Dragonflight Season 2 Hero Appearances still not unlocking for me even over a year later

I’ve been pretty upset with this for well over a year now, I am not sure if anyone else is experiencing this issue. I had earned the Elite Gladiator Shoulders from DF Season 2 and they are probably my favorite mog piece, however, when I unlocked the 2500 reward item and used it the extra appearance for the shoulders did not show up and were still locked. In game it says “unlock base appearance to unlock this hero variant” which I had already did, I literally have the shoulders transmogged right now on my Mage.

Over the past year I have made multiple support tickets, bug reports on the forums. I did everything GMs told me to do and nothing has happened. This is literally a bug, I am not sure why its not fixed yet.

Here is what I put in my old bug report post:

"I had earned the entirety of the Elite PvP set appearances from Season 2 (For Mage), I also achieved 2500 io last season and had unlocked the alternative appearances for earning 2500.

For some reason though, the Elite PvP shoulders did not have its 2500 io appearance unlock after I earned Hero. It is still not fixed and I have been continually reporting it for months. I look at my transmog library and the base Elite PvP shoulders are unlocked but the alternative appearance is locked saying that I need to “unlock the base appearance” to unlock it…even though I already have it."

Any help would be appreciated.

Unfortunately theres nothing that can be done here uve done all you can. Unfortunately this is on teh developers and nothing a GM can do either.


Its clearly a bug though that is not being addressed…

Ok but the developers dont come here nor do the blues here pass it along this is a player to player help desk that isnt monitored by the dev team.


Oh I see what you’re saying. Never mind.

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“Fixed an issue where collecting certain Dragonflight Season 4 appearances would not unlock their alternate versions despite using the Gleaming Incarnate Thunderstone, Obsidian Aspectral Earthstone, or Emerald Blossom Dreamstone.”

It may not fix your problem because you said it was a different season, but hopefully? This is from the patch notes for next week’s Anniversary update.


Oh no way. Thats huge!

There’s the link. Again, not sure it will help in your case, but at least it’s proof they haven’t forgotten. I hope you log in Tuesday to some unlocked shoulders though.


Looks like its still bugged, did not fix the issue.

Aww sorry to hear that. Was hopeful it would help. At least you know they are still working on those errors.

Wouldn’t hurt to put in a new bug report stating the most recent fix didn’t help your issue.


Yeah just did that, probably will make another ticket.

There is nothing a GM can do to help this situation. It’s a bug, so you need to post in the Bug Report Forum or use the Report A Bug feature in-game. You do not report bugs through tickets.