Dragonflight feels incredibly bare for $50. Virtually nothing added to the game at all

or bury your head in the sand saying lalala nothing is wrong wow is the top game of all the times in 2022 lalala…

theres a reason wow lost over 10m subs. itd be more popular if it was f2p

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Yeah, because they released several really bad expansion. Has nothing to do with it’s expansion/sub fees and a lack of quality content. That and it is a freaking old game, show me another MMO out there that is closing in on it’s 18 years old and still able to keep a paying player base? Most are lucky to be around for 2-3 years and the majority of them are F2P games.

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Player housing should’ve been released by now. No excuses at this point


ff14 is almost 13 years old and is now the biggest mmo

wow \

ff14 /

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So if you spend $150+ a year in subscriptions and pay $50 for a DLC, you’re entitled for providing feedback? Man you are truly delusional. No one wants a perfect game. We want progress, and for our voices to be heard. You’re throwing a fit and insulting people for asking for the BARE MINIMUM.

Because they listen to their players :grinning: It’s as simple as that!

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And it also has a sub fee…


you asked to say any other MMO that is wows age ff14 is closest and it is gaining players. and retaining them

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NTY, f2p wouldn’t make the game better at all, f2p spells the death of mmo’s, not a single good f2p mmo out there.


or you look for the bad in the f2p

ppl look at wow now and see a game made by perverts, sexual harassers and baby milk stealers.

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So then I will use FFXIV as an example that games can survive just fine with a monthly sub and expansion fees. So no reason for WoW to jump on the f2p train while it is still making tons of money using that model. All they need to do is get their act together and start releasing solid content once again.


thats never gonna happen

wow lost their driven and dedicated and creative minds

now its just corporate analyzing what systems to add to 10.1 and 10.2 since 10.0 will have little engagement


And I would be willing to bet you will be adventuring in DF this time next month. If you truly believe that statement, you will cancel and move on to another game.


Seriously… I stopped reading at “remove heroic dungeons because no one does them”.
Tell me you don’t play daily or play alts without telling me xD

People will complain to complain and be unhappy regardless of what they do.


Oh yawn.
pacman was $50 in around 1980, lmao
if youre too cheap to buy it, then dont


You might not, but many others do. And in a post complaining about there not being a lot of content, it really doesn’t make sense to want some removed.

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sure ever since legion i played a new wow xpac

legion was the last good expansion

They do, however, have the choice of what company to work for and if a company is up to your standards, well there are always others.

Then again I think this company should have a higher standard on game devs besides “They used to play the game and their background history is working as a lawyer.”

And DF isnt even live yet. lmao.

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You’re saying DF has a lack of new features, but almost nothing on your list outside of Heritage armor is actually a “feature” or really even “content”.

I don’t really care much for this irrelevant and frankly off topic “WoW should be F2P” argument yall are having but just wanted to mention that FFXIV does have a 100% free unlimited trial. You can level from 1-60 and play for an almost unlimited amount of time without a sub if you’re brand new. If WoW did this, it would be 1-60 being free, and 60-70 requiring purchase of DF and Sub. Personally… It would make a huge difference here, as it would bring in a ton of microtransaction purchases (WoW token, cosmetics from store, etc)