion, because you had a 2 week pre-purchase bonus of Demon Hunter. So it lasted 6 weeks. So let’s assume 10.0 will last 6 weeks.
This means, assuming the game launches (worst case scenario) the week of December 31st, that 10.0 will launch the week of November 19th, so the 15th.
PTRs always last 2-3 months, I don’t think there’s been anything less or more than that but I could be wrong. So again, we’ll take the “worst case scenario” - which in this case is the shorter time.
This means: (I’m using the dates of the Tuesday of each week for simplicity.)
10.0 PTR will hit the PTR on the week of September 27th. (Though if it’s 3 months, it will be the week of August 23rd) NEXT MONTH
10.0 will launch the week of November 19th.
Now, with the knowledge beta has lasted a minimum of 96 days, and a maximum of 180, I’m lost on how this is going to work. I know the PTR and Beta have run concurrently before - but based on past numbers, the PTR would have to go up 1-2 months after alpha starts - assuming you started alpha right now.
So can we get some clarification, cause this is worrisome. I have no doubts the expansion is ready if you guys feel it is - however, the lack of time for testing is alarming. Considering there’s like 3,000 talents that need testing, multiple zones of quests, pet battles, the new crafting system, an entire new race and class, etc.
Like, are you skipping the 10.0 PTR this time around and just going to test pre-patch stuff on the alpha? Are you planning a shortened PTR to only test pre-patch event? Etc.
Cause as it stands, this is worrisome.