However it happened, Baal got his hand on the book and now we know some of what it contains.
My first thought, at least they didn’t forget Chromatus.
However it happened, Baal got his hand on the book and now we know some of what it contains.
My first thought, at least they didn’t forget Chromatus.
I saw Goriona was listed under the Twilight Dragonflight section.
Here’s hoping we find out exactly what happened after she exited the Dragon Soul raid.
Where’s the Pictures?
I mean you can ask Baal, personally the pictures I am ok with him not showing so people would actually buy the book. I’m more interested in the lore.
my one image summary for the book
Only “new” specific lore, or interesting bits otherwise:
The more information we get, the more evident it becomes that Dragon Flight underwent some real rewrites and course corrections mid-stride and I’m really curious as to why.
At least with regards to Merithra the answer is pretty obvious, most people did not want Ysera back and Merithra should clearly have just taken over.
I wouldn’t view that as a contraction. I always figured that Tyr was studying elemental proto dragons that he captured.
Oh another piece of information:
There were no elemental dragons at this time according to this book, they are a “reverse progression” post-Ordering dragons
Furthermore the questline uses the Incarnate’s models in the “memory” data
God I love Dadghar.
So, uh.
Who’s the first druids now?
They did some weird stuff with the history of the Kaldorei in this book. Like having the Kaldorei somehow be big on arcane before Azashara made it a thing. They were supposed to of been kinda a dinky kingdom around the well and into hyjal before Azashara went meglomania empire building.
The girl reading this
Presumably Trolls or Tauren
surely you jest Blizzard would say such a thing.
I swear, if they canonized Xarantaur because of Dragons.
well they are def affirming both in this patch and in this book there were druids as long as there have been mortals vibing with nature and/or wild gods on azeroth
so at the very least the “you’re only a super duper real super official totally real druid if cenarius trained you” is thrown out the window
I wonder how they are going to square that with them also still not deconanonizing Malfurion is The First Druid. Seems like they contradicted themselves.
Which is sort of… what blizzard does to be fair. Given they do the point of view thing now they can just say any mistakes in the book were because Khadgar’s sources are not accurate.
I mean, so what’s the exact text here? Because depending on how it’s phrased that’s important.
Malfurion wasn’t the first Nature user. Or the first person who used Druidic magic. He was, however, the first Druid (I mean, obviously, before now.)
We know we had Nature users from Legion and the Arcan’Dor, before the Night Elves turned fully to Arcane.
And we know from Well of Eternity books that there were people who used Nature magic before Malfurion, but they were no longer really “mortal” or recognizable as the same form.
Hedge witches from Gilneas were also nature users, but sort of proto-druids. Mentioned even by Medivh in the Last Guardian as using arcane/nature magic on crops.
Being an actual Druid was presented as being something different. So does it say like, archaic nature users? Which we know have existed, or does it say there were just other mortal races who were actively Druids?
I guess it’s also important to realize that it’s from Khadgar’s point of view, so anything is theoretically up for interpretation? I don’t know how hard that is taken in the book.
*Important from the standpoint of Blizzard deciding down the line to change any of it.
Apparently from the moment Kaldorei existed they became mages and druids somehow. they used the term druid directly.
I am also curious why Faerie dragons would ever lead the dark trolls to the well. That is a very long way for creatures with the attention span of gnat to lead anyone, unless they are saying Elune guided the faerie dragons as creatures of her domain to guide the trolls.