Dragonflight Season 1 Rated PvP Rating Discussion

I also hate how harsh some people are to blizzard. Remember they have new people and trying to finding solutions. We want blizzard employees to be happy to go to work and fulfilling. They need to be happy too

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While true, the lessons of the past shouldn’t Just live in peoples heads, some mistakes are being repeated and that’s annoying as a paying customer.

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End of season - When we give rets seasonal milestones or titles.

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hey blizz, I’m a little bit upset with the ratings atm. each season ill get between 2100 and 2300 rating and im happy with that but with this first season of dragonflight ive goten 2100 on my alt class a disc priest but my main arcane mage is just stuck at 1300, ive tried so many different types of gameplay, gear stats and talent builds but still just stuck at 1300… its making me not want to log in anymore sadly and the reason im writing this is because i enjoy wow i want to play it but if months on end of me playing is not getting me anywhere then i really dont see the point to keep playing it :confused: one thing i have to mention is ret pally as a dps shouldnt have a magic dispel that is basically better than a healers dispel. i really hope the rating system can be fixed or at least arcane mages consistent damage… or give arcane mage a mortal strike effect to add some pressure since their consistent damage is just not there.

is it possible to add in 1v1 rated pvp ? thats kinda what i had thought solo que would be tbh.
1v1 ques would be instant for almost everyone and people wouldnt be able to grief ques like they do in solo shuffle because it will just be 1v1 in an arena kinda just rated duels i guess, sure the ladder would consist of mostly rogues or druids that just stealth forever but I would be fine with this just to be able to have 1v1’s.
ive honestly thought stealth/prowl should have a duration like invis or camo rogues will go for restealths and what not as they already do but if their stealth only lasted say 30 secs but still had the same stealth cd 4 sec i think it is then it would make it so that games where its 4 dps that are feral, boomy or rogues just stealth for the first min of the match until eyes pop up and a healer can knock one out of stealth kinda thing.

The rating inflation kicking in so late is also making it so I don’t feel like it’s even worth playing now that I have my Duelist from RBGs until the very end of the season, when there’s more people pushing for titles, and when MMR is actually inflated so it’s not a grating experience to work on my last two achievements from the bracket.
I get the 1800 set on like, week one usually. Season’s over at that point as somebody who doesn’t care about pushing CR for the sake of it, and who can’t and won’t go for Gladiator with how deflated things are.

Why do we have a system that just encourages people to wait until the inflation’s in?
This is an MMORPG - people care about cosmetics, and arenas / RBGs are not the only thing to do in this game.

We need something to keep people playing through the season, and most dedicated PvPers I’ve met through the years have all the saddles and any of the honor sets they’d ever want. We need change in how the structure is approached; other games in the genre reward participation just as much - if not more - than just CR, and games outside this genre flat out reward time more too.

I have 0 incentive to queue up for solo shuffle on a healer because it’s just a waste of time. I do not like arenas. No amount of conquest or honor is going to get me to queue when I can just go do literally anything else in the game and get something cool for my time.

You can’t collect all the PvE rewards either.
Can people stop lying about this constantly? I can’t get old M+ rewards, I can’t get AoTC mounts, I can’t get several challenge based titles, I can’t get CM sets, I can’t get the ToV set, ect ect.

Who cares?

Your forcing every aspect of this game into an e-Sport or something suitable for streamer views rather than player enjoyment is going be the death of this game.

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Although I do agree, I’d like to point out that logically (not psychologically at all) there is no problem with losing rating. You don’t really lose anything, at least, you don’t lose your seasonal achievements, and although you lose the score, sure you went down but no matter what you do you will lose ALL your score at the end of the season. So not playing is worse for your progress than it is to play and have a chance of going down (because there is also a chance at going up).

But yes in the moment, psychologically, it doesn’t feel good. Because when it goes up we feel good, so when it goes down we should feel the opposite right?

Or you could just stop caring about rating which has no power if we give it none, and look at total games won ONLY, a number that can only increase, and specifically one that should increase almost every game (And therefore a fun measure).

I wouldn’t say I was “lying about this”, what I mean is that I can go back to previous raid tiers and collect the mythic raid gear sets/appearances, and since the PVP sets are just recolors of the PVE sets… it would be nice if I could do the same for PVP sets. Thats all I was saying there.

I also agree with what your saying about the rating inflation problem and the lack of interest for people to play until the inflation kicks in (if some of those players ever return to PVP at all).

Plus I agree that as a MMO you should be more or equally rewarded for time more than CR.

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I don’t know that I’d agree with this. Of course, it’s true that any rewards/achievements you’ve gotten so far will not go away, but that isn’t the only potential problem. Suppose you’re trying to reach 2000 rating in something, and you’re currently at 1900. Say you do some matches, they don’t go well, and you end at 1600. Now instead of having to earn 100 rating to reach 2000, now you have to cover 400 in order to get there. This certainly seems like a problem to me – it’s a big step back, and exactly the kind of thing I was referring to when I mentioned how people might feel like they’d have been better off if they hadn’t played.

I totally agree with you on this! If only the seasonal rewards (such as the tmog set) were awarded based on this metric, rated pvp would be a much more enjoyable experience for so many people :smiley:

I’m just starting to believe that Blizzard doesn’t care about PVP at all anymore (based on what seems like no active discussion on how to improve PVP). PVP Participation is so LOW atm… Glad alts at 1600-1800 in Solo for days… makes alts a struggle to get their season transmog (healers especially).

Current PVP reward system needs to be disconnected from the CR rating. I like the idea of win based reward system. As in 200 wins gets you xmog, as an example. This current PVP reward system is basically dog feces IMO. I know that its peoples jobs to try and make it better and that may hurt some… but… clearly WoW PVP is in a bad state overall.

The population/participation is just WAY too low for most people to get rewards, which in turn leads to even less participation. Seems like alts at 1600 CR Solo is literally all Glads atm (AKA smurfing).

I would love to hear the thoughts of Blizzard on this.

Edit: Or what about season elite transmog at 1800 rating OR 300 wins? Having a "X PVP reward at Y rating OR Z number of games won PVP reward system. Ex: “Season Elite Transmog Set Achieved after 1800 Rating OR 300 Solo Shuffle Round Wins”


Elite weapon mogs should be awarded at 2100 rating this season.

How is it possible NO ONE knows if the hero cut off is what is posted or if they have yet to remove alts from the cut off posted. Anyone know? I feel like if players are trying to attain a goal, the goal should be crystal clear.

Can you provide an update for what is going on in season 2?