Dragonflight is so good that I unsubbed!

“Let’s excuse mediocrity because people like it!”


Did you mean to post the same comment twice? Am presuming not.


Yes, that’s another thing too. Not having to feel like you’re missing out on something because you don’t have to log in every day to keep up with your content of choice.

Plus, there are so many fantastic games out there now and not having WoW be such a huge demand on your time has let people play other games alongside it. I’m finally pushing through a lot of my Steam library that I’ve been neglecting, but I still really enjoy Dragonflight and what it has to offer.


Why the same quote twice? With different amounts of upvotes? I call BS.

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I havent played much of modern WoW since DF came out because I have a really hard time giving a damn about a game whose story is the most low-effort trash I’ve ever seen, while at the same time being the most thinly-veiled gear treadmill in history.

There’s virtually nothing to do other than just go into dungeons or raids and punch stuff until they die. The story feels like it was written by the least creative third grader in history and if you arent grinding for gear, there simply isnt content to do.

I just dont want to play a game that asks me to do the same 8 dungeons over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again for a small chance to get gear so that I can do the same 8 dungeons again, except harder. That formula has been what Blizzard has been running with since Legion, and its gotten extremely stale.

There are other MMOs and other games that have more substance, a wider breadth of content, or better writing than WoW does. There’s nothing wrong with Dragonflight exactly, its just that it feels like more of the same.


If you’re a Dragonflight developer, and you see more people flocking to a garbage like 19 years old version of your game but “hardcore”, you have to ask yourself “Am i a good developer? Or am i just trash?”

At some point, you need to stop listening only to the people inside your own bubble that will keep patting your back no matter how trashy the product has become under your umbrella.


As in, they just said the same thing, word for word? Why bother quoting two people saying exactly the same thing? However many upvotes they got is irrelevant if nothing new was contributed to the discussion. It’s just…weird.

Are you sure you didn’t flub the copy/paste?

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First, you have two of the same quotes with different up vote numbers, which tells me this is probably made up.

Second, if people like what they played but don’t want to play through it again, doesn’t make it bad. It just means it lacks replay.

Third, just because people upvote doesn’t mean much of anything.


I did post the same thing twice lol.

Thanks for correcting me so I could post the correct one!!


My problem isn’t nothing to do in dragonflight it’s the multitude of other games that are currently occupying my free time.


Same same

Basically almost there myself. I think this is the expansion I’ve played the least by far, and it’s not necessarily because it’s “bad” but more because there isn’t much reason to log in (due to flawed game design of making everything too “optional”). The new zone (Zaralek Caverns) might as well not exist, it’s so rare that you go down there for any reason - even the new rep/faction doesn’t really offer any worthwhile goodies or a carrot-on-a-stick to chase or grind after

Even in SL I was constantly logged in even during content droughts simply due to the abundant gold-making that was available, you could pass the time just farming gold on random alts and then turn around and put that gold towards WoW tokens/gametime

But in Dragonflight all the gold seemingly “dried up overnight” for solo-casual players and you can’t just fly around farming decent gold in a chill manner like in SL, and the WoW token being close to ~300k price means even if you do fly around trying to farm gold you won’t get anywhere near being able to buy a WoW token, so it feels kinda pointless anyways


Okay? You’re free to come back next expansion then.

DF is here for at least a year or two more.

Yeah, you may think DF is bad, but every expansion got terrible flack during its time. Heck, you have people in here even saying they enjoyed Shadowlands more. The never ending cycle of hating the current expansion while pretending to have supported the prior one continues without fail. Your post is merely tradition at this point.


THIS IS NOT STATED ENOUGH. Having a ton of mandatory content sucks, and we saw that during BfA and SL, but DF is the complete opposite. There isn’t a real drive to play unless you really, really love PvP, M+, or raiding. But even that stuff gets tiring once you have AoTC/Cutting Edge, KSM, or Gladiator. And IIRC, PvP is in a terrible place right now because nobody but no-lifers and carriers are playing rated LOL.

It seems they can’t find a good in-between


I enjoyed it at release. But some content… there’s just zero reason to do it. Even the cosmetics are undesirable.

I chose not to grind furbolgs for 12-15 hours to earn a brown backpack with a vegetable in it. Imagine that!


Not to be a Debbie Downer but the amount of up votes vs. the people that play doesn’t represent a good statistics for what you’re getting at.

However with other posts that are in here I can agree that at least 80%+ of the content that has been released in open world is DOA. It’s not that it’s bad in theory, just not worth doing and theory vs. actual fun doesn’t match up.


Never asked people to like the same things. I don’t understand where you are getting this.

It is okay to like garbage media (like WoW), but that doesn’t mean you should excuse garbage media just because you like it. You can like something objectively bad and hate something objectively good. I just think the people that think WoW is unironically good are huffing some kind of copium because it certainly isn’t. I just want people to recognize that they enjoy garbage. It is okay to eat garbage, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t garbage. You can call a piece of garbage a fancy 5-star meal all you want, but it doesn’t make it anything more or less than garbage. Just own it. Just own that you subjectively like something objectively bad. Stop huffing the copium. It’s okay to admit you like something objectively bad or mediocre.

Edit: Even I really like Sonic Frontiers when I know for a fact it is an objective 4.5-5/10. I have 54.5 hours in it. I like the game, but that doesn’t mean I like it being mediocre. I WISH it was so much better, but alas, Sonic Team will be Sonic Team. Just own liking stuff you like, man, but be realistic.

WoW addiction. I started a little over a decade ago. Playing a vidya like WoW also helped me cope with some stuff back during early Legion.


I can agree with that. Overall, I think DF is great…but I am now raid/M+ logging because there isn’t anything that I want to work toward outside of that.

Its the blessing and curse of not having a borrowed power to grind.


I cried laughing reading this. Thanks.


WELL, it is TRUE.


If WoW isn’t good…what is? Pretty much every other MMO on the market is struggling with only WoW/FF14 being the most popular option. So if WoW is “bad” then every MMO is worse?

By the way, I’ve played most MMOs and I’m still playing WoW…so its obvious what I consider the best.