Dragonflight Season 1 Rated PvP Rating Discussion

Just FYI: This is why skill capped offers score increase guarantees.


I don’t think you understand what you’re saying. But good for you Eorc.

Fixed that for you.

Thanks I try.

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You know you guys have a bad history of thinking for yourselves maybe next time, dont do that do a poll, a survey or go talk to other game devs, you guys have lost your pazaaz you’re a joke now a literal brain cell waste, you literally went backwards to a system that failed in BFA, this isnt the first time you’ve done this. Seriously hire a new team or go back to the drawing board cus man the picture youre trying to paint is not good.

Idk but nerf melee gap closers. Thanks.


Those Classic throwaway alts never have anything useful to say.


They should give PVP a composite score and have Elo only be a component. Make one of the components of the score be spec milestones, like achieve a certain dispels per minute or follow up a friendly CC with a stormbolt a certain number of times in a match.

Classic players are the most valuable. We have the loudest voice, the most money, the most egirls, and the most Twitch followers. Definitely jealous vibes bro.

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For the purpose of this, INTRINSIC VALUE (the rewards YOU make for a task) will be used in the context of rating, while EXTRINSIC VALUE will be used for rewards.

This is a serious reward loop problem I’ve documented well previously. Likely in violation of Forums, but here’s the Twitter Thread detailing problems with the Honor System vs. Prestige / Past Versions. Between EU and US, I’m at ~HL300 between the two regions after 4 years of the system.

There is no ‘in-road’ for Casual Players to Rated PvP. There is a serious lack of accessible/achievable Extrinsic Value to inspire one to begin delving into PvP to formulate their own Intrinsic Value. TL;DR, on top of societal/social issues at the top-end, there’s been no way to convert those Casuals into Rated content aside from seasonal rewards and a not-great ‘Lifetime Honor System’. It’s an unfriendly, actively hostile system, with a disturbingly hostile and intentionally sequestered community due to old-school networking.

Extrinsic Value: Honor needs a revamp BADLY, or it needs an addendum ‘Seasonal Grind System’ viz. FFXIV and SWTOR, where rewards are tailored based on TOTAL participation, and accelerated by rating weight (the higher your rating, the faster your rewards). Then CR Rewards / Seasonal Rewards can AUGMENT a lifelong system like the Honor/Prestige one.

Intrinsic Value: Open up any top-end PvPers Twitter that aren’t community figure heads or work for Blizzard. Look at the Frost DK who got lambasted for being violently toxic and harassing to people throughout SL. Of course no one wants to ‘improve themselves’ when subjecting themselves to this ‘in crowd’ to get to higher goals. RBGs are actively worse, and having played at Hero MMR on both EU and US, the scene is so impressively toxic that I’m surprised it didn’t inspire the current situation in Ohio.

The ‘Rating Deflation’ issue is two fold: One is a top-end social issue. The other is players aren’t playing because the game-mode isn’t rewarding enough, or doesn’t provide the method to achieve rewards they desire. Players need to be rewarded beyond the ‘Git Gud’ mentallity the top-end seems to sequester and weaponize instead of tangible rewards that will be achieved and used by more than 0.1% of the playerbase receives and actively uses. Anything else done is a patch-work job to fix the bleeding hole problem.

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This is simply not true. Solo shuffle rating does tend to fluctuate, but if you continue to play you will find your range where you belong. One look at the ladder will show you this is the case. I have multiple toons with cumulative thousands of rounds, and I have no problem climbing to the 2100 range on each of them. Around that rating is where I tend to fluctuate, as that’s my current skill level.

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From their actions I assume that Blizzard has no interest in battlegrounds, either bgs or RBG’s. They see arenas as the sole path to esports in PvP. That’s why solo shuffle exists, when it was random solo queue RBG’s that players were asking for.

Link to your source.

Asking for a source for a common sense thing is fried.

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Ah, common sense, the last refuge of someone who cannot understand a complex concept and needs everything simplified to a single cause → a single effect.

Hey professor it’s ok if you don’t understand the basics but trying to talk like that just makes you look like an idiot.

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Can you please give glad rewards to 2v2 in addition to 3v3. I like playing with my buddy in 2v2 and it feels bad that once we reach glad, we won’t get any of the good rewards.

PLEASEE make double dps viable in 2v2. I’ve missed being able to play sub/fire

I think that 2v2 deserves its own unique mount reward.

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You don’t reach glad in 2s. You reach elite.

2s needs a special ground mount or something but it shouldn’t ever have the glad mount or title. The brackets too fried.

It is.

That’s still easily one of the best 2s comps you just need to play it properly and it’s not as free as it used to be.

Ideally it’d be a ground mount that shares a similiar theme to the glad mount but I’d take even something like a more elite version of the vicious mounts at this point.

Hey professor, it’s okay if you aren’t able to grasp the concept that there are complexities in most things that you need to simplify to “duh, it’s common sense that everybody who wants to bring up other situations and nuances is completely wrong.”

If it really was “common sense”, you wouldn’t have to be defending your prejudices, preconceived notions, and wishful thinking. but hey, last refuge of people who can’t understand how things really work in the world and everything. Did you know “common” has a meaning? If it was really “common sense”, it would be literally something everybody agrees with. That’s what “common” means. And since lots of people legitimately agree with you, and you think they’re all idiot, proud to tell everybody that you’re a misanthrope who thinks everybody who doesn’t agree with you on every possible issue is an idiot… I love it when people who like to claim they are “sociable” and "friendly’ show us that they don’t get out and associate with anybody who is in any way different from them.

Speaking of “looking like an idiot”, hey, look in the mirror when you repeat your “everything is simple, there are no complexities in the world” mantra.

I’m Eorc not professor.

Words big.

It’s pretty common sense to the people who understand the topic and aren’t super fried. Unfortunately the fried people refuse to ever see reason and scream the loudest.

Wow you’re so brave for saying this.

Matyr harder.