Dragonflight Collector’s Edition Codes

I mean, you could just wait for your physical copy. I get you may want the items now but no one is forcing you to buy two copies.

Upon thinking about this , this policy even though they’ve had it for several expansions now never struck me as customer focused it’s focused more for blizzard’s advantage.

It’s absurd blizzard, a billion dollar enterprise in the game development space , can not in this day and age of technology simply Upgrade the account of a CE preorder to the digital epic edition for all the in game benefits.

If the question is “but what if the CE purchase is canceled or refunded?”. It’s digital goods if there’s a cancellation or refund then the account status of the epic upgrade is removed along with digital “goods” like pets and mounts.

It should be that simple.


Maybe this time they don’t have the soundtrack ready yet. The CE already went into production a while ago I guess, but they’re obviously behind in development of the game and I think this might also affect the sound department.

Wow !! and I mean you are double tapping on OUR money ,I know you guys will give us(players) credit for that early purchased of the Digital copy ,BUT COME ON!!! your company is losing subscriptions Daily, cause all the scandals you have and poor costumer service …DONT YOU THING this is the time to gain some players BACK and worry about money later , allowed players to player the PTR and get in on the contest early they will have a lot input like on past EXPANTION don’t listen to the marketing Department!!! , or can be another reason LIKE you guys posting a produce a product that isn’t good and you holding your breath that people like it? …with a GREAT HIPE !! remember WE ARE PLAYER, WE know our way around computers and media one UNSATIFY costumer turn to two or three and so on you catch my drift …DO RIGHT TO YOUR COUSTUMERS

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It’s only annoying when you play from out of region, because you need to get your battle.net country swapped to something in region to get the balance, spend the balance and then swap back to your home currency. if you could get the original purchase directly refunded there wouldn’t be a need for these kind of shenanigans.

what a total ponzi.
Buy our something, to buy the same something again, to get a in store credit instead so you buy other of our somethings.

It’s perfect. It means my Diablo IV purchase is already complete, don’t have to worry about saving $ for it, since I will get battle.net balance for it. A game I would be purchasing either way. Really there’s nothing wrong with them doing it this way.

If they do Dragonflight as they did with Shadowlands. Either Fedex or UPS will deliver your CE on the day of release. That’s what they did with mine. Not buying the CE this time though.

Will you ship the box ahead of time this time around, so it’s here on day 1? I can’t think of a single reason why this has not been something always done.

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There’s actually a lot wrong with it, but I’m not going to wage that war here.

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Also wanting an answer/clarification on this. If You don’t get access to it then EB Games (Au Pre-purchaser here) needs to alter their product information as it states Drakks is included in the purchase currently. If I can’t claim it when I have indeed “Pre-ordered” without also purchasing one of the digital options then it should be called “Digital pre-order” bonus.

pretty sure the collectors edition will just include drakks, even if you redeem the code in 10 years from now. the Collector’s edition is a different license from the Digital Deluxe/Heroic/Epic Edition ones.

Exactly. Linking accounts is not exactly a tough thing now days. Twitch, Amazon, etc… are all linking accounts. It wouldn’t be a stretch to link your battlenet account to the store.

In the description of the physical CE on the gear store “Murkastrasza Pet & Drakks Pet” is listed as being part of the goodies you get when you redeem the code. Doesn’t mention anything about a preorder, or a redeem-by date, you just get them period. Presumably even if you don’t redeem the CE code until next year or 10 years from now.

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Just as it has worked for literally every CE so far, including the original WoW. If you can find an unredeemed 1.0 CE and can afford it, redeeming the code now will still grant you a Mini Diablo pet.

So, I have asked NUMEROUS times…

Do we have a fixed date for the Physical Collector’s Edition? I don’t have a problem waiting, but, waiting until 12/31/22 is no bueno.

A guesstimate at the very least?!?

Whatever day Dragonflight is released is the day you will get it. When I got mine for Shadowlands It had a sticker on it that said do not deliver until this date. It was Shadowlands launch date.

Yeah Blizzard is just a joke on this topic. Like its almost hard to argue because I feel its arguing with a crazy person – they just don’t get it.

They have no valid excuse for what the players are asking for. Any excuse they give is BS.

Flat out 100%.

The tech is certainly there (and to be honest the tech’s been around for years) to simply handle it this way…

  1. I put in my order and make my payment for a CE (which I have no real interest in btw, this is just for example)

  2. Blizz gets my payment they digitally upgrade my account with the Epic digital version.

  3. Then I just wait for the CE box to arrive as per normal schedule to get those items.

That’s it DONE. Issue closed.

So the excuses they could probably use…

“Smart guy what if they CANCEL the purchase of the CE and get their CC company to refund the purchase”.

Your crew doesn’t have the chops to build tech that would just remove the Epic upgrade and its digital items from the account that cancelled the CE purchase?

Don’t even pretend to come back with how “its not that simple”. Other companies been doing this stuff for years, also I work in IT myself (for real btw not just that silliness where magically someone is from IT when they are talking about an IT complaint or issue) and we can upgrade and down grade / remove/add to accounts various things on demand if people don’t pay. I don’t work for a game company, but data is data.

I mean the digital goods are soul bound right so they can’t sell it away from their account – if they aren’t then you just MAKE them soul bound as a condition to anyone buying the CE so they can’t do a loophole on you (order CE → get digital goods → cancel CE → AH digital goods).

I mean you guys do a lot of crappy stuff to insult and alienate players, and I’m not even talking about the your legal issues with harassment. Then you have your fake “we’ll do better, please give us a chance BS”…well you guys still do a game like this.

UNLESS/UNTIL a player can cash out B.net balance you are gaming the CE system for your own benefit. Players get a credit they can ONLY SPEND WITH YOU!

Its a comedy of errors of sorts watching your company. You do bad stuff, you do fake apologies, then you do bad stuff again…you say you are changing…CHANGE already! We aren’t an immortal species blizz !! LOL…How much time you need!


Solution is easy, release the digital version two days or so after physical copies are delivered. It’s so simple a child could think of it.

At this point it becomes a sales policy issue, not an IT issue.