Dragonflight Season 1 Rated PvP Rating Discussion

At least I know how to spell the word. People who don’t know how to spell - or are too lazy to proofread - shouldn’t go around calling other people - who legitimately call them out - “idiots”.

seriously, keep increasing Warrior on 10.0.5 and all the Mods…Blizz/whomever Don’t monitor At all! Seriously, ANY? developers playing casters,Afflic for ie; one warrior hit no fear. is absolutely idiotic in the world of wow burst,There is none… as an afflic…try a shuffle with ANY melee…2 sec over a fear cast and plate with instant fear simply idiocy! yes! this is a complaint from a Lock…“ur just bad” gettN old. ask, Perfectwar!!! u can stop the suppressed dmg anytime now. we’ve since done what u wanted to Destro ,how humiliating.

My issue with rating, especially in solo shuffle, is that it’s based on a team factor and not the individual player. I struggle in solo shuffle because I keep getting paired with worthless idiots that can’t stay alive. Went 900s down to 600s because of it. It will never be a true player rating until the is rated 1v1.

You really like the term “fried” don’t you?

A casual count has your “fried” counter at 1.5 uses per post.

Its time to let the PVP rating system go… its just time.

I say move to a flat grind increase similar to PVE.

+25 points per win
+5 points per loss
3000 rating is Gladiator/mount/etc
1800 rating is Season Elite set
Top 0.5% rating is Seasonal Gladiator (ex: Crimson Gladiator )
Resets to 0 each season

No hidden MMR, No MMR, No hidden season inflation, No crazy math, No crazy punishment for losses. Simple to understand, simple to achieve with either skill or dedication.


Yes remove hidden math from PvP!

Also. Can there be more gold making paths for conquest and honor? Lots of us sit with 15k honor and the rewards are so pathetic outside of our PvP starter gear at the xpac launch.
Marks of honor. Same thing. I only use them to buy stew at the end of an xpac when season ends and we can only do normal.

Vicious saddles. Lots of us have every PvP mount possible. I have four saddles on my
Priest and 3 on my shaman and three on my evoker. Can we sell them on ah?

Let us use some of the stuff we earned.

Warrior bleeds are crazy! Luckily I’m an evoker but my disc struggles vs warriors. I don’t even wanna know what my Rsham is gonna be like. Global spear city

It’s one of the best terms to describe certain takes.

Who asked?

Honestly I don’t think I’m overspeaking any more. Shuffle is the pvp game now. LFG is only getting worse.

Also. Shuffle didn’t need help getting inflated. Rating naturally inflates with more overall activity. There would never have been a need to introduce artificial inflation if participation was always this high. Instead of looking at this artificial system that sometimes helped inflate regular 3s ratings, why are we not looking at the intrinsic reasons why people are spending more time on shuffle than organized arenas?

Sincerely. If you think shuffle queue times are bad, go make a LFG listing. For the average person, shuffle is just a better way to play the game. If you want to preserve regular 2s and 3s, you are going to need to give people the option to queue them by themselves with checkboxes of specs they’re willing to play with. The industry and community has progressed past the point where grouping like that is a novelty. People don’t care about the AWC. Give this its own chance to flourish.

The exact same number of people who asked for your opinion.

Sounds cool but Buff Fury Warrior.

This. So much this!

Hey all hotties and whatnot. I want solo queue rbgs. That would be fantastic. I love the concept of solo shuffle because now people actually play with each other instead of sitting in queue all day. The same thing but for rated BG.


The devs seem to enjoy limiting pvp participation by making lower level pvp as miserable as possible. It is when players are trying to learn how to play and allowing these players to be facerolled does not help pvp in the long run. Competitive games and participation should be the main focus for pvp devs.


ye olde classic honor farm.

it could be fun, but I would hate to lose elite gear and gladiator as prestige rewards, I think it could be a fun separate system, it does kind of already exist with honor levels and the rewards that come with it, like certain titles and the courser mounts, but i did find your suggestion refreshing.

I think solo shuffle is horrible for arena, as it’s own bracket and the effect it has on other brackets, I sincerely hate solo shuffle, but I love the idea of a solo Q Yolo RBG bracket.

so much more suitable for a solo Q bracket, would really liven up the scene, and be an excellent replacement for regular battlegrounds since they’ve been nearly pointless ever since RBGs came out, much like skirmishes relationship to arena.

and don’t make it shuffle, give us a decent starting room time to configure our talents and jump in a discord server.

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I do not want discord with the solo queue rbg, only because I think people wouldn’t want to join it. But time to configure talents is good.

obviously nobody can force you to jump in discord, but the option would be nice, and worth it if you dont have to shuffle with the other players, better to have the option than not, I would think the higher your rating went and the more you cared the more likely you’d be to join voice.

additionally, solo shuffle rounds either instantly or within 2-3 minutes, at 6 rounds each and starting room time I would estimate you probably spend around 20 minutes in a shuffle, which is comparable to a single BG.

maps with objectives are just such a more reasonable place to put a bunch of strangers with only mmr in common, and I would think the larger the group size the less balancing issues are a problem, but of course there will be outliers like 1 team having a druid tank and the other having a hunter to sight them or having more capable base sitters/ninja cappers on node maps

just as we have the same problem with ranged dominance in kotmogu or cleave dominance on small clustered maps

I’d like to pvp (for fun, not achievements or any of that nonsense), but the gearing process is way too much barrier to entry. Bring back the all-gear-scales-in-pvp thing.

That’s cringe. If they got to the top at any point in the season they deserve rewards (except maybe early season because pvp balance failure, but that’s on you). You created a system that “forces” people to keep playing instead of fixing the problems that cause them to stop playing.

That’s a false sense of progress, which only happens because they don’t know about rating inflation. Thanks for lifting the veil /sarcasm


I sure hope all the bugs and nerfs will be complete and finished before the start of season 2. Im a casual player, and I seemed to learn about all the exploits or broken skills, once they were nerfed but after the pro players and streamers already hit high ratings.

Blizzard always makes it hard on us, finally having our chars right to finally progress, only to have it nerfed… Again, after the pro’s and main streamers already took advantage of it to rank Gladiator/Legend…

I mean, the mage using the one shot broken spell build, he didn’t get his rank demoted, instead, he ran up to 3000+ rating… And the list goes on…