Dragonflight is the worst expansion I've ever played

Whoops, did you forget about garrisons and eventually Tanaan Jungle?

WoD definitely had more solo content than DF.


Yikes Op!!

Did you?

You literally ran out of stuff to do after two weeks.


I thought you were quitting. Well, shows that was a lie.

Iā€™d give it a 6/10

I am very much enjoying DragonFlight. I enjoyed the leveling, found the zones to be beautiful, the music is great, the npcā€™s are fun. The more I slow down and enjoy, and get a lot out of the quests. I enjoy the fishing. As far as the end game content, I am enjoying the dungeons, healing is challenging but in a good way. I feel very invested in the aspects / flights. I have appreciated the two-sides-of-the-story. Sure, things get repetitive, but it IS a game. I am happy playing it, and when I am not, I will take another break.

Hope you find something to make you happy, OP.

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Itā€™s too early to rank against other expansions but Iā€™ve been enjoying DF a lot.

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I would probably give it a 5/10 so far. Better than the previous expansions, but I meanā€¦ wellā€¦thatā€™s a low bar :sweat_smile:


Worst expansion ever, hasnā€™t played anything in the last 10 years :joy:

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Yes we know, you tell us in every other post.

You stalking me or something?

Would it be better if I talked about hating WoW instead?

Is that more kosher for the forums?

In truth, I was actually about to unsub this month, and was THAT close to actually doing it, but then I had some friends help out with a wow token so I could keep playing for free, and on top of that I reconciled with TWO other wow friends from my past that I had lost contact with for a number of years, so I actually got around to leveling in Dragonflight on my main this expansion,

So things are pretty good now thanks. If good friends hadnā€™t intervened at the 11th hour, I would have been gone.

As an aside, the only thing I donā€™t like about Dragonflight is that thereā€™s WAY too much to do and too many people are doing the Rifts which is lagging up the servers, I even got kicked to another shard when I was doing Riftsā€¦

Dragonflight has been awesome. I love the new talents system, the zones, the world PvP and rewards, professions are fun again.

My only complaints are the millennial writing and the ā€œpropagandaā€ (Larry Fink would be proud).

Never understood why people continue to play a game that they claim to not enjoy. If you hate it so much, why are you still playing? I understand occasionally being disappointed in some aspects but when someone says they havenā€™t enjoyed something for x amount of timeā€¦ Just move onā€¦ Then again, some people enjoy having something to complain about. After all, if they quit playing the game that they hate so muchā€¦ Whoā€™s going to listen whenever they climb up on their soapbox!? :scream:

My hot take is I preferred SL to Dragonflight.

I continued doing my SL tables and stayed hearthed to Bastion til 10.0.5. I miss my dang maxed out level 60 tables, but you have to pick between having a reasonable way to get there or having current content hearths.

Legion was probably the last expansion I held in high praise.

DF > WoD > BfA > SL, in terms of ā€˜the worstā€™, itā€™s a step above, but itā€™s no Legion.

Largely disappointed with class balance and PvP content this expansion.

WoD, for all of its faults, at least had really good PvP.

BfA, had allied races, so I was busy unlocking those at the time.

SL basically had nothing for me.

DF, still not really anything in the PvP side of things, but at least Solo Shuffle is here to stay. Not the best content, but itā€™s something.

Iā€™d kill for a Rated Battleground Solo Queue. That alone would skyrocket an expansion to near-Legion levels, for me.

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Retail is trying to compete with itself to see which expansion they launch can be considered worse than the previous lol.

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I agree, though not for the same reasons. I played the first 3 and the most recent 3, plus a bit at the tail end of Legion. DF is my least favorite among them, DESPITE that I actuality love dragonriding.

Title is true bump.