Dragonflight is the worst expansion I've ever played

I’ve hated everything since the moment I was born, and by the spite I hold for each and every sentient being in the cosmos, I will forge a path of blazing fury, WoW is no exception. The game was terrible decades ago, and decades from now will be terrible still, but I will remain.


I don’t get why you’d play WoW if you werent going for M+, raiding, or pvp end game activties… or collecting I guess. Maybe achievement completion?

If you want story and solo play questing, arent there way better games on the market for that?

You want to log in for endless kill x collect y quests to slowly prog your character?


Most of the threads and comments on this forum are :clown_face:. It’s hard to take a lot of these threads seriously. If you are so mad at the game just quit. People treat this game like a 20 year marriage and can’t separate from it lmao.


So you missed WoD, BfA and SL apparently.

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I prefer to read posts like OP, rather than read people trying to counter it nonstop. You’re not helping, you’re better off just not posting if you don’t like the thread subject. Pretty ironic to have to say this.


No I like killing things for XP, and picking herbs and mining ore for XP.


the latter has been around since at least mists of pandaria.

welcome to wow, OP.

Good for you! The only way companies learn to improve is when you give them one last chance after twelve bad years.

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And yet you’re still here…
On the class you hate…
On a character with 47 posts…

Yeah, I’m calling it guys:

And very low quality at that.


Early Cata was fun though.

it launched with 3 raids. Nowadays we get one. A few weeks after launch.


Dragonriding is the best thing they have added to the game since flying in tbc…

Or you are trolling.
Most likely trolling.

If you don’t like dragon riding just take a flight point like a boomer.


If that is low quality bait, the video should’ve been 144p

I can’t imagine still playing a game that is at its worse version over a course of several months.

It must not be that bad.

WoD at launch was bad.

Nowadays it’s the best leveling expansion for alts.


The best part of WoD was when the garrisons were bugged and it dropped a server’s worth of people into one single garrison and nobody could move, but they could certainly talk. 11/10 social experience.


I agree here.


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WOD launch was bad for like half a week. The first 2 months of WOD was fantastic.

The problem with WOD was every other patch after it sucked and took too long with not enough content.


Two months ago I would have ripped your head off over this post… but honestly… this xpac is super buggy and mega boring. If you aren’t into m+ there’s almost no reason to log in lol

Everyone got so caught up in the “omg w’s” that blizzard was allegedly doing simply because it wasn’t shadowlands that we failed to notice that everything was still crap.


I’m so bored of this hyperbole. No, it’s not a home run. Shadowlands was a giant turd and Dragonflight is like getting bread for the turd so we don’t have to touch it as much. It’s marginally better at this point.

Also, tons to do? Are you literally high?