Ele talents as of now seem to fit perfectly with earthshock builder one charge of sk and overload focus. Couple that with windspeaker primal elementalist and icefury and you have a great three caster school threat.
General is the only rough one to choose from as you have to decide between a lot of different defenses like improved shields spirit wolf natures guardian the list is endless. Ns sk will be a staple in dragonflight ele sham mark my words.
I think WLR being a capstone makes perfect sense - it is arguably the most impactful single point in the entire tree in single target. And within that framework, I understand why itās become a choice node with SFD. My bigger concern with the new location is that you have to path through either Searing Flames or Magma Chamber to get there, both of which are talents you only want in multi-dotting situations.
One potential solution here that I like is to swap the locations of Power of the Maelstrom and Searing Flames. This gives a strong single target option on the way to WLR while leaving Magma Chamber for funnel builds, while leaving Searing Flames in an easy spot to pick up for multidotting builds.
I can agree that Searing Flames / Magma Chamber 2 points are more beneficial for multi-dotting situations, while WLR is universal, but they are generally useful as well - Flame Shock generating Maelstrom gives Ele a non-CD (Icefury Frost Shocks) and non-utility-abilities (Inundate) way to generate it while moving and Magma Chamber, as small as it is against one target, is still a damage boost to Earth Shock. Though, I definitely would not mind if they make them both 1 point talents or allow to access WLR choice node directly from Primal Elementalist choice node.
This would be an excellent change. Although honestly at this point Iād rather them just leave the tree alone until launch. It is in such an amazing spot right now and I believe if they do another round of changes they will only make it worse in true Blizzard fashion.
I donāt think theyāll do this as it would make other capstones/powerful choices in the tree too easy to access with these excess points. We are intended to be limited a little
I can agree, that is why I did not suggest such changes to them in my post. But if for some reason Blizzard would make them 1 pointers - I would not mind
Iām really happy with this updated node, but I REALLY love the updates that theyāve given to all of our elementals. To me, it makes focusing on elemental play pretty interesting.
Iām really happy with this as well, especially since that it focuses the mid branch on Earth element play.
The only things that feel like odd placements now are Elemental Blast and Icefury (even though I LOVE the Electrified Shock node beneath it).
I mostly want Elemental Blast to be set closer to the Ascendance / Oath of the Far Seer / Further Beyond branch. Finally, one of those higher point Earth talents should bolster or do something neat with your Earth Elemental. I think a full focused Earth path for Shaman would be really fun to play.
Another request Blizzard, regarding the Deeply Rooted Elements talent. Could you either increase the percentage chance it has to trigger? A 7% chance based just on Lava Burst isnāt enough.
I think that one or two other long casting spells should be attached to Deeply Rooted Elements, particularly Elemental Blast, as this will give this some synchronicity with the additional talents of Oath of the Far Seer and Further Beyond. This way, the proc chance may still be low, but itād be a new playstyle revolving around Lava and Earth attacks.
Also, would it be possible for you to add one of the following to the Further Beyond talent: either the Deadened Earth anima power, or a charge to Earth Elemental.
Finally, would a new Ascendance, based on Earth, be feasible for Dragonflight? Maybe you guys worked on it previously, and it can be added somewhere in the Earth branch of the Elemental Tree? Thatād be hot.
Fire Elemental now again provides 100% increased duration for new Flame Shocks.
Good change!
New talent in 4th row: Flow of Power - increases Maelstrom generated by Lightning Bolt / Lava Burst by 2 and their overloads by 1.
I asked for it to be incorporated into Unrelenting Calamisty, but as a separate talent it is decent as well.
Electrified Shocks now affects 4 target totally, but had duration increased to 6 seconds.
Duration increase is welcomed, but why 4 targets? It makes Icefury cleave desync with Chain Lightning that hits 5 targets and were not these talents supposed to synergize with each other?
Surge of Power choice node moved to 6th row and is accessible from Echo of the Elements / Swirling Maelstrom.
Does not change much, but does not seem like a bad change.
Flames of the Cauldron got Flame Shock CD reduction incorporated (which is good), but as a necessary prerequisite to Improved Flametongue seems off. I suggest to swap their positions, so that all Flame Shock talents become an optional branch to the right and I think they should be so.
Master of the Elements is a 2 point talent now and its damage boost is capped at 20% again.
Decent change.
Tumbling Waves got replaced by Rolling Magma that reduces CD of Primordial Wave by 0.5 / 1 seconds per Lava Burst / Lava Burst overload.
Not sure about this change, but as it allows to bring PW closer to 30s CD to align with Elemental Equilibrium, it is more-less. Synergizes greatly with Heat Wave.
