"Dragonflight is the best expansion in a long time"

You don’t have to post in these threads either. I honestly don’t understand the mind of a fanboy. There is a psychological component at play here.

You’re spending time rebutting criticism, when you could be playing the game, playing another game, or jumping into fluff discussions about WoW, theorycrafting about the game, writing guides for new players, but here you are, defending the game against “doomers”.

Why? Do you think your rebuttals are going to influence me, or other people, to suddenly just drop their criticisms about the game.

Or, maybe you’re feeling the boredom as well, and these attempts to rebut criticism are coming from a place of insecurity about your decisions to keep supporting a company that clearly has been in decline?

There are some good aspects to WoW still, but the negatives are really outweighing what is good, imo.


Well, of course Blizzard would be 100% transparent and they wouldn’t twist a statistics so they could say the game is doing well at their quarterly stock-holder meetings.


Didn’t they lay off hundreds of people prior?

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DF may not be perfect but is way better than SL and BFA. So yeah is a good expansion after a loong time.


I dont think they have ever laid people off from the WoW team, so no.

However, they have laid off people from Activision Blizzard customer service and e-sports

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This is the biggest load of tripe I have ever read on these forums. Please, get some perspective here. This is just one giant strawman here.


You’re quoting that 63% decline - it’s not logged participation, it’s the difference in the number of unique characters that ran keys. If that’s incorrect, I’d love to see the link that shows it’s “logged participation.”

A quick google search would actually tell you that they laid off around 400 people when they closed the office in France a few years back.
Further googling shows they laid off 100 staff when they cancelled a mobile app and another report shows 190 staff laid off.

What’s the point of flying 3 times faster if the zones are three times larger.


And do either of those things specify “WoW”? Doesnt sound like it.

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You obviously don’t get what is going on here. They didn’t release sales figures for DF, so when they say they’re retaining players, they could be just retaining the core players that play the game regardless. This is just PR speak to say the game is doing okay.

Trust me, if DF sold well, they would using this as PR. Notice how D4 sells figures were advertised like crazy?

Investor calls are often vague, companies skew numbers and information all the time. Investors don’t care, as long as companies are making profit.


Folks keep quoting the percentage decline in the number of unique characters running keys between season 1 and 2 and pushing that off as logged participation. That stat was misrepresented on this thread DF season 2 M+ 4 million fewer keys run than DF season 1 - #124 by Fauxstrasza-stormrage (and was corrected within the thread), but keeps getting thrown around erroneously.

Good luck ever getting one of them to link where they got that stat.

“I am not enjoying the game anymore for whatever personal reason that is, and therefore I call out that the game is dying and will argue with other people that say it’s not”

When was it I heard this last time…

Oh yes. 10 years ago. I can only chuckle.

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Imagine actually making that point thinking it proves WoW is retaining players.


Blizzard decided that a no borrowed power expansion also meant no other features. So it’s just events, raids, dungeons, and pvp.

They could have brought back Brawler’s Guild, could have added in another new thing like the Vault, or whatever. It’s just another example like always of Blizzard going to either extreme. Instead of all kinds of things to do with borrowed power we have very little to do with no borrowed power. It’s weird it’s like they forgot how to make expansions with other features or systems all of a sudden, or they are just channeling their hate onto us. Or maybe in their minds adding any new features without borrowed power is pointless.



Where did I say it proves retention?

Now you see, I’m not huge on Sark personally, but Echo is S+ tier. Then again, Sark is a shorter fight with a lot of mechanics tied in.

I gotta stop comparing him to Raz, though. That might be my problem. Raz was one of the best fights the raid scene has had.

This has nothing to do with anything in the OP. The deranged mind of a fanboy.

It’s self-defeating. They have been producing content that immediately outstrips the previous content for many years now.


They don’t have the talent to make fun evergreen systems anymore, or it could be a budget issues as well.

The borrowed power grinds were easy to create and probably didn’t take a ton of resources, and it kept people running on the treadmill. I hated them, they just felt like boring, soulless time wasters.

The world patch content released in DF feels like the same thing as the borrowed power grinds, boring, soulless time wasters to pad MAUs.

I don’t get the praise for this content. It feels like the remaining player base will pretty much accept whatever Blizzard pumps out these days regardless of the quality.

There so many other good MMOs to play now, that actually make content for your average MMO player.

ESO, FF14 and GW2 are all great examples, yes they have their own issues, but they way better MMOs for your time than WoW is these days.


While I am actually enjoying DF, I agree that GW2 is fantastic in a lot of ways. I took a two year break from wow midway into SL and played a lot of GW2, and man, do I miss so many simple QOL systems they have (banking and storage, teleporting all over the world(s), crafted ascended and legendary armors that are account-wide, open world/zone events, etc), not to mention the lack of button/skill bloat. Not that I think GW2 is perfect, but it honestly blows my mind that WoW hasn’t implemented a lot of those systems already.


No the have not. In SL, after you got a certain ilvl gear, we then got Korthia, with pretty much, much higher gear. Then we got ZM, with higher ilvl gear, but not the 33 ilvl jump we had from cov’s to Korthia gear.

SL was amazing for us open world players. This expansion could have been 100% better for us if they gave us outdoor gear with bonuses, and some thing to farm to get those bonuses. The bonuses would be for outdoor activites,and be disabled if you enter a dungeon,raid,or a BG. The bonuses stay active for grouped outdoor content.

They have done this before, and it was a great.

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