"Dragonflight is the best expansion in a long time"

Wishful thinking, Metzen isn’t going to uproot the terrible narrative team they have. They’re not removeable and they won’t just slink away on their own. They might pay Metzen enough to get him to try to hype it for them but they won’t let him save the next expansion.


There are literally WeakAura’s / AddOn’s to keep track of all the chores you have to do in DF weekly per character (such as https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/chore-tracker) I’m not sure what game you’re playing.


Im not sure what game YOU’RE playing either. There’s nothing mandatory.

I can go straight to dungeon, pvp, raid.

Can you list some of the chores?


The last rime I truly had fun with this game was in MoP. I’m not saying that expansion was perfect but it did so many things right. I was super sad when it was over, but I was hopefull that they’d use the experience they gained from this xpac to the next ones.

Haha silly me.


M+ season 2 logged participation.

I’d say story is even worse. BfA was total war escalation, DF is the opposite extreme. ‘Hush, hush nothing happened, everyone gets along’. Super big focus on neutral stuff, no playable faction has any agency. Everything is dull alltogether. And I really don’t care about Dragons, but I would tolerate them so far H/A could somehow gain something from this expedition.

But it’s one big homogenisation. Everyone talks the same. Everyone acts as if they were lobotomized. It’s frustrating.

Compare it to jade forest experience. That is night and day difference.


Technically that’s been true with every expansion. You can just literally log on and sit around in Goldshire if that’s really what you want to do.


To be fair, in DF there are no mandatory chores that contribute to character power, so they are all optional even for players that participate in end-game…unlike the last 3 x-packs.

You’re right, they were all “optional” but you weren’t going to be a progression raider or M+'er without farming artifact power, azurite power, or renown.


So after a breakup, do you continue to call her friends and tell them how terrible she is and they shouldn’t be friends with her anymore?

Here is an equally plausible scenario all you doomers aren’t considering: people are just done with the season. There’s no forced currency to keep up, renown was maxed months ago, and if you’re not really pushing, what is there to do now? It takes 32 hours to fully gear a character. People hit their personal goals and then a generational RPG landed and maybe they’re just not doing endgame. They’re enjoying the “rpg” and “collectible” aspect for mmorpg.

I’m this thread, people are like “I finished my endgame goals and now I’m just working on collectibles, but that drop in log submissions definitely means the game is dying!”

Nobody logs mount runs. You all want it to be dying so, so bad to justify your position. But maybe, people are just doing other things.

Because retention is up.

Also; there’s the fiduciary aspect. If WoW were dying, they’d tell the shareholders. If WoW were dying, they wouldn’t have made such a colossal investment. If WoW were dying, we wouldn’t be getting our 7th patch on a couple weeks.

Here’s what I think is happening. You guys are upset because we didn’t reheat Arthas again. Because inclusivity scared you. Because dracthyr aren’t all sinewy hips and full mammaries. Because female dwarfs who don’t flirt rub you the wrong way. You can’t let it go that casuals can gear up without kissing the ring.

So go for it. You can’t hurt my feelings. Pick my assertions apart, link to raider.IO and attack my character progression. Bring it on. Jump to some conclusions and put your foot in your mouth. Let’s party. I’m ready to daydrink and trade insults if that’s what you wanna do.

But maybe you can enjoy the game (or not) and play the game (or not) without having to lobby for/against it. I don’t like Hardee’s, but I don’t stand in their lobby and strike up conversations with strangers about how they’ve gone downhill.

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Maybe people are doing other stuff. Collections, mounts, etc. This was the fastest season to gear that we’ve ever had. They’re still logging in and paying a sub, at least.

If nobody is logging those kinds of things how can you confidently say that player retention is up?

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Yeah I’m sure the majority of players are paying a monthly subscription for 2 years of mount farming.


Blizzard said retention is up. And even if you think they’d lie to investors and commit a crime, their actions speak louder than words. The team added 200+ people for WoW at the end of shadowlands. They’re investing in the product. You wouldn’t do that for a game that was dying.

Yeah, that’s always true. More people don’t do endgame than do. By a large margin.


I assume the issues with the expansion are mostly how I changed as a player and not how the game is getting along.

When I do log in it’s a fun enough time. I like dragon riding, I like the world content, and I love the stories. I just don’t feel like there’s any real interesting replay loop for me anymore. I don’t raid since all my friends stopped playing, I’ve never liked M+, I only PVP casually, and leveling just isn’t an engaging experience anymore.

My collections are bloated, my mounts are full of ground mounts I’ll never use and getting a new one isn’t alluring, I have so much xmog that I’m picky about what to go after, and I don’t really do battle pets. I mean, it feels like a “me” problem. I think I just became disillusioned with the game after breaking for the majority of Shadowlands.

I found better things to do with my time.


Thats what meant.

DF you can jump right in the action, the focus isn’t all on progression. The RPG aspect is really high, so much world content to do. Professions… the casual world is blooming with content and doesn’t take anything from the competitive side.

Both are co-existing, and the silent majority is there for it.


Pretty much. I came back to WoW this expac for a simple reason: OMG DRAGONS.

I got my quota of OMG DRAGONS!!! and I’m very happy. I see lots of quality of life since I stopped. IDC to compare two expacs against one another. I wish there was more epic music and that’s it. I tried raiding, still didn’t enjoy it but that’s because I never loved WoW raiding in any expansion. There’s way too much room to improve to me because it always feels like a DPS race and "avoid the holes in the floor*. Maybe when they do more stuff like in Karazhan and so on I’ll like it more. Haven’t seen it yet.

I’m having fun, and I like to share questing on-stream because I am enjoying them and I want other people to see cool stuff. And that’s all there is to it.

Why dissect my fun? shrugs

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Let’s say that Shadowlands had 3 million players at the start, and retained 1.5 million at the time of a similar quarterly report. Now, let’s say that Dragonflight had 1 million players at the start, and 500,001 as of the last quartly report.

Retention could be considered “up” by 1 player in this scenario. Their bullet point is meaningless without context.


Conversely, I find this expansion to be better then the game has been in a long time; I came back in legion (which after a multi-expansion break) was a really great expierience… and then it was followed by BFA which was a mess of bad writing and system after system after system after system and then SL which was just more systems, more weekly work treadmill and more bad writing.

This expansion though? Yeah I get the problems and gripes but stripping away the AP grind, the bad writing and the mission table god damn do I hate that thing showing up everywhere to give us a simpler, cleaner story with a focus on exploration and redemption feels like an honest attempt to start fresh and I for one welcome it.

Oh and they made proffessions actually interesting and worthwhile to invest time into as opposed to something you do for a handful of items for your self or your alts.


This is the biggest issue for me, every new patch adds a new event that not only invalidates the previous, but they overlap, so if you didn’t get all the rewards from the previous one, GL. Blizz really just needs to find a way to stagger the events so they don’t overlap, but also instead of fast patches, they could have had Time rifts and Dreamsurges in the same patch and staggered their timers.

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