Dragonflight Preview: A Closer Look at the Dracthyr

They look like they’re trying to please toddlers with this dragon model.
They would fit more in a Saturday morning cartoon show than in this game.

Yes, I’m serious. They will not design anything with boobs in a sexual way after the lawsuit because its suggestive. Even dracthyr.

What do you want them to look like Elder Scrolls lizards or something cause those look pretty ugly.


They look good.


True story, my ball python was smaller and more slender because he was a male, and the females are often beefcakes in comparison.


No, the Worgen were just bad art direction, period. They released female worgen that looked like chiahuas giving you bedroom eyes and worgen males were at least a little better but the problem was that Blizzard was caught up in trying to make nightmare fueled rage murder machines look appealing. The problem? Worgen are monsters.

I’m glad they’re showing a more extensive preview of them than what we saw in April. I’m much more warmly receptive to them this time around than I was back in April. I love the different color variations, horns, snouts and even different body shapes.

There are some nitpickings I could do, but overall, I’m quite happy with how they look. I won’t have any qualms about rolling one (or many across my accounts) when pre-patch releases.


Yeah the restriction doesn’t make much sense. Wings can easily clip through the backs of chest pieces. But dracthyr basically have worgen/humanoid bodies. I don’t see why putting armor on them is an issue when they can do it for every other race that uses this kind of body.


Much better looking than the announcement!

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You know precisely what I meant. This is fantasy… do you think actual female form for any sort of bovine looks like a Tauren female?

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Guess you’ll have to get your rocks off somewhere else

Alexa play my sad times playlist


I would give their bodies an actual muscle definition. These look like the never lifted a weapon in their whole life. They look too green. And their small derpy heads don’t make them look smart or educated. This is Sesame Street material.

But some of their pictures look better than others. There is hope via customizations.

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Im sad they didnt showed the head jewel in the post. I know they showed a few in April but they could of include some in this articles I would of loved it. Im glad we see few armor tough. I hope we’ll be able to mixt them and that the part we see aint locked to this armor (Love the blue one sleeve. But I would prefer the black one belt)

This is all fantastic. Question: is that barbershop armour?


Well at least they said there is more than 4 in the article

Several body options will be available for you to choose from during creation.

This is just a sampling of the variety of options that players will have at their fingertips to create their Dracthyr Evoker to carry them into new adventures in the Dragon Isles. Who will you become?

So im hoping for a few more customisation we still havent seem much. (Jewel and other armor pieces)

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What is it and these GD whiners?

Complaining about a freaking dragon in LIZARD form not having boobs come on when you see a lizard on tv or in your yard does it have boobs.

If that is the case then don’t play one there are a lot of us who know lizards do not have mammary glands and are happy to play one.

GD never ceases to amaze me and I play on Moon Guard.


Still not beefy enough, they still look goofy and silly.

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They say vote with your wallet so I resubscribed just to say that these models look beautiful. The sheer customization is a wonderful surprise and should make it harder, even without regular armors, to avoid identical characters I imagine! Plus the cosmetic armors also look wonderful.

The bulk of the 4th bodytype especially I approve of so it’s reaffirmed I’ll be playing a Dracythyr when the expansion drops later this year.


Looks great

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They have that new Tavern trailer for WoW, and they wisely stuck to the classic races that look great. The Dwarves particularly stand out as being awesome.

Then you look at these new Dracthyr, and they do not look like something from World of Warcraft. You could not put them in that trailer. They would stick out and seem ridiculous.

This aesthetic is entirely wrong for WoW. Its bad art direction and needs to be redone before launch.