Dragonflight: Plunderstorm Content Update Notes—Now Live!

Did you watch the gameplay during the video?

Ret is just fine where it’s at :grin:

The Venn diagram of wow players and people who like BR-PVP is two circles on separate sheets of paper. This is the most out of touch thing since Diablo Immortal.

White Knights got overtime work to do today.



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You won’t likely have stealth. The UI is totally different and you loot spell abilities.

The game mode isn’t part of wow and you can’t use your characters. It’s fine it’s it’s own thing but it’s literally not a wow update or wow content it just gives you rewards for your wow game.


I came here specifically to say this. Why are Blizzard letting cheaters get their way and never addressed this issue?

It’s incredibly frustrating that people cheated the vote and are even getting their way without any kind of repercussion, they’re even rewarded.


Wait… Is this the same post that hit over 1217 posts?! Did blizzard purge the comments to maintain a good look sweeping the discourse under the rug?!? XD


So this is what we get instead of pvp updates? No new maps or giving plate armor back to plate classes?

you guys used developer resources on this? is this an early april fools joke?


zone-wide pvp for cosmetics?!?!? I don’t think so.

I’ll just keep on as usual until season 4 rolls out.


Thanks for the in-depth testing on this patch. I didn’t know you were removing mounts that I paid for and do not see this in the notes.

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Don’t do it. They removed the best talent that they had(Miracle worker- Extra charges of holy words) and gave us absolutely nothing in return except a 7% healing reduction and buffs to talents that had low pick rates for a reason.

Edit- We still got the talent, it was just bugged

Over here still hoping they fix Frost DK’s still aaaaand nope.

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How do I remove this junk from my loading screen?

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I hope you all learn from this to not be so cheeky and then release something that is a giant wet fart.

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So I hate PvP and it looks like this event is going to be PvP on steroids but since there is nothing else to do in the game atm I might give it a shot. However, with each match lasting 10-15 minutes (basically a standards BG) and a whopping 40 tiers of that renown track I am guessing it will take well over 100 games and likely much more if you don’t win (which I am fully assuming I won’t since I don’t PvP). That seems like an insane time investment. I get that it’s literally meant to be a time sink in the lull between content cycles but this is a bit much… What happened to being more respectful of the player’s time and not forcing us to be chained to the keyboard 24/7?

renown is WAY WAY WAY too slow. not playing this, even though i want the cosmetics. i don’t want them this bad,


It’s a knock off, graphically crappier, and mechanically inferior BR.

Nobody is gonna play this when there’s vastly superior options in the form of… you know… ACTUAL BR games.


And I anticipate another 3% after season 4 launches