Dragonflight is pro LGBT

Yeah they are like a bad case of chirpees you never know when they are going to flare up


the only obviously gay thing i noticed is the two crafting horsemen(?) in valdrakken and all they do is steal my mettle once a week lol

not really positive heh


Now I’m all hungry and want musubi… I may have to make some later or go pick some up.


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It’s fine, but it doesn’t exactly feel natural.

Like, gays didn’t exist in Azeroth for the most part, and now we’ve got an entire continent full of gay couples like it’s nothing.

I’m bi irl, but even I eyeroll and the excessive pandering.

Idk, they should’ve eased into it better than just throwing a bunch of gay and trans NPCs at us and screaming inclusion.

Chomie is a good example- she was already trans (in terms of visage form, she is orginally a male dragon but chose a female form) but it wasn’t shoved down our throats. You wouldn’t know about her unless you read the short stories and stuff, mostly outside the game. There’s maybe a quote or two in-game that reflect this, but again, it’s side information.

Meanwhile that Majordomo NPC is actually shoved into our faces multiple times. I don’t have too much of a problem with them, I just don’t like their voice that much, and the fact they are a Vulpera lol.

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Players who have issue with the “rainbow” dragons just need to separate the art from the artist.


To bad the art sucks

T squad and his acolytes are back! You have been missed!

By who trolls that post on classic toons in retail forums?

Baps the druid on the noggin with a newspaper :newspaper_roll:

Bad necroing posts and alt hopping… bad!

They’re just as natural as the heteros is.

This has gotta be the oddest comment in this thread. Most people that claim this would never use cis. Just men and women. Maybe toss a normal in there or straight.


Want to use my squirt gun?

Na the newspaper works fine. I have the Sunday edition so it’s thicker.

Oh a coupon for a buy one get one on a couch… what would I do with 2 couches though?


I like this side of you, the " can’t we all just get along " vibe is nice and all, but once and while got to get the poison out.

I would take the deal then sell the second couch.

I do just want to see folks get along. The newspaper bap is just a silly little thing I do. xD

But it’s the internet that’s never gonna happen.

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They were in the closet so you wouldn’t notice them. Just like in real life.

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Interesting that you’ll bumped these threads 11 minutes apart of each other.

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Someone’s reviving all the dead and buried T threads. Well, it’s Sunday, alright. Back to Hogwarts Legacy.

Actually, the druid was on a dracthyr that necroed the thread and it was deleted then the warrior was next in line in the list.

But yeah idk they wanted to see chaos I guess from what they said.

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