Dragonflight Season 1 Rated PvP Rating Discussion

We need inflation. We also need an initial boost of it (~150) to make up for the lack of inflation for first 10 weeks. If this doesn’t happen fast, participation will suffer even further.

ALSO the -option- to solo queue into 2v2, 3v3 and RBG.

Shuffle isn’t popular because people like random comp games, it’s popular because people don’t have to find groups, just click and play!


Have you all considered a higher injection next week (or whenever) to catch up? If you feel you started late, it may be a good idea to help close that gap. I think people are quitting because they’re getting discouraged.


have you guys thought about reverting the game back to MoP when it wasn’t trash?


Any hope for some balancing while we’re at it? Its a bit boring facing a disc priest every single lobby.

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this some manger BS i proems this and this still the same BS all i know why is it im still have to rely on doing any kina of mystics or any kina of Dungan for better gear say hmmm… to wow need to answer this… if not i call BS…

I have three healers in PvP gear maxed out and I was gonna climb rating as they are all over 1600 or 1700 but a)healing sucks and is so poorly balanced and b)what’s the point now? For a title that disappears at the end of the season and I can’t increase my gear anymore tha. It is. 424! Yay. So lame.

I’m pretty much done until next season and it’ll just get faster and faster and more and more Boring. Luckily diablo4 and the summer is coming soon. Pvp sucks in df

As a few people have mentioned…they need to do away with punishing rating system and turn it into a grind system. Make it akin to M+, skilled players get stuff faster, dedicated players get it by the end of the season.


I feel PvP would be better served if we could add back tier to honor gear.

As many including myself have said, its time to let the pvp rating system go. Stop trying to beat a dead horse with constant tweaks and changes. No more crazy math, hidden mmr, mmr, cr, inflation, deflation, punishing losses, etc.

Instead lets bring a more modern flat increase system similar to the PVE mythic + system. This would allow for players to achieve all seasonal rewards quickly with skill (or lets be real, sometimes its just RNG/balancing issues) or eventually with dedication. This way its rewarding to more PVPers and could bring in more players to PVP, which there are not many of anymore.

I would also bring back the older “limited time” sets, the seasonal sets. Like PVE you should be able to collect ALL PVP sets IMO.


While shuffle looks good on paper and perhaps will rope up new players and those that have anxiety trying to lfg 2s and 3s, your pushing away your core rated players for sake of sub count flow stability. Like a lady leading a guy on until he is verbally put in the friend zone. S1’s end is a couple of months away with s2 around the corner wth guys? Stop gatekeeping everyone and open 2s and 3s up already! Shuffle is literately just a 3s skirmish with the participation trophy for those who added effort into the rounds with a false sense of completion. Gratz on Duelist in a random rated 3s skirms!

what about a credit for old pvp rewards, like elite sets, tabards etc?

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I’m no Math-Magician and only loosely understand MMR and ELO, but to me it seems explicitly obvious that if y’all think:

… then Rating Inflation rates should be synced to those “phases of the PVP season”.

What I mean is something like:

  • Early Season - ~+5-10 MMR Inflation per week.

  • Mid-Season - ~+10-30 MMR Inflation per week.

  • End of Season - ~+10-30 MMR Inflation per week.

Can any MMR-Experts tell me if I’m missing something that would make this not the obvious optimal path forward?

I agree, the rating system could be MUCH better. Fundamentally, a game shouldn’t want its players to log off feeling like they would have been better off if they hadn’t played. But if a player spends their time queuing for some form of rated PvP, and ends up with a (possibly substantial) net rating loss, then that’s precisely what could happen. They may think “gee, I would have been better off if I didn’t log in to WoW today (or at least, didn’t queue for rated PvP). I’d have my time back, my rating would be higher, and I’d be less frustrated”, and it may push them away from engaging with rated PvP content. Having a system which doesn’t penalize losses would make it feel a lot less discouraging and be more approachable for a lot of players, and so I agree that it would be very beneficial to participation levels in rated PvP.


sorry but your system mmr ( rbgs) is not working very well let take for example you play against 1.8+mmr team and if you lose it is minus 12-13 points and if you win after againts other mmr team 1.8+mmr same level you win only 7-8points at the best 9point where is point to win your points back and have some back you must to win 3-4games in row and even when you fight against high mmr team 2k+mmr you dont win to many points that your problem on your mmr system and you lose more then win your force ppl to play more and is getting frustration and ppl stop playing because of this you must to play more to win something back and is not our fold you put us to fight against 1.6+mmr when we are 2.1+mmr and if we lose we lose 20+points and if we win 3-4ponts where is the fair system witch one you speak ?

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This 100%!!!


i dont see how there are people with 30% winrate in solo shuffle on the first page of the leaderboard and im 60% hardstuck 1500


cus solo shuffle sucks, mmr was designed by the most player-hating tool they could find at blizzard, you can shoot up in rating at an absurd rate until you get either a critical loss (0-6) or a few losses in a row (1-5 / 2-4) after that your mmr is garbage and your life is over until you get a lucky lobby.

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Everyone gets carried through the ratings. The casual solo pvper never stands a chance.

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way too much inflation people would be 4k

0-4000 rating causes too many clusters spread out making queue times and partnering super awkward for the average player

there’s no reason for it to be so dispersed

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Blizzard is testing the waters to find what’s best for them and us. You should have examples of that. Right on man