Dragonflight feels like the Alliance getting a "happily ever after" moment

No they don_t THe Alliance would never allow a fully fledged Horde nation this close to Stormwind.

And yet it was canonically NOT just Horde territory especially considering Pyrewood was neutral/even friendly to Alliance and so were the Kirin Tor mages in the area.

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The OP is wearing some sort of Jester mask on his character. That, the premise of the post, and the language he is using when replying to people… This entire thing is a troll right?

I’m going to assume it’s a troll and stop engaging.


It’s low bait trolling, and he does this a lot


Or I am wearing it because I thought it was a funny transmog/the forums doesnt update quickly. If you want to know this toon is current using the Gilnean reclamation set.

I am not trolling. I am actually pretty fine with where the Alliance is currently at. Could it better? Sure, but for once in almost two decades the Alliance finally feels like its slowly healing and closing dark chapters of its history left and right.

Stormgarde is restored, Gilneas was retaken, the defias are no longer a threat, the corrupt nobles of Stormwind are slowly being dealt with, Tyrande and Malfurion can finally enjoy some much needed peace? Yeah, I’d say the Alliance is overall in a better position then it has been in years.

Zerde is right that the Alliance gets almost everything they want all the time, especially in Neutral/Cooperative Expansions. And Dragonflight is more of the same.

So the Horde gets to be in Belawhatever and Gilneas…. places that most Horde never cared about. To build up for the Alliance likely getting to share Lordaeron and Silvermoon - places they have longed for since the start of WoW.

It is World of Alliance Biascraft.

It could be worse, though. I am just glad they didn’t have the Horde fighting Sylvanas Loyalists to give the Alliance Gilneas. I am glad Blizz used Scarlets. They don’t have to punch the Horde in the face every time they want to lavish gifts upon the Alliance.


Maybe if the Horde never trashed Gilneas/destroyed Teldrassil they wouldn’t be forced to help the night elves build a new one/help reclaim Gilneas.



I am quite happy with the patch, but I know there are issue, and I think this is something that intrigues me, in this patch there has been a certain ammount of content and it seems people are either calling all good or all bad. Its either “blizz cant write at all” or “this is awesome”.

I have my issues with the Gilnean questline, and I do have some issues with bel’ameth, but I also liked elements of both.

On this thread still, since there is the whole horde or alliance bias, I am still struggling to jnderstand horde players. They seem to hate content that has the horde antagonizing the Alliance because of “villain bat” but also seem to hate any horde development towards living in peace and being a force of good? I’m not talking everybody, but I feel that it is what some express?


That’s fair, there are basically, not really but this post gets huge if I start trying to discuss all the range of nuance involved in this issue, two kinds of Horde player who would post here anyway. Those like myself, who hate the villain bat and those who want to be villains.

Now that’s obviously an over-simplification but stick with me for a bit.

Now those who want to be the villains generally are pvpers and see being nice to the alliance as a threat to pvp. Fully understandable, they don’t want to lose the thing they love.

Those who don’t want to be villains, don’t necessarily want to also be friends with the Alliance. We have pride in what our faction used to be. Not just alliance in red… or only good so long a human shows the way…

I’m not going to claim that what follows is what other think, this is me talking about my view of the Horde…

I love the Horde, not what it is, but what it used to be, a found family of outcastes and those once described as monsters who were fighting not only to find a place for themselves but also to show they weren’t the monsters they were seen as.

Blizzard took that from us. They took our found family and turned them into the monsters they were trying not to be, and when given the chance at redemption they just double down, only letting the Horde be good if the alliance looks better for it.


It would be easier to clarify the Horde players as either Warhawks, or Separatists.

The Warhawks want conflict with the Alliance because the Horde gets Horde focused content during war, and PvP gets a focus, which they likely partake in.

The Separatists recognize that the Horde only gets Horde focused content during war, but at the cost of our dignity and ability to feel heroic as we take the role of the villain. The Separatists want the Horde to keep to themselves, and focus on their own stories. Maintain a balanced neutral relationship with the Alliance, and stay out of their lands and stories.


I honestly think a lot of people on both sides want that. Stories tailored to their faction that doesn’t involve or hurt the opposite faction. Because both factions end up looking worse when they’re forced to fight one another


This seems to be your main impetus for posting on these forums at all. You would no more care that anyone got what they wanted if you didn’t get what you did than anyone should care about anything you want.


I dont expect anyone to care or even like what I like. I will however keep asking Blizzard to add what I like and people are free to do the same and may the WoW gods do what they will.

Suffice to say what Karestrae wants and what I want are generally diametrically opposed so yes, I generally do hope what she wants doesnt happen. Not out of malice but merely because I am hoping the story goes the way I want and she is free to hope the story goes the way she wants.

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Gloating after the fact does not need to be attributed to malice when it can be explained by simple pettiness.


Imagine actively wishing that someone else does not get a decent and thought provoking story

He’s a troll and we shouldn’t even entertain him at this point


So, question then.

If it isn’t done out of a desire to hurt others, then why do you frequently gloat about how you got what you want and others didn’t, complete with responding to those people specififcally to remind them they didn’t get their thing but you did?

If malice isn’t the motivation here, a desire to inflict pain, then what is?


We are all aware that only one side here gets the story they want by now. And I am happy people finally see it.


The only ones really complaining are the Night Elf Victim Brigade who are still upset even though Malfufrion’s stay in Ardenweald was barely a long weekend on an elf’s timescale.


Its always been a statement of I got what I wanted and maybe some dev does read these a hope that they continue the way they are going. And yes abit of gloating I got what i wanted with abit of Shadenfraude especially considering someone like Kare has been pretty antagonistic if not borderline rude.

I have never hidden my pettiness.

Looks at the garbage gilneas and those complaining about how bad it is

Yeah, no. You’re wrong as usual. There’s other people complaining too. But don’t let that stop you. It rarely does