"Dragonflight is the best expansion in a long time"

Speaking of the gearing system, it’s awful in PvP compared to what it used to be. I basically hadn’t PvP’d since WoD, tried to get into it, and realized I had wasted all of my time in season 1 getting conquest gear on multiple characters, because when season 2 launched, all of that conquest gear was weaker than the new honor gear. Someone joining that day and could play more than me would outgear me fast. It basically caused me to walk away from WoW for four months, and I doubt I’ll PvP again, unless it’s just to grind a set I want.

TDLR: I don’t like the seasonal approach to gear.


WoW has always been a gear treadmill. This isn’t new.

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It hasn’t always been this extreme, especially in PvP. The season method started in either Legion or BFA.


I think they lost a lot of player interest in DF because of Evokers. The design and asthetic of Dracthyr is too weird. A lot of players aren’t looking for derpy looking lizards as their dragon race. The weird appearance isn’t helped by an unnecessary range restriction, no transmog, and wings that don’t let you fly.

Extending the M+ rewards also didn’t help. I get that mythic gear from 15’s was really easy and it’s probably better for the game to raise the key level to 20. But there’s what’s better for the game, and what keeps people playing. Extending the grind and item levels by 5 more key levels burns out a lot of casual players.


Certainly in legion, but the groundwork for it started in WoTLK. It doesn’t feel good when whatever you happen to work hard for gets invalidated by random blue gear in the new ‘patch-zone’/‘honor grind’ or whatever the soup du jour is, however it was never as bad as it is now.


The catch-up dungeons and such used to be like a one-time patch each expansion, even into MoP. Now it’s every 3 months. There’s no progression through an expansion anymore; whether it’s raids or pvp, it’s patch to patch, a 3-4 month life cycle.


GW2 is missing a few key elements that WoW has, namely decent 5 man content and good raids, outside of that, GW2 blows WoW out of the water.

I play ESO as well, fantastic game for your average MMO player, the only thing holding it back, is the horrible combat animations. If ESO would fix its combat, it would be the top MMO hands down.

There is so much to do in that game it is crazy. I’m in queue for the card game in ESO atm, Tales of Tribute, amazing mini game that could be its own stand alone game.

ESO is adding an endless dungeon for solo players, basically a rogue like, it looks so good.

Why can’t WoW add content like this in the game? Imagine being able to play Hearthstone within WoW, or WoW having an amazing housing system. Housing alone, would be a huge deal for the game.

WoW needs to shift its focus away from the boring gear treadmill that relies on repeating a small amount of content.

They have this huge beautiful world packed with lore, they need to start using it again, instead of shoving everyone into 8 dungeons for the life of an expansion.


No one does, seasons in a MMO are dumb.


I think it’s just relative. It’s better than SL, but I don’t think it’s better than any other.

Nah, the treadmill was more hidden, and gear acquisition was slower, and gear from prior tiers was still in demand even when the new raids dropped.

In Vanilla and TBC, some people had items that lasted for many raid tiers.

Tbh I might go back to ESO and do more of the story was kind of fun. I hear they recently even redid a lot of the early game zones too.

I do agree with this, but at the same time, even in Vanilla it was get T1, get T2, get T2.5, get T3, and short of a few exceptions here and there (thunderfury for example which was still good even early into BC, same with T3), it was a progression based path. But yeah, it’s definitely more inflated by iLvL now than ever.

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In response to the seasonal model for gearing, would you rather go back to your guild becoming a feeder guild when your tank or healer gets poached by a more progressed guild and have to go back and rerun raids that will only benefit the new tank or healer and then another gets poached by a more progressed guild and start the process over.

I kind of agree that seasons are not the best, but sometimes I feel like it was a necessary evil to allow guilds to be able to breakout of that feeder guild situation.

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I disagree… and agree… Better than SL, worse than BFA somehow (still subbed for six months)


This isn’t an issue anymore. The cross realm dungeon finder fixed this problem as well as LFR.

The main issue in the past, was trying to find players to run the older content, which is why they starting making catch up systems in TBC. Cross realm grouping made finding a group for older content really easy. So progressing your character through an entire expansion when you joined later would be doable now.

What we have now is an entirely different animal. Blizzard is obsessed with getting players into the latest raid or gear grind. I guess they think this gets players to stick around.

The game is operating like a ARPG these days with seasons. Each season is almost like a total reset of the game for people, which is completely stupid for an MMO. MMOs were meant to be persistent virtual fantasy worlds that revolved around long term character progression. WoW, was always kind of bad at this, but the current version of retail horrible because you’re constantly just chasing the same gear at times with just higher stats, all while running content you have done to ad nauseam.


Maybe because I am a very casual player with a lot of alt characters, I really am enjoying the game. I like the storylines, I like the places I got to explore while leveling through them. I love the dragon riding and the races. Even getting the glyphs was fun albeit some were much more challenging to get then others.

I like a lot of things that have been implemented into the game as well. I like the new talent trees, I like that my alt characters can jump in a take up the story where they want. I like that I don’t have to jump through hoops to see more of the story as it unfolds. I like the cross faction guilds, and although I haven’t bought anything yet, I do like the Trading Post, because it’s fun to window shop while waiting for that right item to buy.

Shadowlands was a bust, BFA had its great moments and it’s bad moments, the story kept everyone on edge and kept people talking about it, even to this day two expansions later, people still talk about the events in BFA.

In my opinion of course, for what it’s worth, Dragonflight really is the best since Legion, because of all the reworks of the system as well as the story being engaging. Legion is one of my top favourites, I wish we could keep the class halls active through out all the expansions, instead of having them cut off at level 49. That would be kind of awesome.

But isn’t this only because the gear that drops from LFD (both normal and heroic) iLvL gets updated each season as well? If it was left at the same level as at launch of DF, you would gear up in normal dungeons, than heroic dungeons, than head to LFR VOTI and gear up, than to normal VOTI followed by heroic VOTI and than you would be ready for LFR Aberrus? This is the feeder guild problem all over again. So I agree with the previous poster, this new way while aggressive from an iLvL perspective eliminates the feeder guild situation. As if you’re new to the game or just came back, you can be caught up from just normal and heroic dungeons / gear catch up systems. I wouldn’t consider it a full reset, as I believe it effectively puts you back 2 tiers each season. So if you had full Mythic raid gear, you’re basically in the next seasons Normal raid gear, and can jump right into heroic raiding.

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It doesnt matter if you are baffled, lmao.
its a subjective opinion.
and those subjective opinions lead to behavior that either pays the bills…or not.

Your post is full of subjective opinion. Thats Great, your allowed to have that.
As are those of us who think this is the second best expansion this game has put out.

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what? like what?


Check his server.

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