Dragonflight Paladin Thread

We used to have these cool unique things called Divine Shield, Blessing of Freedom and Repentance.


You still do!


They are no longer unique.

I haven’t used repentance in years. The other two I use a lot.


maybe for ret they could give a weakened version of the bubble torghast power:
some name here:
The Paladin attempts to cast divine shield on the entire group, reducing everyone’s damage by X% for Y seconds. Shares a cooldown with Divine Shield, causes forbearance on the casting paladin.

They could even add an effect range and/or cap the total damage reduced if they felt it was hard to scale or something

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I used repentance a lot in SL, moreso before season 4. It’s a 15s psuedo interrupt for casts that have a cooldown once the cast starts (like most of the ones you can stun in SL). Have to plan it with defensives since it’s a cast, but honestly that was rarely a problem, even up to 20’s this season.

I’ll take repentance again, but I will say Tyr’s Enforcer makes me rethink that as the damage from that talent breaks repentance, and I usually am using AS to silence pull a caster

I still use it for gambit with no invis skip routes. I repentance one of the murlocs in the miniboss pack when it paths away from the door to ensure the group can sneak in without doing that pack. In guild groups not as much needed, but pugs rarely get that CC correct and end up cc’ing it near the door, so I like to do that myself if possible


I’m not surprised you haven’t used Repentance for years. After all, it’s a magical CC that breaks on any damage and has a cast time and a cooldown. It’s probably the worst CC out there, aside from the very type-restricted ones like Shackle Undead.


Shackle Undead is super useful when it is used, though, like on Anduin. Can actually prevent wipes by yourself just because you can spam cast it between multiple adds.


It’s invaluable for rated PvP. Even in Rated Solo Shuffle I can fire Repentence off in the middle of a melee mosh pit and they’ll still stay CC’d for 2-4 seconds and it works great as a pseudo ranged interrupt.

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For DF people have stop using verdicts and instead use justicars vengeance

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Agreed. Repentance is invaluable for PvP, any kind of PvP.

What about so-called Retribution Aura?!

Ret Aura still sucks in DF. It is or was a redundant PvP ability that is not even that good for pvp. Someone on our team has to die in game to activate Ret Aura. What are we supposed to do, group with a warlock and have them commit suicide their character to activate ret aura when we need it?

What were you thinking with ret aura wow devs?

The classic version of Retribution Aura was much better.


I’ve generally found Blinding Light to be better, simply because it’s instant. The only time Repentance works is when using it to CC a healer, and then only when low enough rated that the DPS doesn’t just kick it.

And that’s the problem with it - it’s on a cast time (unlike most other melee CC) and it’s magical (unlike some other melee CC). This is all thanks to it having been made available to Holy, years ago.

It’s also the problem our stun, which was considered one of the best in the game once, has - it’s magic, and so it’s really only useful vs healers in rated PvP. Most stuns nowadays are physical, and all healers can cleanse magic so HoJ’s relative value has dropped over the years.


I am having big problems as Holy with survivability in SL dungeons as I have been leveling this paladin. I kept getting one-shotted when healing normal dungeons. I have never had this problem with holy before. What is the problem? What am I missing? Is this an issue with Holy in DF beta? I have been healing on this toon as since WoW classic.

I am playing prot for now.

Legit that would be amazing!

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I just leveled a paladin to 60 like 2 days ago and I noticed that playing the melee build got me killed so many times lol. Specially in plaguefall like I just couldnt cs safely without putting myself at risk. This is the first paladin alt I leveled since the SL launched. I dont play holy seriously but I felt that using holyshock for damage was a waste because I need instant healinh and even when just spam generating hp and spamming lod wog my party died.

Also tower of radiance is kind of a stupid talent but made it so easy to keep dusk and dawn up all the time.


Give Holy Exorcism and a way to regen mana


Plate armor feels like paper armor now.

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Hmmm… I can’t relate, Legion was in my opinion the best Expansion since WotLK. It was unbelievably good for Paladin, including the Ret side of it. I was pushing 15+ in Mythic Dungeons as Tank, DPS, and Heals back when 16’s and 17’s were extremely difficult. Mythic Raided throughout half of it with Cutting Edge titles for Gul’Dan and Kil’Jaden. In Tomb of Sargeras I main’ed Ret Paladin, and still was able to Off-Tank on Desolate Host and Helped push as a Healer for Sisters and Maiden… So I mean I don’t know where you are coming from with Ret Paladin being disappointing in Legion.

As far as Tanking m+ goes… Prot Paladin in Legion will never be topped in my book.


Ret Paladins in Legion had reduced mobility, reduced utility, and a truncated rotation compared to WoD. Also, they lost Empowered Divine Storm and having a 20-yard frontal echo for 20% damage did not, and does not, compare with that.

I can absolutely understand why someone might find Legion a step down from WoD.

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