Dragonflight Preview: A Closer Look at the Dracthyr

oh okay. well they are doing a fine job with the material they have to work with. i likely wont play one if my only choice for visage is female human. but i’m happy for the folks who will enjoy it

I’m not 100% happy with the compromised design, either. But I do understand their design goals, which are completely reasonable. And I am elated to have playable dragons in some form, so I won’t be too critical regardless.

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its nice enough that it allows both factions access to each others most popular models, et.al the blood elf and human. its just really redundant for alliance females. its like, been there, done that.

Honestly, I would have just slapped Demon Hunter horns onto all races and called it a day, for the visages. The actual dragon model should be the main draw.


Agree with you there. The current visage models also have kind of a maximalist, “more is more” thing going on with their faces, which I actually don’t love - Alextrasza has the perfect balance of big “I’m a DRAGON!” horns and mortal facial features. No extra scales and feathers and jewelry. I kind of hope we can opt out of all the extras if we want to. Like I’d keep the horns, but it would be nice to not have to.

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well female thalassian visage would be extremely popular for both factions. especially since they said we could elect to be in visage when not casting dracthyr exclusive attacks . itd be like giving us a whole new set of customizations. i feel like i got jipped, twice. first because the female visage is human only and second because the drac form just looks like a drac, because of lack of female mammalian characteristics, might as well be a whole race of males with various body types. /shrug

i will say this, they are doing a great job for the guys. looking sharp.

Let’s put it like this then:

  1. There are boobs on the non-‘true’ forms
  2. Boobs doesn’t equate to representation, representing a demographic represents representation
  3. You are arguing that a race that has canonically speaking never had gender defining features (in terms of their true forms) … to now have gender defining features … so … you are saying that non-binary people shouldn’t be allowed to have any representation in the game at all?
    (Since you equate boobs to female representation, that means that a distinctive visual or distinctive lack of visual would be representation as well, meaning that dragons are non-binary (which they are in according to the lore generally speaking, besides some laying eggs and others impregnating 'em) and you don’t want there to be non-binary representation in the game by removing non-binary elements from a canonically non-binary race)

Just drop it already
You are just contradicting yourself and steering into the territory of being anti-representation which can be extrapolated into being something much worse than “Strangely upset for the lack of scalie boobs”

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Again, Dragons are not mammals. We know this because they lay eggs that hatch and live happy little whelpling lives (or not, if you’re in the black dragonflight). Really not trying to go after you here but, oh my god.


no because non-binary forms are already present in the race. i think whats being suggested is all forms.

This is a really good point actually


i know this. hey i played old school everquest and in their first expansion they introduced playable reptiles. the females didnt have breasts. i completely understand what you’re saying. i even tried it out but it just wasnt my cup of tea

Again, their true form is non-binary
By stating “Oh your true form doesn’t have to be non-binary” when its a non-binary race in terms of visual features … yes, you are now bordering into stating that non-binary elements are to be removed from the game completely by saying “Oh you aren’t non-binary, you are a man or a woman”

I’m telling you, drop it
Drac’thyr are non-binary, and their non-true forms already provide you with what you want, whilst providing non-binary people ACTUAL proper representation


no i am not. i’m saying theres room for ladies at the water fountain. i am not saying you shouldnt have representation since the race already can be customized to look non binary

Why do I feel like you’re skirting around saying you think a non-binary form is the same as a male form?


outside of visage form, dracs have no indicators of female. thats why i asked what do you think they could add to give the hint its a female? and if its not a female, you just end up with a race that looks like various male body types. i wouldnt consider that non binary until its customized to look non binary. like david bowie in his spiders from mars costumes

I think the Dracthyr models look gorgeous and I like several of the color variations. :dragon_face:
I just hope we eventually get more class choices with the Dracthyr.


They look cool dont get me wrong i just wish they could tank… i said this on another thread i rly wish dracthyr’s could tank and shapeshift into a true dragon form like how druids can shapeshift into bears


No indicators of being male either. No boobs? No peen either. No junk, nothing that even appears to look like junk. So tell me what exactly it is about this model that looks distinctly male to you.


I choose to run on all fours, I could be like the raccoon and walk plantigrade when bipedal. But we don’t do that because, to be frank, it would not look cool.

This is WoW, where rule of Cool has been a thing since the start. This is not the place to complain about realism

Agree!! If they’re going to race-lock a class, at least let the class be able to play all 3 roles. I think that was a silly choice, but maybe they’ll change it.

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