Dragonflight in 2023 – The Road Ahead

I hope some of these updates bring dragon riding as is to the older zones.


Or it could be I’m right.

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Ever hear of alts? This is my main character that I play with my wife. I have a level 70 hunter.


This thread isn’t related to air swimming, it’s the roadmap for their patch structure.
Bringing it up here is just you wanting to complain. The constant crying is exhausting.


Good she can help you with dragon riding then

Your problems are solved gnome stranger


I do hope they (blizzard) can rebuild the trust and basically prove to those haters wrong and those who are skeptical of the game wrong.

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Dare I give a woot?


Sigh, more race locked armor.

I bought her the expansion and she won’t touch it. She sees how dragon riding affects me says she will play when regular flying comes back. So a lot of wasted money on my part.

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The note on the bottom of that image, saying that “features will evolve based on player feedback” – we can presume that will be CC feedback?

Any feedback posts so far in DF have been in that forum only.

Either that or direct from their content creator channels & tweets.

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Nice I was just complaining about the lack of Human and Orc heritage armour here the other day.


orc and human heritage armor!! finallllllly!!! :smiley:


Your story is getting mixed up

You’re level 62, your only character that you play with your wife

But she refuses to play dragonflight despite you spending $50

So either you’re soloing or you’re leaving things out on purpose

Fix your story first before trying to make a mountain


I’ve sent plenty of suggestions via the in-game feature that were implemented to the game. I really recommend it.


Awesome news and exciting roadmap, though I do have one gripe. When will we get a new Battleground?


I started a week or two before her and leveled enough to see dragon riding, and that’s why my main is 62 and alts I barley play are 70. I bought her the expansion because I miss leveling with her like I have done every expansion since vanilla.

Go farm Lariats. I’ve made 40m in the last week selling them.

Any update on race/class combos? Sorry that I keep pestering about it. I don’t see many people ever talking about it but it is something I really want. Hoping it doesn’t take forever for Warlocks.

Glad Heritage Armor is still a thing. Hoping Pandaren Heritage becomes a thing before 15.0.

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Finally Holiday Updates!!!


What crap meta tank are you referring to? Because the tanks are very much relatively even except at the very very very very very highest end of keys, which 99.9% of the population will literally never get to or do.