One reason I’ve enjoyed DF is because it only takes a few days to get a new 70, and then another few days to have them decently geared.
whats there to discuss, DF is a financial failure and 11.0 is gonna be metzens baby
Yes but not by what anyone says on Youtube. Content creators create content to make money and cannot be trusted to be honest and thus you will find that the majority will either say “its the greatest ever” for fanboy views or “Its the literal devil” for the anti crowd. This goes with all things, not just games. Social media is all about funneling people into echo-chambers because you are more likely to click on things that fit your likes/opinions.
Dragonflight isn’t perfect. I’m not a huge fan of the overreliance on rare mobs in patch zones and it feels like new catch-up gear is released every month.
But genuinely this is probably the longest I’ve been subbed to WoW, and actually enjoying it, since WRATH!
I’ve always come back to wow for like a month maybe twice a year before getting bored. But I’ve been subbed all year this expansion.
I don’t know what a “long time” is. But the last expansion on this level was probably Legion.
DF hasnt come close to legion in terms of best its a filler
Okay, but that report wasn’t much different from the 1st quarter. And a new patch is on the way for the 3rd quarter, which is going to further help the retention.
Same…I quit at the end of Legion due to burnout, skipped BFA. Gave SL a try at the beginning…lost my interest in 2 months. I never expected to play WOW again. I only came back because I had a free weekend offer, and DF was on heavy sale. So I decided what the hell, I’ll give it a try. This is the best expansion WOW has had in a very long time. It looks like they actually tried this time. Speaking as someone who started during vanilla (not at launch, around patch 1.0.8).
The story is even good, and I didn’t think Blizzard had that in them anymore (after “lore experts” who don’t know the difference between the Well of Eternity and the Dark Portal, and a badly retconned in “man behind the man” villian who just turned out to be Dollar Store Thanos with no motivations and no personality). This actually feels like Warcraft again. Maybe Metzen returning has something to do with it.
The “Exploring Kalimdor” book was embarassing. Not knowing the difference between the Well of Eternity and the Dark Portal is akin to saying you’re a Lord of the Rings expert and confusing the One Ring for the Arkenstone. I had low expectations. But my reaction to DF was “who are you people and what did you do with Blizzard”.
The speed lines and other effects certainly makes it feel like you go faster than you actually are. However it is still incredibly fast.
During the Kalimdor cup event me and a friend decided to test the difference between dragonriding and old flying. Using map markers and coords to determine distance we found that Dragonriding is actually a hair above 3 times as fast as regular flying, despite that the tooltip claims it should only be about 2 times as fast.
Did you really just quote a clown as a trustable source?
yeah, he did
the real clown is the clown clowning on bellular, who does what he loves and gets paid for it. you’re so jealous
I feel like Dragonflight brought back players that have been gone from the game for x amount of years. I’ve had RL friends who I swore who would never return back to Warcraft are now playing full time. It’s okay to dislike an expansion and not find it engaging.
Also “best” expansion is subjective. I’ve been playing since vanilla and the two worst expansions that actually made me retire for a long period were MoP and WoD. which is surpising because there was a lot of complaints about BFA/SL but it wasn’t enough to get me to quit the way MoP/WoD did. I guess the QoL that’s been added to the game help manage that.
I still find BC/WOLTK to be the best expansions for their time (only for nostalgic reason, I can’t stomach the idea of playing either of those expansions again in current times) and Legion was probably the most recent successful expansion Blizzard has had since the BC/WOLTK era.
This is my take, but I like the varying degrees of difficulty. It allows for the designers to make content not only acccesible (eg LFR and normal) but also enticing for those who want a challenge.
The game will always have stratification of difficulty by its very nature: wow is a vertical progression game. It’s the paradigm of wow. Not only are levels a manifest of this, but so is gear.
Consider that while there were only 4 main raiding modes in wrath, Ulduar had hard modes. How many folks took out Yogg with 0 keepers when current? Or heck, even flame leviathan? I don’t see that as being an issue.
The game had definitely evolved, and our opinions are rooted in our own expectations of the game itself. For my take, this expansion is fine mechanically / gameplay wise. It is rather dull - so far - narratively.
I do what I love and get paid for it. Why would I be jealous? Bellular makes stuff up constantly for views. He is not a trustable source at all.
huff that copium
feel free to start your own with whatever requirements you like. you might just find there’s a reason for those requirements after all!
Exactly. I was actually sad when we killed Razsageth because it was so nice to have a villain with an actual personality and an actual reason to take pleasure in being “evil”.
I’ve always pondered this complaint about groups requiring some kind of certain threshold when an analog has been in the game since vanilla. They were mostly attunements for some raids like Nax, but it would be interesting to see how long completing attunement quests took compared to getting, say, mid-430 iLevel today.