Dragonflight feels incredibly bare for $50. Virtually nothing added to the game at all

For me it’s bfa, then SL, then wod, cata doesn’t even come close honestly.

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Eh, most of my alts have never been in a heroic. Not much point with open world gear so high.

Rock climbing, safari’s, treasure hunting, etc.

It’s part of the major factions systems.

Doesn’t really make much of a difference honestly, most people likely won’t touch it.

I put WoD above the other three.

Pretty much this. Blizzard finally removed all the expansion-specific systems that players kept saying they were tired of, and now the forums are all BUT WHERE ARE ALL MY EXPANSION-SPECIFIC SYSTEMS?!

I have never seen most of those things asked for. And Dragonflight isn’t live yet so saying it is bare is silly. You think you paid for just the prepatch?

if this was true then they would already be removed - but it isn’t of course.

actually people did ask for this type of system.

Your opinion doesn’t suck :stuck_out_tongue: i just don’t agree, i actually liked cata honestly

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Who is “WE?” I wasn’t asking for any of that nonsense.

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WoD. WoD is always the worst and dumbest expansion.

BfA and SL were way better than that.


I still need to try those but from my understanding those are the typical new interactive WQs.

Eh, wod didn’t make me quit, systemlands and azerite armorlands did.

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They have a whole system tied to them with upgrades and everything.

unfortunately Devs ruined Torghast image, I’d like to see that kind of content on DF via the Bronze / infinite dragonflight with a new roguelike game mode just for cosmetics.

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I liked torghast personally, people complain about power being attached but honestly I wouldn’t have done it if there wasn’t.

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It can suck but I’m still going to say it. :rofl:

That what’s great about opinions. I put WoD above Cata and Systemsland. Probably put BFA above it though.

Story wise WoD is way better than SL and the questing experience is some of the best Blizzard has released to date.

WoD raids were also pretty good honestly, cata raids were too short after the first tier.


WoD I feel suffered and had a bunch cut short cause Blizz was too busy with Legion and the return of Illidan.

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are people who can’t stand heights going to have a problem with those? I haven’t tried them yet either but I see some flags in high places I am doubtful about that.

I did not mention it until this reply but I was thinking “really?” At the remove heroics comment.

I’m just one of those players that regardless if I participate in a type of content I don’t demand or request it to be removed.

That’s what fueled some of my outburst replies at the height of the “remove LFR” days.

i honestly don’t know, guess it depends on how bad your fear of heights translate to the game.