Dragonflight Is Completing Missing Complexity

Look at other expansions:

  • Legion - it had floating Dalaran, it had Suramar, it had The Broken Shore, it even had Argus. It had class halls. It had legendaries.
  • BFA - It had two entire separate islands, both the size of the Dragon Isles, nearly. It had the whole “heart” thing. It added Mechagon. It added Nazjatar. Boralus was a fantastic city, as was Dazar’alor. So much detail. They had Vol’dun, with the foxes, they had the Kul Tirans, both added so much.
  • Shadowlands - Even this lame duck of an expansion, had The Maw, and Korthia, and Zereth Mortis, and Tazavesh, and obvious detail in places like Revendreth, for example.
  • Dragonflight? One City. Valdrakken. That’s it. The Forbidden Reach is almost an after thought. Zaralek Cavern is kind of a joke. Amirdrassil/ED was pretty meh, honestly, in terms of ‘stuff’, especially compared to any of the patched in zones of the last 3 expansions. I’d maybe compare it to Mechagon, but not to Nazj, or Argus.

DF was a massive let down in terms of content provided, and quality of content provided. There’s not even really quests in Valdrakken, there’s just crumbs to take you to the zone surrounding it. They modeled it after a capital city, not an expansion city.

I haven’t had an opportunity to explore in depth TWW but I have a feeling it’s going to be the same way. We are being fed less and less and told it’s for our own good. It’s disappointing.


Were each island even 1/3rd the size of Dragon Isles? They lowered dragonriding speed outside of DF because everywhere else is so much smaller

Like Legion, BFA, Shadowland?


We’re back to wanting class halls and borrowed power? Cool. I liked those too but it’s hard to tell what the current xpac zeitgeist is.


You mean like Legion? And have you paid attention to the detail of Valdrakken?

How is an entire race’s starting zone that we go back to in order to finish the storyline in any way an “afterthought?”

The tech to create Zaralek was entirely new.

It’s a typical end game zone.

Sure, let’s just forget the massive size of the continents, the dragonriding, etc.

LOL what? :rofl:

All I’m hearing is, “I’m going to whine about something that I know nothing about just because I hate the game I continue to pay for!”


Pretty on-brand for OP though. Gotta admire the consistency.


Hold on a second… you are talking about content that was available as well as the quality, but you list these sorts of things?

How the hell does the stylization of a city even remotely compare to the talking point of “content”?

DF have had more relevant endgame content than any previous expansion since WoD. The only thing that DF had less of was that it had only 3 raids, but all of them were really good whereas most expansions have had one random raid that was largely seen as the “random raid-for-raid’s sake”.

So are you talking about the style of all of Dragonflight and you are trying to condense it to a single central city, or are you talking about all of DF’s content which has remained relevant to this day? Because you are definitely conflating one of these two with the other, or just used random popular forum buzzwords.

Which is it?


Don’t you guys get bored of being Blizzard apologists? Every single critical thread has your names and a few others just making excuses.


Don’t you get bored by being a walking talking buzzword?
You are certainly acting like one.


Dont you ever get bored of being the opposite side of the same coin?

Shouldn’t there be a level of truthfulness to criticism? Or you just want anti blizzard threads just for the sake of anti blizz threads?

Are you trying to say that Dragonflight is bad for having 1 city, while that is ok for Legion, BFA, etc?


Don’t you get tired of making crap up?

There are legitimate complaints with the game. This thread isn’t one of them and half of it is “I don’t even know what I’m talking about,” as admitted by the OP.


What I really hate is having to wait three days for new ‘dailies.’ I don’t have a reason to log in to retail most days.


FF14 does it, why shouldn’t WoW?
Welcome to shrinkflation.

This is one of those danged if you do, danged if you dont scenarios for Blizzard.

Feeling the need to log in every day was a major complaint previously.

I dont really know what the best compromise would be for everyone.


DF struck a pretty good balance between these things. By and large it is just forum contrarians and trolls who complain about it.

Not that it is flawless by any stretch of the imagination, but the overall balance was pretty good. Even if I’m personally one of the folks who quite miss having something that felt like a goal to work towards like AP.

Players can regulate themselves. There is no borrowed power like azurite or legendary artifacts to make them feel that way. Blizzard aren’t our parents.


I am just saying. People stating they felt they had to log in every day, and that it was a negative was a form of feedback supplied to Blizzard, which they listened to.

Not adding a million new areas/zones/worlds =/= no content.

Tell me how argus is being utilized? Vashijr?

We’ve gotten more use out of all the df zones than previous xpacs and they are massive. Also fully loaded with things to do.
Other xpacs had zones that had so much dead space, untilized areas.
Argus for example. Kultiras. Voldun. Nazmir. The maw.

Df they repurposed the old zones, and kept them relevant all xpac.

Yeah, I get that. It’s just, the feedback they listen to amd ignore feels so arbitrary.

They’re probably paid to spread positivity.

1 Like

Dragonflight: adds 3 zones after launch

OP: dismisses them because it doesn’t fit his narrative that DF didn’t add new zones after launch