Dragonflight Pre-Fails + Player Housing

Put a garrison on Azeroth.

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You want WoW to have player housing like other games? If other games have what you want, then why are you on the WoW forums.
Your desire already exists and you want to complain because it does not exist everywhere.
You make no sense at all

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Because wow has more of what they want from a game than other games? That’s a pretty easy question.

My neighborhood has a police station and grocery store nearby.
Another neighborhood has a fire station nearby.
I want a fire station nearby too.
Should I move to the neighborhood with a fire station nearby even though I want a police station and grocery store nearby as well?
No that’s stupid, just get your neighborhood to build a fire station.


Let’s hope the Warlocks, monks and dhs get as much attention as other classes have gotten. More and more I feel these classes, being last to reveal, will get far less attention as alpha transitions to beta, and Blizzard closes shop on significant talent changes because their focus shifts.

Then again, druid and priest were revealed early and seem to be lacking in attention, so maybe I’m just living in a pipe dream after all.

Who needs player housing look at all the toxic drama that those games have over it and who needs anymore of those in World of Warcraft. Also, player housing is not as popular as you might think and also there are other fun activities they could implement into World of Warcraft than say housing.

I just love how people think listening to feedback means you must obey everything the community says and do when that isn’t the case at all in game development. Feedback is taking into consideration and when they do agree or have a compromise version than they will implement it.


What do you thing the new professions system is for? They aren’t going to give us player housing all at once.

And FF14 player housing is an artificially inflated cess pit.

This isn’t exactly the right part of the development cycle to be demanding a major feature.

(not that I know when is the right time to get on the agenda for a future expansion)

SWTOR housing is awesome and it’s a dead game. So yeah I don’t know how they can do it but Blizzard won’t.

Once I get my slime cat I’m canceling my sub again and hanging out there to finish decorating my 6 other houses (already have 3 complete.)

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Dragon Riding > Housing

I dunno dude. I’ve been flying for 16 years and I’m pretty sure housing would be better.

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Flying everywhere at 900% speed for fun when bored > afking in House

I seem to move on a lot slower than most ppl. I keep holding out but I won’t indefinitely.

I’m going to try dragon flight out but if they treat us like they have this xpac and continue to have piss poor communication - I will take a break till Microsoft takes over and see if they’re going to change things around.

I want more world content and player housing. Also a fresh start with new friends sounds like fun in another mmo

We’ll just have to agree to disagree. I’m still flying and I’m still getting to where I want to go no matter how fast I’m going.

However, I know from experience that housing is hours upon hours of fun.

i think you think this new flying thing is boring by watching it on youtube/twitch but when you will try it , you will probably enjoy it

and i can’t see a world where housing would offer more hours of fun than dragon riding , when Blizzard can do a lot with dragon riding , like making Dragon racing with a ladder etc

Dragon racing could be a new pillar raid/m+/pvp

Good! that means it shouldn’t be hard to do better and soon we should have our own night clubs, guild houses, tematic spooky houses, Housing competitions, etc. no?

I didn’t say I know I won’t enjoy it, I’m saying it’s just flying. It’s a mode of travel and that’s never excited me. There are flight simulator games out there and they never interest me.

Player housing has.

anyway it’s personal , i find player housing boring very quickly

if you could choose between Dragon racing instanced with maps/ladder/rewards vs Player Housing , what would you choose ?

Dragon racing would be 10x more popular

Player housing. Like I said, fancy travel never interest me.

I wouldnt want something like FF14 housing where you are required to compete for limited space and required to have an active sub to maintain a house.

ESO housing would be perfect for WoW

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Player housing is only desired by a very vocal minority. Go live in your garrison if you want to play house.

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