Hello all! This thread is created to discuss Elemental Shaman tree - talents, possible changes, improvements and even new talents into it.
To start, Elemental talent tree is decent. It has braches of Lightning (left part), elemental combos / Maelstrom management / Mastery (middle) and Fire (right part) and new talents are mostly useful - Flame Shock generating Maelstom helps with getting it while moving, Ancestral Wolf Affinity allows to decently reposition while using utility spells etc. However, some talents seem misplaced. Other talents seem too undertuned / unreliable and could use tweakings / buffs to make them better. Here is the list of suggested changes (you can see them visualized in the link below, remove space before com and to make things clear - red arrow is position change, yellow square means changes / tweaks to existing talent, green square means a new separate / choice node talent and green slash means addition of existing talent as a choice node to other talent).
imgur .com/a/w7FGX9U
Here is also short TLDR if needed:
- Elemental Blast is suggested to become a choice node with Earth Shock initially.
- Earthquake is suggested to become an optional talent to support ST damage builds and its upgrade Tumultuous Fissures is suggested to be buffed to become more competitive with Inundate.
- CD of Fire / Air Elemental is suggested to get reduced to 2 minutes to make it more synchronized with other CDs and some trinkets.
- Lightning Strike is suggested to become the Elemental Blast’s node replacement. It is a ST damage instant cast ability with CD that also buffs following Lightning Bolt usage, making it a synergizing talent with it and an additional mobility / burst damage tool for Elemental Shamans.
- Ascendance final upgrade is suggested to become a choice node between Further Beyond (current extension of it) and Improved Ascendance (that reduces its CD to 2 minutes), allowing to customize it better and give possibility to make it more aligned with some trinkets and other CDs.
- Flames of the Cauldron is suggested to be swapped with Improved Flamtongue Weapon. This would allow to make Lava Burst dedicated builds without necessity to take it and move all Flame Shock talents to a separate right branch, which is still accessible for people who would want to take them. If it is moved, it is also suggested to become a 2 point investment talent that would reduce Flame Shock CD by 1.5 / 3 seconds and make it tick 15% / 20% more frequently to help with Flame Shock application to 5-6 targets and Lava Surge proc generation.
- Power of the Maelstorm is suggested to be replaced with Melting Burst that would make Lava Burst’s damage scale with Shaman’s critical strike chance all the time, making it more synergizing with crit builds.
- Liquid Magma Totem CD is suggested to be reduced to 30 seconds (if needed, with its damage nerfs) to make AoE Flame Shock application tool more frequently available.
Full list of suggestions:
Row 1:
- Make Earth Shock a choice node with Elemental Blast
It was strange to see that many talents implicate and have different tooltips for Earth Shock / Elemental Blast, but EB is so far in the left tree and competes with a direct DPS increase Windspeaker’s Lava Resurgence. It should just be a choice node with Earth Shock, providing a choice between more frequent finisher and more expensive one that has stat bonus buff attached. Also, EB could use cast time reduced to 1.5s or even instant (as almost all classes have instant finishers, not castable) for Ele Shaman and if needed its damage / stat bonus buffed to justify its increased Maelstrom cost and make it a viable competitor with Earth Shock.
Row 2:
EDIT: Reduce Fire Elemental / Storm Elemental CD to 2 minutes, if needed, balance their damage accordingly. It is good that Blizzard made them a choice node, but 2 min CD would be a good addition, as it would allow both of them to synergize better with trinkets and 1 min CDs.
EDIT: Earthquake is a good ability, but it is currently mandatory to access left part of the tree and single-target DPS / PVP builds would often not need it.
Solution: Move Eartquake to the left, untie from Earth Shock and connect with Tumultuous Fissures choice node. Additionally, connect Earth Shock with Tumultuous Fissures choice node directly. This would make Eartquake optional for builds that do not need it, but still keep it connected with its upgrade choice node.
Please also consider making Earthquake deal Nature damage, as it is a Nature school ability and Physical damage is reduced by armor.
Row 3:
- Tumultuous Fissures seems a weak competitor to Inundate - it just gives 2.5% additional chance to knock enemies down with Earthquake compared to massive Maelstrom generation from utility abilities.
