Dragonflight Season 4 Ending Soon

Presales are dismal so they said, “What the heck? We don’t have much to lose anyway.”

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On the STUPIDLY overpriced Collector’s Edition maybe.

For all the people that rolled DH and monks to farm the SUB 1800 Solo Shuffle queues, yeah it was probably the best xpac ever… no oversight by Devs, no one banning the script bots, healer bots became a thing because zero pvp development to mitigate burst and self healing macro spasms… Kaivax, I hope the game plans on putting more than 2 people who play Ret, DH, and Monk on the pvp team… this was an xpac for 3 people: 1) The highly skilled 2400+ players, 3) The script bot players that should have taught you a lesson on how to AI the Comp Stomp opposing teams, and 3) The beaten down, sub 1800 crowd that would not cheat or otherwise had minimal concentration skills for pvp. You guys ruined PUG BGs with unmonitored bots and premades ruling the games until they finally left after 4 hours, you destroyed Rated BGs by giving zero incentive to play (no competitions, no mythic+ like tournaments, no unique skins, nothing), and you killed world pvp by allowing 70’s to farm 60s at the entry port to dragon isles. You guys basically let trolls and griefers have a fix, abandoned everyone that was interested in pvp but got annihilated so often by the above that their only choice was mythics, and celebrated the Highly skilled teams with everything you could while seriously delaying the ability to farm old raids for gear as the mobs were still broke from BFA days, until this last patch. Feel shame, for you ignored so many players and you are doing it again with the healers, making everyone roll DK that wants to farm new players, or stay with monk, DH, ret.

Any chance you guys will reply to the numerous threads about the BG exploits? The lack of response or Q and A sessions or interviews on PVP issues is getting very frustrating.

insert pwn stars gif “best I can do is, no”

The PvP community has been screaming for years that WoW PvP is dead. Maybe the developers agree and just don’t care to respond?

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While promoting PVP seasons? If so that is a pretty horrible customer service decision.

They seem to be focusing much more on M+ seasons rather than PvP.

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I already got the cat mount from shadowlands fated raids back the day, there is another fated raid mount when you complete normal/heroic/mythic. I remember in shadowlands that in Pre patch, All raids become fated and was able to get the mount but not the heroic title. I wonder if this will be the case again. Still got no response from anyone about it.

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When will the season 1 LFR level gear be available again after the end of the season? I’ve been hoping for some patch or another to make it easier to get it, but since everything is going to be awakened until the season of TWW season 1 the season 1 LFR level gear isn’t even going to be available at all

Probably the week TWW launches, when awakened raids will no longer be a thing.

wish they’d just make the 1/3 for the primalist gear ilvl 372

can we get an actual confirmation on a specific end-date for season 4?


So I made a new alt priest a few weeks ago, just cleared heroic Aberrus on him for the first time on that character (full clear) and did not get the Dragonflight season 2 Master achievement completed, but I also didn’t get the heroic:aberrus achievement completed either. Heroic Aberrus is under warband achievements though whereas Season master is not, and it still says season master is completeable for that character.

Something is up here. I think warbands are causing this issue. It seems alts now get the heroic clear achievement even if they haven’t actually done the raid making it so they can’t re earn the heroic achievement for full clearing, which then doesn’t let you earn any of the seasonal master achievements including S4 (which we are still in even though it’s pre patch).

The achievements were working fine for this just last week.