Dragonflight "Pathfinder" issue

The people in this thread just casually dismissing how hard something is to do with a disease that impares mobility/motor skills is kinda depressing.

“Nah just get over your pain and just do it, it’s not that hard”



Okay, how about you help your friend then and fly him where he needs to go?


I waste my time doing lots of things.

Do you have a magic keyboard that presses this on its own? No, you don’t have to HOLD it down. That’s not what I said. You still have to press it. You wanna fly into a tree and just stay there? Then you have to aim your mouse to choose your trajectory, which is what I already said and what the OP already said his/her friend has trouble with.


Show me anywhere in here where someone said that.


I have already stated this is an option, but it seems like all the OP wants to do is argue.


yeah…I do…its called “mouse wheel”…and I aim my FLYING mount in a direction and press the mouse wheel where auto run is bound and boom…AFK flying in whatever direction

Youre starting to annoy me now.


irony? lol

Thats my final response to you personally in the matter.
youre not wasting MY morning here lol


For someone with RA, do you think this would be any easier than pressing a key a few inches away from the mouse? For either regular flying or dragonriding? I’m not following how you pressing a mouse wheel button means dragonriding is an insurmountable feat of dexterity compared to regular flying.

Sounds like a “you” problem.

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So instead of blizzard making it so that people can just use old flying in dragon isles, people with motor skills and mobility issues need to ask their friends to taxi them around. So he only gets to play when I play, and only when I feel like playing with him. Nice.

Hey at least this is a suggested solution instead of simply “tell him to get over it.” Thanks for the feedback.

No you cannot. I apologize for not seeing you mention this before, my bad on that. But no, you cannot do all of these achievements exclusively with ground mounts. There are highland (flying required) areas you 100% cannot reach without flying. For you and I? trivial. I agree. Flying is easy and fun for me. For my friend with RA? an actual insurmountable feat.


its telling they feel the need to attack said persons in the first place.
When they double down…well, theres a term for the behavior when one can mock disabled/handicapped persons that I wont bother with here.


When someone in the community says they have a challenge, you can just accept it. In real life, you wouldn’t do that retort, would you? Just pretend you’re standing in front of someone.


The amount of dragon riding that is actually required is pretty minimal tbh though.
There are lots of flight points and most areas are accessible on foot.

Most of it should be able to be done alone without riding a dragon.

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Same. I might be argumentative, but it’s my thread on a topic I brought up. He can go away (or in this case, get disregarded)

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I will just stop whatever narrative is going on here and say I was never “accepting” anything. I agree with OP that people with disabilities shouldn’t be left out.


No. You only have to help him out to get pathfinder then he should be fine. They have stated what they are going to do and what’s expected. Spinning yourself up about it at this pointless is fruitless. Go help him out.

for one with the motor skills to do it and doesnt notice it, yeah.
For someone who actually has the physical problems that make it harder…‘minimal’ is a bit more objective a term on their end.

Why are you here again? Just to take jabs at people having trouble with DRing?

Just confused why those of you having no trouble with DRing are so interested in putting those who ARE having issues in their place.


Yes. When you have a disability, you do what needs to be done to continue with your life functioning as you see fit. Blizzard is not going to give away flying to everyone because your friend struggles with dragonriding. To be honest, it seems like you’re just using your friend’s disability as a talking point for why Blizzard should deal out free flying to everyone.

When tasked with the option of helping him, you dismiss it as an inconvenience. I don’t know you, but I’m just saying, it’s very odd.

Have you ever tried?

I’m sorry, who in here is doing this?

Oh don’t get me wrong, I will help him absolutely. But putting that onus on me to help my friend instead of blizzard just cutting out a series of achievements no one asked for seems silly to me.


No, its just minimal.
Not efficient to not use it as the zones are big, but 100% doable outside of a couple of quests where you fly a short distance.

Im not putting anyone in their place.
Simply saying that its not an impossible task.

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I got to mute this thread and the others like it. lol
Seeing more of this behavior from some is nauseating.