Splintered Elements got buffed to 10% Haste per Lava Burst and now is a choice node with Heat Wave, which gives Lava Surge procs on Primordial Wave cast and every 3 seconds after it for 12 seconds.
Now Heat Wave is huge. It is a replacement of current tier set bonus that is not tied to a pet, procs are more frequent and the CD itself is available more frequently as well. Big thumbs up for this upgrade, it deserves to be a capstone choice node.
Elemental Blast is my favorite ele shaman ability, Iāve always wanted it to be a spender for us because it makes so much more sense thematically then earth shock, us building up pure elemental maelstrom energy and unleashing it with an attack that combines all the elements together just makes sense, and also earth shock is lame and doesnāt feel good to press as a big hitter.
In its current implementation of being a talent that replaces ES I feel as if it will not be taken unless they make it blatantly OP because losing the instant cast nature of ES is a huge hit to mobility. If I have to go through another expansion of not using this spell because of balance like in BFA I will be pretty upset.
I think Ele Blast should be our default spender, and when I say that I donāt mean in its current state. It should act just like ES does now but with the elemental blast spell effect, Instant Cast, 60 MS, and remove the random secondary buff from it.
If blizzard wants to keep Earth Shock since its āiconicā they can repurpose it for something else idk what but I am sure they can come up with something. One quick idea I came up with was
Earth Shock- Blast the target with Earthen Force applying the Magnetic debuff to the target for X seconds causing all Earthquakes on the ground to slowly move towards that target.
I donāt know just something quick I came up with.
Earthen Rage-
So I know this passive damage increase was boring and not used much because it competed with Echo but I am going to miss the earth spikes animation. I wish Blizzard could somehow reincorporate this spell effect into something else. If they insist on keeping Earth Shock as our spender maybe they could add these earth spikes into its animation to add a little more oomph to casting Earth Shock.
Please make taking Primal Elementalist not change our elementals into the ugly cata models where all 3 are the same shape just colored different. Or at least give us an option to not using them, the default elementals look so much better especially since they got remade for higher resolutions and all 3 of them are unique looking.
Elemental Blast should just be a choice node with Earth Shock initially and tuned to be competitive (slightly better average output compensated by necessity to cast it, so you stand still and risk getting kicked on all schools at once).
I agree, spikes from Earthen Rage had quite cool animation and the ability itself was not that bad, so could be kept or incorporated into one of the talents.
I also support more customizations for Elementals.
EDIT: Feedback to latest Elemental tree changes:
Eartquake damage was severely nerfed.
Why? It is similar to live and here Elemental Shamans are not that powerful in AoE damage department to justify such nerfs. Please consider reverting / reducing this nerf. I also still suggest to make it an optional talent, so that ST damage builds could skip it.
Rolling Magma was nerfed by 50%.
Why? It provided around 10-15s CD reduction to Primordial Wave and helped to make it more synched with Elemental Equilibrium. Was that too much? I suggest to revert / reduce this nerf.
You destroyed the whole purpose of Primordial Wave by taking away āYour next lava burst will also hit targets affected by flame shockā Literally, primordial wave is nothing more that a glorified flame shock. āYour next lava burst will also hit targets affected by flame shockā Is what make the class so fun, and you stripped it away. Also, Ascendance used to be on a 2 min cooldown, it def should be back on 2 min.
Primordial Wave is an amazing ability that should be off the GCD and can be cast while casting a lavaburst (does zero damage just modifies the next lavaburst. That would be so much better for Eles as Healers currrently just sit there and wait for primordial to dispell all allies. Itād be faster to react to and actually feel good to play - similar to echoshock should be off the GCD as itās a joke when you see it people pop a defensive in that GCD or ground to ruin the go.
Echo shock is leaving, but primordial is here to stay. Itās a good ability that shores up one of Eleās weaknesses - ability to spread flame shocks quickly.
I have been playing elemental shaman in pre patch last couple of weeks and have decided to avoid the storm elemental builds simply to try messing around with the fire side. With chain harvest this is viable due to flame shock spreading and allowing flame shock to reduce the cooldown of the fire elemental and of chain harvest itself however this will not be an option in Dragonflight due to the loss of chain harvest.
Liquid magma totem could potentially be a replacement for this if as mentioned earlier in this post the cooldown were reduced to potentially a 30 sec. CD and reduced damage of the spell itself but perhaps affecting 4 targets with flame shock but cannot be on the same node with primal elemental.
The storm elemental builds haste buff was nerfed last patch due to accessibility issues of having to cast spells too quickly which would be an argument to allow some room to favor a fire elemental side but I feel the elemental spec needs a better way to spread flame shock as enhancement has received.