Dragonflight Season 4 Content Update Notes

World content is still an afterthought if the Season 4 updates are not mentioned at all, despite the raid and dungeon updates being described in such detail.

Is Blizzard ashamed of offering better rewards for the unwashed masses? Or do they not think it’s important enough? Either way, Season 4 is merely days away.

10.2.7 is essentially almost entirely a ‘unwashed masses’ reward…

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I was thinking Holy Priest since their kit is completely reactive healing, but apparently Echo of Light and Divine Image don’t care about arbitrary healing skill criteria.

So, we’re at just about the final patch for the expansion, are we ever going to see any changes for BfA raids to fix the unsoloable encounters? Because it’s just about time for you guys to start thinking about maybe making changes to any SL raid encounters that might need it.


Vdh highest key timed is a 34, brews highest is 30, pwar highest is 31 (1 31), bdk highest 31 (2 31’s), bear highest 32 (1 32), prot pally highest 32 (3 32’s). Bear and ppal are semi close. the other 3 are not even remotely close to tanking the same keys as vdh

I was thinking Holy Priest since their kit is completely reactive healing, but apparently Echo of Light and Divine Image don’t care about arbitrary healing skill criteria.

i will admit im least familiar with holy priest at the moment as its not my favorite thing but off hand you definetly get echo of light over heal, divine image, renew, prayer of mending bounces, holy word serenity, the ground heal from divine word all easily adding to overheal by overhealing targets unintended or that didnt need priority on top of it having some of the biggest single target heals causing overhealing on direct targets too.

thats also assuming you arent specd into lightwell, divine hymn, etc

Pretty sure ZM overworld content was “left behind” in SL Fated season. Why would you expect a change this time around?

The raid changes are designed to make raiding LESS fun, though. Doing nothing would have been vastly preferred.


They are changing what dungeons and raids are active.

It looks like all the world events are scaled up so players can still follow a tree so bored it falls asleep for epics as well in season 4.

World events are scaling up and there are new story quests? What else do you want? Gear on par with mythic raids? You don’t need it unless you are doing mythic content.

So disappointing to see no balance changes. There’s basically zero new content, so at LEAST do tuning so we get a new meta. Classes like VDH and spriest are just ridiculous outliers right now. Cannot believe they have survived nerfs this long.

I don’t think there’s new story quests. That would be 10.2.7.
I wasn’t even sure things would scale up, but some of you seem convinced :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately the class balance team got moved over to the no-naughty-words team as they quadruple their efforts to remove profanity in games with profanity filters.

No, but having had many co tanks who refuse to taunt, those bres come in handy lol

You mean on the last week of the season? On the easiest affix week? With the easiest bosses, ya not an outlier at all and by like 30 seconds from missing it… Ya that 1 key means VDH are busted, clearly has nothing to with with the group comp either… but eh.

when can you not do Normal on your own time? insanely easy to use LFG tool if you actually try it

Great…end of the expansion and those stuck only able to do LFR are being screwed over… like I didn’t see that coming. We could do the entire three raids in LFR and get most likely nothing at all for our troubles… no mount…no titles… probably not even the bronze currency we need to buy things. Blizz just loves giving the casual crowd the finger it seems

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You’re not wrong but it’s definitely more annoying than being able to queue into the various wings at different times throughout the week.

I wouldn’t be mad at normal getting a similarly laid out queue but without determination or lotd, just for convenience.

you can just say you have no idea the state of tank balance in m+, you’re already telling on yourself as is LMAO

Please let us just turn off Awakened from week 7.

My guild and I are much less likely to engage in raids if we can’t turn it off. It’s the end of the xpac and my guildies and I just want to have a fun time, collecting xmogs and the mounts/skins. We don’t want to have to think about progression for the entire remainder of the xpac.


also ur still acting like its not a 3 and 2 key lvl gap in every key LMAO and acting like that isnt a bad thing