Solution: Make this talent also increase Earth Shock / Earthquake damage by X%. This will allow people to choose between possibility to generate them faster / with utility abilities or make them more powerful and create decent competition.
Row 5:
- Call of Fire seems undertuned compared to its analogue and competitor Call of Thunder.
Solution: Buff its damage bonus to 15% to match Call of Thunder bonus. This will also allow you to balance Storm / Fire Elemental damage with each other better.
EDIT: Row 6:
Electrified Shocks target cap change is confusing. It is supposed to synergize with Chain Lightning that hits 5 targets, but its cleave hits 4 targets. That seems not right.
Solution: Change its cleave back to 5 target cap. -
Change to Flames of the Cauldron that combined Flame Shock CD reduction with old effect is good, but FotC is also a prerequisite talent to Improved Flametongue. This is not very good, as some builds might want to be Lava Burst dedicated, but will need to take FoTC, even if they do not want it.
Solution: Swap positions of Flames of the Cauldron and Improved Flametongue. This would solve the mentioned issue and put all Flame Shock talents to its own right side branch that people, who want a dedicated DoT build or some Flame Shock improvements can still easily access.
If they are swapped, I also suggest to make Flames of the Cauldron a 2 point investment talent that would reduce CD of Flame Shock by 1.5 / 3 seconds and make it tick 15% / 20% faster. This would achieve 2 goals - make both prerequisite talents to Primal Elementalist choice node point investment balanced and make Flame Shock application to 5-6 targets easier if invested into it.
Row 7:
- Instead of Power of the Maelstrom RNG node, I suggest to create a talent called Melting Burst that would make Lava Burst scale its damage with critical chance in a similar way to Fire Ascendance effect, but constantly. This will solve an issue for Ele - one of his most impactful spells is not scaling with his preferred secondary stat Crit at all. This will achieve 2 goals - make Crit synergize better with Lava Burst and make Lava Burst damage chunkier for all builds (as they all have at least 5% crit), which many people would approve of.
Row 8:
As Elemental Blast is suggested to be moved to a choice node with Earth Shock, its node needs a replacement, which should also have Lightning element to match the theme of left subtree.
Solution: I suggest a talent called Lightning Strike there - it should be a bolt hitting enemy from the sky (to save working hours, it could just use a similar bolt animation to Thunderstorm without the end explosion animation), have instant cast, 20-30s CD, deal Nature damage, increase damage of next Lightning Bolt against affected enemy by X% and could generate Maelstrom to keep it a part of resource builder rotation. This would provide Elemental Shaman with access to an active burst damage ability that can be used immediately when needed and provides an additional cast on the move option. -
Liquid Magma Totem has too big CD for an ability that is intended to be Ele’s major AoE Flame Shock applier. For comparison, Enhancement can spread his Flame Shock with Lava Lash, which has 18s base CD.
Solution: Reduce CD of Liquid Magma Totem to 30 seconds, if needed, also reduce its damage to compensate.
Row 9:
- EDIT: Oath of the Far Seer 2 points investment seems excessive. While it provides bonus comparable to Elemental Equilibrium, EE has 30s CD and Ascendance could have 2-3 min CD, making the latter bonus much less beneficial.
Solution: Make Oath of the Far Seer 1 point investment. This lost point can be compensated with the addition of 2nd point investment to Flames of the Cauldron if it is switched with Improved Flametongue.
Row 10:
- EDIT: Ascendance being a 3 min CD is not good - it does not synergize well with neither trinkets nor other Ele CDs, even Fire / Storm Elemental. However, based on feedback in this thread, its extension possibility could be too much for a 2 min CD.
Solution: Make Further Beyond a choice node with Improved Ascendance that reduces its CD by 60 seconds (to 2 minutes). This should be a viable compromise - people who want to synchronize Ascendance with trinkets and other CDs can pick the Improved Ascendance upgrade and people who like its extension can pick the Further Beyond upgrade.
This sums up the list of my suggestions. Feel free to add your feedback and suggestions about what additions and changes could be made to Elemental Shaman talent tree. Thank you for reading!