Dragonflight in 2023 – The Road Ahead

When are you going to fix Shadow Priest?

Can we please have PARAGON rep for Wrathion (and that other guys, I guess)? I still want farming that area to mean something.

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Yeah all nice but you keep nerfing my shaman and not buffing the healing spec.
This is what is going to make me not play, having a great class that is keep being nerfed and nerfed.
Also healing is not possible, it’s literally impossible to do higher keys, and they completely ignore resto shaman. Is incredible how they don’t care.

Very surprised.

Here’s to hoping they stick to it. Looking forward to the .5 and .7 stuff honestly, the holiday updates have me curious.

Is it me, or did Blizzard literally just PROVE that their back as an S-tier developer?

Profession updates need to be addressed much sooner than currently proposed. The system is broken.

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Which patch will include the 4+ year old promised fix for guild permissions?

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Scared to know what Megadungeons are.

Is it me, or did Blizzard literally just PROVE that their back as an S-tier developer?

Promises don’t prove anything, look how many times they’ve “promised” to do better… if they actually deliver on those promises, then you can say they’ve proved something…

So yes… it is just you.

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I hope their actions will disprove your mindset of them.

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“10.0.7 will contain a new quest campaign and repeatable world content set in the Forbidden Reach, as the dracthyr return to their place of confinement (along with some unexpected guests)”

Tuskarr confirmed

How many times do they have to do good before we embrace them again though? I feel like this about the 6th time in a row they’ve knocked expectations out of the water for fans.

There is only ONE bad note in this article:

Megadungeons are a tired concept.

There is nothing special about having to block out (sic) and entire hour of time to run just ONE dungeon… when you can break that dungeon up into three, 20min parts.

Content-wise, it’s the same thing.

But a Megadungeon REQUIRES that I have an entire hour to sit and play with ZERO interruptions.

I’m not 16 anymore. I have things to do. Stop REQUIRING this of me.

And if I run three, 20min dungeons … haven’t I put the same amount of time and effort into that experience? It’s just broken up into parts I can manage. How can anyone be against this?

If you want a “dungeon crawl”, you do all three back-to-back-to-back. Nothing is stopping YOU.

But an unbroken, one hour dungeon DOES stop me from playing. And we all know it will be released in 2-3 months as wings ANYWAY so … why don’t we start out with that IN THE FIRST PLACE???

Other than that, professions require WAYYYY TOO much time. That seems to be the only downside of DF. Everything else is a home run. :slight_smile:

You know you can return to the same lockout any time, right?

I’m just unhappy that one megadungeon is the only non-raid instance we’re getting at all, according to this.

Cool. What about wotlk classic?

Can we get Night Elf Heritage Armor? And NE Paladins please! :crossed_swords: n thank you. :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t3:


No mention of new BG’s for the year? Honestly not sure what else I expected. WoW is not the same game I fell in love with

Looks like the same patch cadence of Genshin Impact, 6 a year, which goes a long way to retaining players. Pretty impressive improvement from blizzard, ngl.

Gotta do the real game first. Side game comes later. :wink:

Here’s the image just for quick reference: