Dragonflight in 2023 – The Road Ahead

if you don’t trust their words then trust in their actions they do.

This is pretty awesome that they’re posting an actual timeline of what to expect.

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Insert Suprise Pikachu Face here

I’m surprised we have a roadmap with a generalization of goals. I cant wait to see most come into fruition and if something needs to be pushed back like Orc/Human Heritage armor from 10.0.7 to 10.1 please let us know with updates.

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So about when are we expecting 10.1? I have a lot of pvp elite sets i want and i have to level and gear each toon

It’s not going to be soon is it?

Did I miss the part where it was mentioned when regular flying will be implemented?


I think they will try to uphold their words and if they can’t then of course they will have to say something about it, but I do hope they can do it on schedule.

So… will 10.0.7 be out in time to update for the 25th this Winter’s veil or will we have to wait like 350+ days for the next updated Winter’s veil?

Nelf archer set please :pleading_face:

When is regular flying coming? And what hoops will we need to jump through to get it?

Dragon riding has destroyed all the fun for me in this expansion that has so much I like and want to do.


I’m glad you guys are finally getting back to doing Heritage Armor for classic races, but Orcs and Humans really should have gotten their’s last since they already got an iconic cosmetic set back in WoD.

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This looks solid, looking forward to it all. Holiday updates definitely have me curious.

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And pretty much just about every expansion before and since we’ve pretty much had an Orcish/Human inspired set… at tis point those two have gotta probably be the most uninspired sets they release if it’s just SW soldier and peon armor #1235987384

Even falling back on Shamanism/Priest/Paladin isn’t gonna help as we have a plethora of those too…

10.0.5 will probably be out late January-early February. 10.0.7 will hit the PTR 2 weeks later and come out by March.

10.1 will be on the PTR 2 weeks later. The 0.1 patches take like 1.5-2 months…

If I would make a guess. I’d say late May-early June for 10.1.

Since they aren’t cosmetic and usable by all classes I don’t consider Warfront sets to be “pseudo” Heritage Armor. The WoD Footman and Grunt sets though, those DEFINITELY qualify and absolutely should have put Orcs and Humans at the end of the list.

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No word on real flying.


Its not tedious just do your weeklys there… You get like 5k+ rep each week just from quest.

Humans/Orcs/Forsaken/Night Elves should have been last because of Warfront sets. But atleast we know that they are still doing them?

Your fun is extremely limited at level 62

It’s here to stay and if you’re against it feel free to ride with someone

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Be honest with yourself, you just enjoy complaining.


Expansion is great so far, me and my friends (a mix of casual and tryharders) are all hyped for everything DF is bringing.

I’m pretty sure that the pessimists and low energy complainers in this thread do not reflect the huge majority of enjoyers that World of Warcraft has. The numbers will talk for itself. Token prices are still going high and everyone I ask in-game is rating DF as the best expansion in many years.

Plenty of stuff to do, plenty of optional stuff to dive in, and plenty of activities for every type of players.