Dragonflight Season 4 Content Update Notes

Need a CC member to post about turning off Awakened for raids.
Y’all know they won’t answer you here.


I like this change. Maybe I’ll finally do the Bonus Dungeon Weeklys now on my alts too.
I hated spending time finding or creating groups to run those for every alt.
Too much wasted time imho (not talking for anyone else, only talking about myself).

Was kinda hoping they’d let M+ be a path for bullions as well.
Guess this – and the increased cost per item from vendors – was the best way to get us into the raids week after week :frowning:

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Do we have too many healers playing right now? These healing changes look like they’re meant to decrease the amount of people that want to heal in this game. That or they did some psychological study that concluded healers love punishment so we’ll continually nerf them until they scream with joy.


Sounds like a change toward what they want in TWW, and they’re testing it in S4 now.

Forcing every raid into “Awakened” mode will be a huge miss, and show a real disconnect from the player base, unless:

  • Apply heavy modifiers to the raids at week 7 (blanket % dmg reductions, % hp reductions, etc.)
  • Provide the ability to toggle Awakened on or off upon zoning in. Doesn’t have to be complicated, attach it to an NPC at the start.

It’s bad enough there is nothing new about Season 4 from raid affix perspective (affixes were poorly received last time because of the implementation of them not because of the concept itself).

The end of an expansion is a time to feel powerful, relax and enjoy being at your strongest before you are reset with the next expansion. Nobody wants to constantly be progressing in the raid scene. A huge part of the fun is when you’ve done the hard part, and now you get to kick back and enjoy the ride.

You seem hesitant to give us that experience again after what I can only assume were knee-jerk reactions to people complaining about getting weaker as they level back in BFA and the like, due to the loss of legendaries mid-leveling.

TLDR - please don’t make this mistake, either massively decrease the difficulty of raids when all raids go Awakened on Week 7, or give us a toggle to disable Awakened raids.


Or just attach the Mythic mount to the Cutting Edge achievement (like the mount rewards for M+, PvP, and AOTC) so CE guilds don’t have to farm them up 2-at-a-time for months after killing the boss. (Especially since Blizzard isn’t GIVING us months to do that, anymore.)

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I am super stoked about dawn of the infinites being updated, woohoo!! :dancer:

Only the hard mode.

Nah, your claim was something totally non-sensical that players in difficult content are not going to do, thus it has no bearing on the conversation. What you’re doing now is cope and grandstanding, moving the goalposts.

The fact of the matter is that Healing in Dflight has been so incredibly strong that at the end of S3, it’s pretty regular to have 100k-250k HPS in overheal in raiding and somewhere between 50k-150k HPS in overheal in M+. Healing is healing.

And the healing that has been for this expansion is incredibly strong and overperforming, so much so to the point where baby nerfs of 5% or something that was performing a little too well (like MW) is not going to notice any substantial difference from a 13% nerf.

There is nothing bad about being wrong. Making mistakes and learning from poor judgement is how people grow and build their skills. I hope you can take a lesson from this topic.

As if that excuses no class tuning lol

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In overheal? As I understand it, overhealing means targets are at full health and still receiving healing, which is definitely a thing, but I’m curious what content are you doing where people are taking that little damage?

The fact of the matter is that Healing in Dflight has been so incredibly strong that at the end of S3, it’s pretty regular to have 100k-250k HPS in overheal in raiding and somewhere between 50k-150k HPS in overheal in M+. Healing is healing.

yeah thats not how this works. for example - as a hpal im absolutely going to have an abusive amount of overhealing… not because my heals are overly strong but because ill be pumping healing out to things like full health beacons as i heal the targets that need heals - or as a mw dumping a ton of overhealing into the group as i do the dps rotation. the fact of the mater is there isnt a single healer whos healing profiles wont cause a lot of splash overhealing.

seriously name one healer whos rotation wouldnt cause the overhealing your seeing doing their job (not actually overhealing)

if you are using “overhealing” as your metric good luck keeping us healers here for your groups.

Yea but it drops heroic gear!!!

IIRC Overheal only occurs when a target is <100%HP and receives a healing effect. So if you had a heal for 100k HP and a target is only missing 80k HP, the 100k Heal registers as 20% overheal. If I’m right in memory, you can’t register overheal if a target is not missing any HP.

I do Heroic Raid and casual-mid keys (20-24). Even at these levels of play, a lot of overheal happens because it’s the way the game is tuned and there’s a lot of passive healing effects + group utility healing. It also has less to do people taking little damage, and healing in this expansion TRULY being that powerful.

What? No. My entire argument is that there is so much overhealing in the game right now that these 5% baby nerfs and even the 13% nerf for MW are not going to be really noticed.

People were acting like the sky is falling down because of baby healer nerfs. Not gonna really change anything.

Why are open world reward updates not mentioned at all in this article, despite being the most accessible and widely completed content?

Blizzard may as well take this opportunity to not only clarify but also advertise exactly how open world contents are being updated to help educate the playerbase and generate interest in Season 4.

For example, how are Sparks going to be earned? Which activities will award Veteran or Champion gear, and is that tied to the currently Awakened raid? Will warmode gear be updated for Season 4?


You seem to be under this impression that overhealing is going to make these nerfs not noticed… the truth is - most of the overhealing is from moments and times where no amount of nerf would be noticed.

since i main hpal ill use it as the example (even though im not getting nerfed cause… well we already struggle)

im going to have 10-50 percent overheal off beacons alone. If my splash on beacon is pumping lets say 3k healing every flash of light and my targets on average only need the splash by 1k its registering a 2k overheal. This is constant through almost every pack since my beacons static spread heals regardless of need. Dawn of light, glimmer, divine toll, tyrs, etc all do the same. so my padded overheal is huge.

That said - when the spikes and dmg go out that i actually care about and need to heal right now so the group doesnt get slammed. that is where even a 5 percent or 13 percent nerf get felt and what makes or breaks a healers back. not one of us healer mains cares about the events that overheal because they arent times we actually focus on healing typically (or at least not the members attributing to that overheal)

Overhealing isnt the barometer of overpowered healing that you think it is since its always present. you want to make overhealing go away you would need to redesign every healer to only have static single target heals like we did in classic so that you drop the overhealing down to 10-30 percent max since youd only ever overheal on the specific target you need to flash of light.

World content is still an afterthought if the Season 4 updates are not mentioned at all, despite the raid and dungeon updates being described in such detail.

Is Blizzard ashamed of offering better rewards for the unwashed masses? Or do they not think it’s important enough? Either way, Season 4 is merely days away.

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I’m about the same, and the bottom end numbers you gave (100k HPS overheal in raid, 50k HPS overheal in M+) line up pretty well with 40% overhealing, meaning one would be doing 250k total HPS in raid and 125k total HPS in M+, which is standard enough for argument’s sake if people are taking a lot of damage. The high end numbers, 250k HPS overheal in raid and 150k HPS overheal in M+, are anything but “pretty regular” (as you put it), and I would venture to say are extremely uncommon.

I used 40% overhealing because that’s about what happens in ilvl-appropriate content, and sure 40% can be considered a high number if you don’t take into account the massive health spikes that usually come with pushing content. You have to overheal in higher content because if you don’t regularly top people off you will be playing a game of catch-up, which you will ultimately lose because healing output right now is not strong enough to be that reactive when multiple people are taking huge spikes of damage.