Unserious is claming the bible has been “heavily edited” when there isn’t a case to be made, but I’m ceasing here, I don’t care for forum position but this isn’t on topic.
“Imma slip in one last dig, but everyone else has to stop now!” he says.
You’re right, “edited” is a poor choice of word, when the entire thing was fabricated wholecloth and arbitrary jumbled together from random ravings circa 300 CE by the Council of Nicaea.
Last I checked the Crusade were not attacking the Alliance, they are friendly and acutally recruiting new members from the basement of The Church of Stormwind… so yeah. That’s easily debunked.
That’s pretty much New Age religion and its dependance on ayahuasca and peyote.
The Oracle of Delphi was huffing ethanol gas. According to Plutarch (who served as the temple’s high priest for a time) and other ancient authorities, gaseous emissions induced the Pythia’s trance state. Modern scientists concluded it was ethanol.
Humanity has relied on entheogens to have religious experiences since the dawn of it’s existence. Yes.
The Scarlet Crusade is not friendly to the Alliance at all.
There is one NPC who is friendly in the depths of the Stormwind Cathedral, Brother Crowley, who when he actually did something (from Vanilla to Cataclysm) was unaware of what the Crusade was doing in the north and thus attempted to recruit the player into their ranks. That quest chain eventually ended in Southshore where you’d run into Raleigh the Devout, who informed you that the Scarlet Crusade was corrupted, that they were committing horrible acts in the north and they needed to be stopped.
However, every single other Scarlet Crusade NPC in regions where the Scarlet Crusade operates is hostile. Literally every single one. If you were Alliance and you wandered up to the Scarlet Monastery, you’d be attacked by the NPCs there. If you went to Hearthglen and Tyr’s Hand pre-cataclysm when they were both Scarlet Crusade strongholds you’d be attacked.
In Northrend if you went to New Hearthglen every Scarlet NPC there attacked you. They were not friendly towards you in the slightest.
Hell, there were plenty of Alliance quests that asked you to kill the Scarlet Crusade and thin their ranks, so yeah, no, the Scarlet Crusade was not friendly to the Alliance. Remember Raleigh the Devout? He literally gave Alliance players quests to go into the Scarlet Monastery and kill its leaders.
Yep, I am aware he exists. I literally covered that in my post.
Every other Scarlet Crusade NPC apart from him and Shill Dinger (who is a prisoner in Blackrock Depths who does not attack you when you open his cell) is hostile to Alliance players. And in the case of Shill Dinger, he would turn hostile and attack the player if you were doing the Marshal Windsor escort quest from vanilla. But since that quest chain was removed, he no longer turns hostile.
Here’s a few examples of Alliance quests (some old and no longer available, others still obtainable) where you kill members of the Scarlet Crusade.
I once served the Scarlet Crusade with honor, loyalty and pride. I believed their cause to be a noble one: to rid Azeroth of the undead.
But as I spent time at the Monastery in Tirisfal Glades I realized that their grasp on reality was slipping. They now think everyone is plagued who doesn’t wear the tabard of the Crusade. Innocent men and women were tortured because they were supposedly plagued.
The Scarlet Crusade must be crushed in the name of the Light. You, , must destroy the deranged regime.
My old enemy, High General Abbendis, has come to Northrend.
Somehow she survived the attacks on Tyr’s Hand and brought a small force north. They’ve established New Hearthglen to the south.
While they could prove useful in fighting the Scourge, Abbendis herself is far too shrewd an opponent to let live. Trust me, if we let them stand, she will be at our throats before the dust settles.
So, we’ll deprive them of their leadership and go about our business. Bring me her head as proof.
Alliance affiliated faction of religious racial supremicists. The Alliance will never escape that.
They shouldn’t whitewash this.
They are not Alliance affiliated.
Again, aside from a single NPC that no longer does anything and just sits around in the Stormwind Cathedral, the Scarlet Crusade is hostile to the Alliance.
At one point, before they became the zealous, supremacist faction that both the Alliance and Horde have quests to slaughter they might have been friendly to the Alliance, but that was pre-WoW. Since 2004 the Scarlet Crusade has been an enemy faction for both the Alliance and Horde.
I’ll mention the Alliance-friendly Scarlet guy in Desolace before someone else does, but his chain ends the same way; send you to learn the Crusade is corrupt.
There’s maybe three NPCs, all clueless to the corruption, who are Scarlet and Alliance-friendly.
The Crusade as a whole is not friendly to anyone once the corruption set in.
They are as much of an Alliance organization as the Defias are.
That’s basically the same quest chain that I mentioned above, yeah.
Brother Crowley sends you to Brother Anton in Desolace. Brother Anton asks you to obtain a relic, and then once you’ve done that, he sends you to Raleigh the Devout in Southshore. Raleigh is the one who informs you the Scarlet Crusade has gone completely off its rocker and needs to be stopped.
The reason I didn’t mention Brother Anton as a friendly Scarlet NPC now is because as of the Cataclysm he’s dead. His corpse can be found in the same location he sends you to obtain the relic.
That’s also why I didn’t mention any of the Scarlet NPCs from the Naxxramas patch in vanilla. NPCs like Scarlet Commander Marjhan, Huntsman Leopold, Rohan the Assassin etc, because while they may have been neutral/friendly to the Alliance and Horde during that period of the game, as of the Cataclysm they are all Risen undead and you get quests to kill them all in Tyr’s Hand.
Nothing constructive to add here, just admiring maybe the best out of context quote ever stated on the Warcraft forum.
Yeah, it’s pretty explicit in the quest chain. If there ever was any form of overlap between the Scarlets and the Alliance at all, it’d’ve been before the Scalet’s corruption settled in. As soon as their zealotry was learned, the Alliance’s response was simple; they are enemies now, and to be eliminated.
I’m all down for bringing up Alliance Shame and all that, but this isn’t it. There’s nothing here.
Now the fact the Stormwind Scarlet NPC does live in an actual torture chamber in the Cathedral’s basement?
That we can all talk about!!
The Delfias are also Alliance afilliated. They are the Stormwind freemason’s guild. They literally built Stormwind.
They are Alliance citizens.
Dunking on the alliance is always a fun pastime. Never gets old.
You are confusing past and present.
The Defias were the Stonemason’s Guild. The Defias then became a criminal organization setting out to destroy Stormwind.
They are as much Alliance-affiliated due to a prior membership as blood elves are Alliance-affiliated due to prior membership.
No they are not.
What they ‘were’ is irrelevant to what they became. By the time we ran into them they were bandits, thugs, thieves etc. Enemies of the Alliance and we were literally tasked with killing them.
The stonemasons were independent of Stormwind and rejected the offer to officially become Stormwinds ‘freemasons guild’. That offer was intended to be a “peace offering” from the Nobles who did not have the gold to pay what was owed. Although Baros Alexston, a member of the Stonemasons did accept the offer.
The nobles refused to pay us for our work. Some of the more senior of the Stonemasons were offered governmental jobs, but VanCleef refused it out of loyalty to all the Stonemasons. He led a riot and left the city, swearing revenge.
They were hired to do so. If I pay you to build something, are you suddenly on my team?
They are back in the Alliance now as of the Human Heritage quest. They never stopped being afilitated with the Alliance thet were just anti-monarchy.
No, they’re not. Had you played the human heritage quest chain you’d know that.
The Defias Brotherhood was effectively disbanded by Vanessa VanCleef during the human heritage quest chain. A new guild, the Breadbasket Guild has risen up in its place and they’ve chosen to reject their past as Defias and start anew.