Yeah I did miss that; thanks - I’m honestly pretty gunshy of reliance on rng in crafting.
I don’t feel like reading the article.
Crafted items need to be stuff that people actually want, otherwise the entire system collapses. It’s really not hard.
The TL;DR is that you can buy Mythic ilvl gear with badges earned from Mythic Raiding or M+, up to a limit of 5 pieces of badge gear (2-hand weapons count as 2 pieces towards that limit). Crafters act as NPCs via the AH.
WoW has been designed for far too long by elitist “fratboy” white men who focus too much on the competitive nature of pvp. Raiding and mythic plus should be COOPERATIVE. Yet you see the toxic attitudes that had always existed in pvp games, in wow pvp, that has now moved into pve. You say you want to change wow to be less toxic. Then PROVE IT BLIZZARD. GET RID OF THE ULTRA-COMPETIVENESS. Theres a reason why the majority of the playerbase in WoW quit and moved to FFIV. They have devs who actually care about their game.
This sounds like nothing but positives for me (probably). I’ve never really bothered with professions before but now I might.
LMFAO yo you gotta chill
Nice. But I still haven’t seen enough to pre-order.
Take a leaf from other MMORPGs and build wow back better.
Will there be a path for non-raiders to be able to make raid gear for raiders or will it just be hitting the sub-par cap of what I can make, face first, again?
Not sure why “sorry fury”?
How is it less than an Arms warrior with 5 crafted
in fact its better because you could have the exact same items as an Arms warrior PLUS another 2H stat sword (non crafted)
Or I may be totally wrong. idk.
I hope by “Soulbound” they mean at least “Account bound”
If my gathering toons (Herb+Mining) end up with soul bound items they cant sell or trade.
Soulbound reagents will often need to be provided by you when placing an order for a Soulbound item
You guys really need to make up your mind on this… being wishy washy and not having concrete ways of doing things is what makes so much of this game frustrating… All of the inconsistency. Makes a person want to scream.
I asked for it to be more complicated! What’s the point of having professions at all if it’s not interesting. If it’s ONLY for the useful products, they can just create another NPC to sell it with another made up currency.
I read it and was confused about reagents, etc. have they said anything about how this stuff will not be pay to win? Like what’s stopping someone from buying 200 wow tokens to get the gold to buy these high end items outright. Right now there’s already 3 boe’s and legendaries that people can pump real money into. Did blizzard just decide to double down since legendaries increased wow token purchases exponentially?
Overall I think this has a lot of potential, hopefully we can see more details soon though to figure things out. My biggest concerns currently are:
The crafting order lets people supply a portion of the materials themselves, and the crafter supplies the rest. As a crafter I really don’t want to have to pull out a calculator every time to see if I actually make a profit off the commission or not - in the picture it looks like you have to provide the full 20/20 or 5/5 items if you want to provide your own mats which is really good as it will make the math easier. Anything else we can do to make it easy to see if it is worth crafting would be a huge help.
There were already a ton of optional reagents and crafting mats, and every expansion is just adding more. I am also assuming the different qualities are not going to stack, which means Dragonflight is going to take up even more bag/bank space than a normal expansion. Can we get an upgrade to the reagant bank finally? I already have multiple personal guilds and alts that sit around just to hold materials, and it gets really annoying logging in and out to mail things around. Dragonflight is also encouraging me to craft on my main, not alts, and I want that character in a guild with other people - not my personal guild of materials. An account wide reagant/consumables bank (all the materials that are already linked for every server on the AH now) would be an AMAZING quality of life feature. If it is just for my account hopefully it could be faster to get stuff in and out of than the guild bank (which has some serious lag currently to move things around in), and some organization/sort features would be awesome if possible.
Specializations is fun, but I don’t want to feel like I need an alt army just to craft in one profession. Please make sure that I can eventually skill up one character to do everything so that I have the choice to keep just 1 blacksmith, 1 Tailor, etc. and eventually they will have earned enough skill points to do it all. Along the same lines, Shadowlands currently has huge crafting cost differences between the BoP crafters marks/vestiges that can be crafted by different professions. Can we have some of these things as BoA or just as farmable drops so that I dont have to have a Blacksmithing/Tailoring alt that covers crafting one item, a Blacksmithing/Leatherworking character for the next, a Blacksmithing/Inscription for the next, and so on? I am getting close to having every single recipe for every expansion for some professions, please don’t force specific profession pairings that punish me for my current pairings. I know there are other people with unobtainable recipes as well that feel trapped between keeping those old collectors items and dropping them for different profession pairings to be able to craft optimally, and that’s not a fun decision.
Just a little thing, but a huge quality of life item. throughout Shadowlands the amount of long timer loading bars to craft has been the most tedious and time consuming thing ever. Milling herbs and then making inks, crafting bracers and then disenchanting to get soul dust, combining callous hide to heavy callous hide, and even enchanting the heavy callous hide after that. I have one wow account and don’t want to be forced to run 3 accounts just so they can all run different loading bars. Legion was great, mass milling and then crafting right from the pigments is so much faster. Can we go back to that for inscription, and have something similar for enchanting? Can I craft an item that takes 400 cloth and 80 threads and then get 100 dust from it or something? Even a mass disenchant feature so I am not slowly clicking on bracers out of my bag for ages. Just something so that I can go do quests and play, instead of watching loading bars forever. I am fine to do a 5 hour difficult questline to unlock this feature or whatever so that it is not abused by bots or whatever reasoning we have the current system, just please give us a way to not stare at loading bars!
Overall I am excited about the changes, professions and crafting is the main reason I play so it is nice to see it improving, just please keep it fun for us and don’t make it tedious!
Why? Why did you need to bring race into this?
I was ok with the elitist and fratboy part but why??
If you only craft one weapon, sure.
It would be very interesting if the gathering professions were secondary or integrated with professions that use it.
Example: Blacksmith and jewelcrafting could be miners as well
Sorry, still confused.
say you have crafted Helm, Chestpiece, Legs and a 2H sword.
That counts as 5 crafted right?
Give that to an Arms warrior and give identical pieces to a Fury Warrior .
But, with Titans Grip( I think that what it is called), the Fury Warrior can equip another 2H non crafted sword right?
Lets be honest, the super competitiveness mostly came from streaming and being able to see others and somewhat also the ability to do stuff in groups that just wernt realm exlusive,
i say streaming because before it existed as it does you(as in a good portion of wow playerbase not you in particular) didnt care how or what world first raiders or high end mythic plus‐ers did, you did what you eas felt right with local community. You didnt care what comp they were running for dungeons, you didnt care what slot they put in what lego
And if you say they are such a small minority of the player base and drasticaly effect the huge likeminded causal playerbase, then you shouldnt have a problem with group content cause of the huge likeminded playerbase that exists. But it dosnt or you wouldn’t be here complaining.
Wow by nature is competitive, people want to do more damage get more gear kill harder bosses do higher m+ if all this is super appalling maybe wow isntnthe game anymore you rememer or sadly isnt the game for you
Apologies for the off topic
How much do you guys want to bet that this will ONLY affect Dragonflight content LMAAOO
Blizzard always doing the absolute minimum and taking the easy way out.
1000 bucks says that all other crafting will remain exactly the same.